Lady Peacock

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About Lady Peacock

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  • Birthday September 2

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  1. Indeed short and simple, it was powerful and just what I needed, thank you for posting
  2. Thanks,, I will follow your advice. Do you have a practical step that I can take to ' look inwards' ?
  3. Wow thanks for that very encouraging response. My weakness is that I DO beat myself up, even when I know I am doing it, sometimes this awareness is not enough to stop me from doing it. How do I resolve that ? Haha The reason I am beating myself up today is because I aim to wake up at 4-4.30 every morning for spiritual time I.e meditation and prayer. I started a pray and fast with my friend today. We prayed together at 5am and then I fell back to sleep and woke up 3 hours later. I've been in a bad mood ever since because I missed my personal spiritual time and my morning gym session. I feel like I can't stick to anything and am therefore a good for nothing person, as I'm reading this I'm seeing that im being hard on myself, but knowing that isn't making me feel better... Im stuck in a web. God damn it
  4. Hey, yeh I can relate to what you are saying. I have had that enlightenment experience but I've recently fallen in to the ' trap' again and now I'm struggling with self condemnation like, . ' how can you let yourself fall for this trick when you already know it's a lie, you will never get back to where you were before' .....that kind of thing. And right now I feel Ike I don't care about helping myself ( even though I do really ).....I should know better than this since I've been doing meditation for years. Continuity isn't my strong point though. I like to experiment with lots if different methods of spirituality but can't do everything every day so tend to swap and change. Guess I need to stick to a routine like Leo said in his video. It really is the key to success. Anyway, thanks for the tip, I'm gonna make a new commitment today.
  5. Great topic and nice to hear people having such though provoking discussions. Very interesting point about dreaming. After practicing prayer and meditation ( which is another form of prayer) I now know that no situation has any instrinsic truth within itself. I believe that when our third voice/ higher self/ Christ consciousness/ Holy Spirit, uses a situation to speak to us, the message we receive is real and true. If we don't pray ahead of time or do meditation, then we will never experience anything real in our whole life because we never open up the door for this higher level of communication to enter in to our situations. Assumptions, opinions, judgements, decisions, conclusions ......are all part of the dream. Ephesians 5:14 "awake you, the one sleeping and rise up out from the dead and Christ wil shine on you"
  6. This topic is pretty on key for me at the minute. I've been trying to 'detach' myself from the body for a while but whenever I have physical discomfort I still can't over come that within my mind. The discomfort still stops me from living. Ayla, do you have any tips on how I can overcome this thought- body attachment?
  7. Name: Louise Cunningham Gender: Female Location: British citizen, currently living in Bangkok Thailand Occupation: Life Coach, specializing in spiritual development and daily problem solving + HR consultant Hobbies: Meditation, fitness gym, reading self help books, writing/ journaling, prayer, conduct practical studies on thoughts, emotions, human behavior, beliefs systems, ‘religions’ and philosophy. It’s difficult for me to track my exact journey of self development because I think I was just born to be this way , however one time of my life does stand out as a catalyst that pushed me much deeper and that was when I went on a strict diet plan (Candida diet). I had strict times that I could eat and only eat certain foods. While on this diet I had no choice but to master my emotions, otherwise I would have failed. During this time I was very depressed as I had my own business which I was struggling to cope with. I began practicing meditation and wham bam thank you mam….it was a great success. After some life changing experiences during my mediation, I decided I wanted more and went to live in a Buddhist monastery for a few months in the UK before deciding to ordain as a Buddhist nun. Then I lived and worked in the biggest Buddhist temple in the world in Thailand for a year and practiced mediation with the most profoundly enlightened monks, probably on the planet. My next plan was to go to Shri Lanka to ordain but then I realized that enlightenment is freedom, not conformism. After I made the important distinction between Buddhism and meditation, I felt that I can do meditation anywhere, so I became a Life Coach and am also working as a HR/ Cultural Awareness Consultant in Bangkok. I also went on to become a Certified Pranic Healer as part of my investigations in to the mysterious world of human beings :-) After brushing over many different 'religions', I delved deeply in to the Bible and Christianity which had also helped me to put life in to a bigger picture. Personal Challenges I’ve overcome: · Bulimia · Depression, anxiety, stress, social anxiety. · Mental /emotional abuse · Party life style · Self criticism/ condemnation · Unforgiveness towards others · Victim mentality · Letting other peoples opinions be the benchmark for my worth · Acting on impulse · Not accepting things the way they are What I’m working on now · A Deeper level of presence at all times · Improving health and diet · Building Life Coaching Business · Writing books · Reducing sex trafficking in Thailand · Raising awareness about spiritual abuse · Building relationships with like minded people · Making sure I laugh at least once a day · Congratulating myself at least once a day · Using numbers (maths) more regularly