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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. You keep bumbling around these threads "not knowing" anything. Can you just see whats happening and come to a clear understanding already? How much longer do you need to make a stance? It's pretty simple dude. One mans terror group is another mans freedom fighters. WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND IT!!!!
  2. Your post is the equivalent of making fun of sandy hook. Taking a serious thing and being disrespectful about it. Imagine if the sandy hook shooter complained that he didn't feel safe. How is what I said more hateful than what you said. Would you rather me go along with the BS The Jews are committing genocide yet you are asking why genocide is being committed against Jews. Absurd
  3. This is exactly the reason why people dream of you being dead. Because you are so frustrating
  4. Theres two problems. 19th century thinking is actually what lead us here so maybe it was good. Sex positivity is a made up word
  5. It was 4 years of torture but I appreciate it now. He would also make mistakes due to being unskilled but I think he would do them on purpose. Just a feeling
  6. I had a quiet zen teacher who always knew I would do wrong but wouldn't tell me and would just watch me walk into a hole. Why?
  7. @RightHand Owen is a good example of practicing and getting really really good at the wrong thing
  8. He approached my friend who owns a hotel to do a video. During the filming process my friend said he got scammy artificial vibes from him. He is just a kid btw
  9. You can read books or you can ask the people who were there
  10. Why is it conspiracy to consider that someone speaking against certain agendas will become a target?
  11. Thats why I said it's an argument. Thats what the new debate is nowadays thats being sold. Some are being monopolized though
  12. The new argument is that social media is allowing big name men to monopolize all the hottest women globally. I guess these guys have assistants that spend all day finding the best tail
  13. Elections are hopeless. Best thing is just to move to a red or blue state
  14. A funny thing is Israelis will keep forgetting this and think they win over on Palestine because of their own strength
  15. Burn your passport. Put your money where your mouth is
  16. If you want peace then prepare for war
  17. And can you explain one last time how the land belongs to you?
  18. Where were your grandparents born?
  19. Palestine belongs to the Palestinians
  20. All this sounds amazing except when it happens to you. If someone stole YOUR country. How would that make you feel?
  22. The whole anti semitism thing was just a guilt trip. Israelis will throw it in your face as a deflection. They say everyone in the world hates them even though they are the only ones allowed to do whatever they want and nobody stops them. So the world isn't as anti semitic as they want you to believe BUT in the past 4 months they have bred so much hate that it now actually maybe a problem. People think that Hamas is just gonna get larger but never consider that new groups will be invented in that region. So it won't just be Hezbollah ISIS or the Taliban there will be many many new organizations maybe a dozen all causing never ending havoc. They will all just start popping up one by one establishing themselves and making themselves known. Everything is so close and connected there. It's true that peace there wont be complete without the freedom of Palestine. These new organizations will have learned the lessons and mistakes of the past ones and develop new advanced levels of "terrorism" both physical and cyber now that there is social media. Not only will it cause havoc in that region but they will attack western countries like the current organizations do. And then to make it even worse the governments of those western countries will turn on its own people and use these attacks to implement surveillance so imagine more patriot act type laws and cameras to protect from the "terrorism" that is being provoked This will manifest in unpredictable and predictable ways and extremely horrific ways for years to come and it's going to cause so much suffering