Abby Skvarce

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Everything posted by Abby Skvarce

  1. It may sound irrelevant to the type of books posted on this forum, but oh, it is not. This book changed my entire families life (including my relatives), and they do not even do self inquiry work. After watching the videos posted on (which I had began to watch after reading this book), I realized that this read has everything to do with self actualization work, particularly enlightenment. It does not speak about how to become enlightened, but the techniques seem relevant to what enlightenment is (or atleast what I have learned from It's not just a manual on becoming a tidy person, trust me. Basically it is a guide to finding some sort of trajectory in your life, and you'll find that it will make everything around you, in a sense, easier to do by eliminating the unnecessary clutter around you and in your mind. I have read a lot of self help books and this one was looking at it in another perspective!
  2. An idea sprung across today while sitting in bed and examining my awareness. I am looking for some feedback from people who have experienced enlightenment. "The Golden Rule" of religion, which I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with, says that all Religion in some shape or form points to the idea of "treating others how you want to be treated" (just to clarify what I'm trying to get out of this is irrelevant to religious dogma or any beliefs--I have no stance on these topics). From what I've taken from Leo's videos is that existentially we are the field of awareness in the current "now", and the energy within it perhaps...and of course, we are separate beings from the thoughts and the mind. From experience and watching others, it seems as if the mind is an "attention seekers", looking for external stimulation and rewards and such. Since we ARE existentially the field of awareness and the energy within in, would treating others (including your belongings such as a blanket) that are present in the field of awareness the way it wants to be treated benefit the energy you feel in the body? For example, when you see your crumpled up blanket, would the energy within you be more desirable if you were to take care or even just show attention to the blanket by folding it and treating it as if YOU WERE that crumpled up blanket? And while doing so, making no judgement while being aware that it is crumbled up. Is this why in enlightenment, the things you create and do have more quality in them? I have not reached full enlightenment, and was wondering if this is relevant to enlightenment and if this could be a form of empirical work if you were not labeling yourself with the ego while doing so, and instead being the awareness and energy you sense in the "now". Thanks
  3. How do enlightened people experience sleep? I am a month or so into the process and I am just now finding that I'm having a lot of trouble falling asleep and then confusing myself even more by thinking things like.."who is there to fall asleep???" And then actually not being able to find somebody to fall asleep and then I cannot sleep. Is this supposed to happen? Is this part of the process or am I veiring off track?
  4. @Ayla @theinevitableandi Very wonderful and helpful feedback. Thank you
  5. @Diane Awesome to hear that you've read it and made the connection as well! Thanks for the feedback, Diane.