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Everything posted by HeartCoder

  1. I like this point of view of eliminating things you are a slave to. Like getting rid of the bad weeds so that your authentic flowers can emerge more easily. Have the wisdom to differentiate shallow pleasure from deep happiness that comes from within. - The former comes from satisfying desires you may become addicted to (food, sex, games...) - The latter is something money can't buy. It just surprises you. It's something nobody can take away from you, except yourself if you don't nurture it. It can be tricky sometimes, We're all after feeling good and avoiding the pain of feeling bad. However good and bad are two faces of the same coin. One doesn't come without the other. Another rule you can use to guide you: Does this bring me short-term or long-term happiness? Will I regret it tomorrow, next year, in my old days? Or will I cherish and treasure it in my memories, as a gift or something I'm proud of?
  2. Allow me to deposit some of my thoughts on it. This whole question about what one authentically wants is so basic yet so profound. I'd argue this should be our biggest concern and obsession in life until we're clear enough to switch to execution mode. I can relate 100%. I wonder how people can "live by" without asking such questions. Posting here your messages shows how concerned you are. This alone is a powerful force. Most people don't take the time and energy to answer this seemingly trivial question. They don't contemplate it, they don't take it seriously. They conform. As it's easier to become influenced by our surroundings than to influence them. They get content to live an OK life. Which is the greatest dream killer of all. Disrupt your mental/intellectual activity and listen to your emotions/heart. This may look counter-intuitive, especially in our time and society which value intellectual accomplishment and a perfect curriculum. The thing is, your emotions don't lie. - Your heart won't drum up your whole body for no reason. - Your tears won't fall over your face without a deep connection within yourself. This is the kind of truth you seek for. Not being deceived by what you should do in your life, or listening to advice. Let me ask you: - Have you ever been with a person, an animal, or in a place, where there's a deep delight flowing, emerging, without you having any explication for it? That you felt so grateful for? - Have you ever experienced a seemingly insignificant activity, have you experienced moments in your life that moved you? Those kinds of magic moments that justify life's worth all by themselves? Can you spot the difference between living decades of your life in a dull, lifeless manner, and one where emotions flow from within bringing a self-rewarding loop with a sense of responsibility and honor to share it with the world?