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Everything posted by Fearless_Bum

  1. In my observation, I find that fear much like love, is misunderstood. Yesterday It hit me that fear doesn't need to be there, and it started leaving the body, the tensions have begun melting away now. (Not just a surface level "why be afraid?" , but a very REAL-ization of the uselessness of fear). I notice that anytime I'm mad at my family or call them toxic or feel avoidant with them, it's really just fear. Why not just let it go? Fear has never helped or changed the situation, so like a useless tool, why not just throw it out right? There's something deep about fear, it's not just like surface level fears but it's a fundamental game of defensiveness. I notice that when fear arises, there is fear of the fear that is arising, so it's like an empty onion of fear if that makes sense. Or like defensiveness that just defends itself against the defensiveness and spirals into empty fear.
  2. @bloomer for clarification, I'm speaking of fear as in misunderstanding. Not the release of adrenaline.
  3. In the very beginning just basic breath awareness meditation. In the middle self inquiry style practice, questioning who's really there. Now just body awareness, but in all honesty there really isn't a certain practice, as it's easy to just be, and it occurs to one at this point that meditation is reality. I'm not sure what you mean by what is the nature of the shifts, like their substance? I'd say there isn't any. The real difference is that the vault of beliefs has been emptied out so much, that everything's changed really. For example, I don't even really look into differences between then and now. I also don't have any states really, as a state is created when I look into the past/memory and then call it a state then wish I could be in that state. Free and weird which is awesome. Like on one hand I'm pretty normal, I'm working out, trying different diets and feeling their impact. On the other hand, there is mostly just reality, nowadays I am the embodiment of the word mindfuck. I have no clue where I am anymore no joke, there's just BOOM energy and that's it. Interestingly enough, I was sitting in my chair yesterday and suddenly realized that sensation/energy is all there is and it's here right now. Suddenly the distinction between in breath and out breath disappeared and I was just sitting down soaking in this energy, the distinction between all senses disappeared. Before then I had emptied out the 4 senses, but the sense of touch was the hardest to let go of. But now I'm here working just being a normal guy, and that memory is just a memory, what's here is here and that's all that matters. Also just to shake up your brain a bit, notice that most spiritual aspirants want to be free from samsara but slaves to nirvana.
  4. @softlyblossoming oh nice, if that helps you be in touch with raw sensation then continue for sure!
  5. @Kamo recognize a belief, and from then on take deep breaths and trust that the belief will rest and fade away. Meditation is what let's beliefs settle and fade away.
  6. @softlyblossoming I would experiment with different meditation techniques, the best technique is the one that puts you in touch with raw experience more. On the other hand, noticing beliefs and dropping them is essential. For me I did breath awareness for a while, then moved on to self inquiry, then body awareness. The confusion of the self is like an onion, you gotta dissolve each layer of beliefs by simply noticing them as beliefs. Notice that you're beliefs are so sneaky, as you don't see your beliefs as beliefs, rather you take them on as what's just true. Anytime you assume something in regard to this existence (time, space, the existence of others, etc.), step back and notice that you actually think said thing is true, therefore it being a belief doesn't even cross your mind.
  7. Change and unchanging can be transcended. Even change is actually not truth.
  8. @Tim R the good ol yogi/monk trap: Becoming attached to Non-Attachment.
  9. @Consilience Admitting that suffering is present is great as the very first step, as it allows us to inspect: what is suffering really? Its just as helpful as reading an eckhart tolle book in the very beginning, but eventually it becomes an obstacle. The recognition that somethings off (suffering) isnt the same thing as the beliefs about things being off, make sense? Like if I recognize that a certain food doesnt feel good, that isnt the same as the beliefs I hold about the food, or the discomfort it causes. Make no mistake, theres certainly teachers who are Neo-Advaitan / Bullshitters and im not at all defending this person in the vid in the OP. Im really honing in on the beliefs about suffering present rn. The teacher finds the student, and the students find the teacher. Ive seen people posting videos from literal cult leaders on here showing them off as great spiritual teachers, I face palm and move on knowing that it is what is necessary for their personal growth. I cant do much about it as theyd just try to beat me in an argument, and that gets them no where. Anna Brown is amazing actually once you grasp the simple innocence. Im pointing to the truth of what suffering really is, its a ghost. Thought associates the sensation of pain/discomfort with "you" and identification is created, "Im suffering". This is one of the ways that thought continues in the loop of misunderstanding. This is gonna sound crazy, but if youre fully 100% present: pain is indistinguishible from any other sensation. Because right here in this eternal void whats here is here, and when its fully felt, you cant know what it is or say this is different from that. That doesnt mean that if you push me off a cliff I wont scream, or that I wont cry if I break my legs.
