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Everything posted by Fearless_Bum

  1. @The0Self yes that's a good one. Helps with sleep for sure. And overall work stuff.
  2. @Illusory Self that's interesting considering it's used for lucid dreams. Qhat dose did you use?
  3. So 3 days ago covid started to show up, I've been dealing with fever, eyes burning and tearing up, sweating a lot, mild cough. I just want to know, how long does this last? A week? 2 weeks? Today I'm feeling better, just low energy, sweating a lot in my sleep ?, coughing, throat hurts when I swallow.
  4. @Username why not just search for huperzine A capsules? Nutrients has Huperzine A capsules they're a good brand.
  5. @Gregory1 thanks! ?
  6. @Username oh no, you need to make sure you're getting Huperzine A specifically. You probably bought huperzia serrata.
  7. @Gregory1 yep, I got my 2nd dose about 2-3 months ago.
  8. @Username keep in mind the dosages are measured in micrograms! Also, I got covid and it was a blessing as I got time to feel what it's like without any stimulant or substance. I've let go of nootropics and caffeine and stuffs. Only magic mushroom tea ?. May stick to matcha green tea and cacao.
  9. I got it too ?. I spent a night with a racing heart, sweating like crazy, eyes burning and tearing up, feverish. It's like day 3 maybe and I'm less feverish with the help of some Naproxen. My throat hurts like a MF though and I'm sluggish.
  10. @B222 this is still continuing the narrative of "I'm incomplete". Watch out for that. It's a sneaky way of continuing to believe that somethings wrong with you.
  11. You want people's awareness that's all, that's why you care about them caring about you. What if we could apply that same love, care, attention to ourselves? What if all the awareness that's needed is your own? What if attention/focus is Love?
  12. No. "I am the only being that exists." ^ belief about a separate self.
  13. @Sugarcoat The attachments is fine in my opinion, like it's actually impossible to be unattached. Really, what do you think will happen when all the "attachments" disappear? That you'll sit all day like a zombie and that is freedom? Notice that people speak of no longer being attached to anything, but when you look at how they live their lives, they still have attachments! Perhaps it is actually a misguided belief that one can be completely free of attachments. Honestly though, are there even attachments? Or is there a belief in a separate self who is attached?
  14. @mandyjw ?. Being in touch with feeling/focus is the most loving thing one can do .
  15. @Godishere there is no beyond or ordinary life really, those are beliefs. When you talk about what was seen you automatically turn it into deception, as it implies that something can be seen. Also, watch out for the trap of confusing a psychedelic experience with a veil being lifted, I suspect this is what's going on. A psychedelic experience is a psychedelic experience, nothing more. You may be experiencing pleasure from a psychedelic, then calling that an awakening, and then saying that anything that isn't that sucks, see the loop here? That's like saying "crack raises my consciousness, but once I comedown I need to learn how to live in the ordinary world." The answer is in your question, they are used as pointers. But the "spiritual teachers" don't actually believe in them as I suspect you are, no offense sir. Yes correct. All conceptual baggage. What's really happening here is the belief in a separate self is what is sapping the energy of the living being, and this sense of strain is used to strengthen the belief in a separate self: "I'm suffering". In meditation, the belief is starting to be seen more clearly, and in desperation, you search for concepts from others as a distraction.
  16. @B222 simply expressing every emotion clearly, while not getting caught up in beliefs about "me" "you" or "them". When there are beliefs of a "you" or "me". Being yourself is a pointer and honestly a shitty one, as it implies that there is a self to be. What is pointed to is recognizing the living being that is there, feeling that living being. Have you ever noticed? All those thoughts, and the living being is always wise and at peace? Recognize the wisdom of the body, it operates on its own, thought is like the fly buzzing in its ear, saying "I'm doing that!".
  17. @Godishere I'm raising my hand over here! "What are we?" Is an attempt to gain more knowledge and hold that knowledge as a belief. Notice how Nahm said something that appears to have shaken up your belief, and in an attempt to wiggle into another belief, you ask "What are we?". Meditativeness is it. Meditativeness is taking action, not relying on people's concepts.
  18. There are no shitty behaviors you're blind to. All that's there is the belief that there are shitty behaviors that you're blind to, and unknowingly that is creating them. I say what's wrong with being yourself? We make progress out of Love, not fear. This makes the difference between a millionaire who's miserable and someone who really has wealth.
  19. @Whatever you mind clarifying? Other relationships that one toward yourself? What I mean by the focus stuff, is that focus is quite literally creation, there's nothing in your experience that isn't focused on. If the thought arises "but there are things that aren't focused on." That is just being focused on. May take some observation, a bit difficult to wrap the mind around. Self centeredness stems from focusing on thoughts about "me" and "you". And nothing against relationships, I like them.
  20. @Whatever focus is creation. Recognize in this present moment that there is nothing that is "not focused on". The only thing there is is what is focused upon. Also, I don't mean to encourage solipsistic thinking, or about defending oneself from others or isolationist behaviors.
  21. @Vibroverse this is just circular thinking, what value does this story have for your life? Idk maybe you have special cat powers.
  22. There are no senses, the mind cuts up reality into different senses.
  23. Oh I saw your post and read it. Honestly you wouldn't like what I have to say. I don't like to give away to much about myself on this forum but I've been down some rabbit holes before and know the stubbornness that comes with it. The question is are you hungry enough to save yourself? No one can give you that hunger. Only you can find it. You can only hurt yourself for so long, I know soon enough you'll realize it's better to keep your head up for no reason at all but to just be happy, and that people will be inspired by you. I wish you the best my friend ❤?. Oh also: there are people who want to help you out there, just ask.
  24. @KatiesKarma where does the despair come from? Genuinely curious. Give me the summary ?.