  10. @Consilience if you see someone hungry, give him food. If you see someone in pain, help him. But sitting down and talking about the suffering of the world is a waste of energy and doesn't do anything. What's happening right this moment is the only thing that matters. This might sound cold, I'm trying to point to something here that is hard to type out. Maybe this will help: you can speak about suffering and pain all you'd like, really it's no problem, but if someone pulled a gun to your head, would thoughts about the suffering of the world be there? Hope you grasp what I'm trying to point to. And appreciate your response ?.
  11. @Consilience why is suffering so important to you?
  12. @museumoftrees easy fix ?, adding pink Himalayan salt to coffee not only restores electrolytes but it also neutralizes the acidity of coffee, not to mention the salt actually curbs sugar cravings.
  13. @Javfly33 I see what you're saying, what I'm pointing to is that maybe lifestyle/diet choices are more powerful than coffee. Like for example when I was eating and drinking coffee I was eating junk food, the food is what caused the lack of sleep, fatigue, etc. Coffee for me personally only gives crazy side effects if I drink a shitload or If I have it too late in the day. Consider it, maybe try experimenting and cleaning up your diet + exercising and continue your coffee habit. Eventually you can let it go sure but just give it a shot if you'd like.
  14. @BipolarGrowth go for it man, it's so subtle lol. Like one day I was thinking about people, then I was like "oh People is a belief, there are no people." And boom gone.
  15. @yolosmoothie *bows down gracefully, "and scene."
  16. @BipolarGrowth for a while I was caught in the Highs and lows, but one day the whole thing became transcendent and always remained, the only thing now is it just gets deeper and deeper. What ive realized is really that it all comes down to beliefs and what specific and subtle beliefs you let go. We can say that the shifts happen faster, the more the momentum builds then the more shifts happen. It's really just the flushing away of beliefs, because your "vault" of beliefs is lighter, then it makes it easier to spot more beliefs, contemplate them, then flush them out, increasing the momentum. It's quite shocking how simple and unbelievable it may seem, that it literally all comes down to beliefs. Like when I stopped believing that space exists, space just disappeared, when I stopped believing I had a body, it just disappeared.
  17. @BipolarGrowth yes! It's very "real" right? Like it's easy to float around in awareness and consciousness and all those words, but then BOOM, it hits you, smacks you awake. The energy ?.
  18. @Javfly33 I was always drinking coffee (for years) and the first time I fasted I only drank coffee and I actually had good sleep and energy levels. Even when I'd wake up in the morning before coffee I'd wake up easily with mental clarity. This made me realize that for me personally, coffee is more of a background substance, in moderation it really doesn't give me any side effects. What's most important for me is just diet and general lifestyle. I limit myself to just 2 cups a day at most.
  19. @Javfly33 I don't understand.
  20. @Javfly33 what? That analogy makes zero sense pertaining to what I mentioned lol. Like I'm honestly confused as to how to respond to that ?. Fasting means eliminating all foods, and in the elimination and only ingesting coffee, I found the coffee wasn't the issue. Whyre you bringing up a lack of sleep and meth lol.
  21. For the hard-core people. Step 1: Fast for 24-36 hours, only drinking coffee/tea and most importantly water with pink Himalayan salt (gives electrolytes). Step 2: when you've reached ketosis through fasting transition to the keto diet by preparing some bullet proof coffee, or eating a light keto friendly meal.
  22. Maybe it isn't the coffee that's the issue. Just to add some perspective: For years I thought coffee was an issue, then I fasted for two days. I drank coffee for those two days and had amazing energy / clarity and I actually got good sleep. Hugely changed my perspective.