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About LSD-Rumi

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  1. Leo's deleted video on solipsism
    Leo's deleted video on solipsism
    Like I said, we are dreaming.
    It contradicts the dreaming. That's not a mistake. You are attempting to understand something beyond the dream from within a dream using socialization.
    If solipsism is true then you cannot discover it through socializing -- which is what this entire forum is. So the truth being discussed is incompatible with the entire social domain.
    And when I say we are dreaming, I mean I am dreaming a we because I do not want to be alone.
    If I wanted to be alone I would just kill myself and be with God. If you really understood solpsism it would threaten your whole life. Which is why no one understands it. You don't want to go that deep.

  2. Kriya Yoga/Yoga/Meditation Retreats in India
    Kriya Yoga/Yoga/Meditation Retreats in India
    Greetings, fellow future India traveller. - Someone posted this link on a similar thread that I started about a week ago:
    The only thing I know of personally are the Vipassana meditation centers that they seem to have all over India; here's an overview in case you're interested:
    I've been thinking about visiting one of these myself during my (probably) upcoming India trip this winter... maybe we'll bump into each other.

  3. WANTED: monasteries, ashrams, sanghas
    WANTED: monasteries, ashrams, sanghas
    @Oceansky1980 @LSD-RumiBtw here is an excellent resource on retreat places all around Asia, most of these are really affordable ones also. None of those flashy retreats that cost thousands, the list is written by a very legit guy who has stayed in a lot of these places in Asia. Funnily I randomly bumped into him when staying at one these places, which I discovered thanks to his post ?

  4. Is it ok to quit 'dream' job after 1 week?
    Is it ok to quit 'dream' job after 1 week?
    Hey, I just got employed this week as full stack web developer. But as soon as i got employed and started working I've realized that there is so many things I don't know and that I should learn all the time and it's frustrating me because It's hard for me to focus and learn new technologies surrounded with colleges at work and after 8 hours of working I hate looking at screens at home. I hate the thing that i spend whole day at job and in free time I'm still thinking about the job, can't focus on any hobby that I used to love, everything makes me feel depressed. At work i feel useless, when i come home I feel so drained, stressed, and best part is that I don't actually need that money, i can earn enough on my own with web dev, but my family always bragging about my employment status, that i need to work even though i had enough money always...and then I just wanted to get that job that I've thought it would be cool and that i thought I'll love, my plan was to build career, get big salary, but now I see that it was so stupid, that I've unnecessary became a prisoner. Now i feel so stupid to tell my boss that I'd like to quit, after 1 week only, because i said that I'm so happy and excited about the job.. I thought I'll be, but i was wrong

  5. I have discovered a totally legal empathogen
    I have discovered a totally legal empathogen
    It is called PEA, Phenylethylamine, which forms chemically the backbone of all other phenylethylamines like 2-Cb, MDMA and others. It is sold as a supplement for energy and is easily accessible. 
    So what  is my experience with this substance like? 
    First of all, PEA is molecule that is naturally found in our bodies and brains. It is degraded by MAOIs naturally in the body
    it is a stimulant with massive  head rush,  some compare it to that of meth or cocaine ( I didn't try any of those ). The substance can produce very powerful euphoria and energy. It produces an increased sense of well-being and Love. Sometimes, I lost my control and started hugging my family telling them how much I loved them and how much I care for them, and I felt so loving and pure.  It produced some serious spiritual insights and experiences at higher doses. I penetrated into the nothingness easily enough, I let go of everything, of shapes of colors, of concepts, etc... I think I will be able to penetrate into love too.  No visuals  The effects are short lived sadly, the peak is about 15 min to 1h  and then there is a heavy crash unless you consume some coffee. You can redose with no tolerance I didn't feel any addiction for the substance despite taking it for a couple of months now but there are some reports of addiction online I tried it with syrian rue and I felt that the substance became different, as in more psychedelic but still I need to try this combination more The substance is naturally destroyed by MAOis so You need dosages above 1g of the substance for a serious effect. Higher doses, like 4g or more, cause psychedelic efffects with no visuals. It mostly was about nothingness and unity It tastes bad, Like acidic an chemical taken orally only it is relatively cheap, 20$ for 250g  A non-affiliate link to the substance on amazon

  6. Best Nutrition Book I've Read In A While
    Best Nutrition Book I've Read In A While
    Simon Hill's - The Proof Is In The Plants -
    I am biased as have been vegan for over 7 years, but I wish I had this 7 years ago as it taught me a lot on what truly is the healthiest diet for the majority of people, the planet & then of course the ethical side of things. I also found it to not be pushy and just promote eating as plant predominant as possible. 
    I feel a lot of the nutrition & wellbeing advice comes from extremes, whereas this book is solely based on the largest amount of science available. 
    Its split into 3 parts, the issue with Big Food & Big Pharma & how they manipulate to push their own agendas. Everyone knows it but basically they just create confusion & fund their own research, but its interesting on what scale. 
    Part 2 - Goes deep into the science around chronic diseases from Heart disease, to various forms of cancer, and then finishes with the environmental concerns facing us 
    Part 3 (My favorite) - Gives 8 Principles to base eating off of, instead of hard diets it makes it into a lifestyle eventually, with tips on transitioning, key supplements, how Vegan diets can fail etc
    Personally, I've always been pretty sure WFPB is the healthiest way of living (despite the rise of Liver King & similar influencers who use the odd low quality study) & this is kinda like the final nail in the coffin showing that. 
    He also has a podcast & blog which is awesome

  7. Does anyone know of any online art websites or forums to share artwork?
    Does anyone know of any online art websites or forums to share artwork?
    Those are for serious artists.

  8. Criminal Pedophile
    Criminal Pedophile
    My brother and sister were molested by a guy my father tried to protect her over post-divorce and she took it as his jealousy. This guy had already prior accusations and my mother ignored them as mere "conspiracy", in the end it tore the very structure of our family network apart forever and has changed my brother and sisters psycho-sexual, social, emotional and spiritual development forever, in most ways for the worst. To this day my brother (who is not autistic - I have many siblings) struggles with physical touch, my sister with self esteem issues and my mother a mixture of deepening her self-denial and an opening of awareness around the social threats that were posed towards the development of her children (not necessarily raised awareness around herself).
    This has affected the development of the rest of us incredibly as our family was thrown into court case proceedings that lasted an entire decade as my mother sought to bring justice to what had happened, a genetic streak that is channeled through the majority of us.
    Under-age sexuality is posited as under-age for a reason, we have reached a level of psycho-sexual social intelligence where we have come to realise at this point in development as a civilisation that underage sexuality has a direct impact on the developmental trajectory for the worst, to even think you can "raise a child better" even who's a part of a dysfunctional family environment just shows the sheer narcissism of the perpetrator.
    The level of intelligence and lack of overall empathy shown on this issue is absolutely absurd, we can have all the love in the world as per my wisdom here but if you don't have a brain that is functional in the context of the absorption and surveying of wisdom you're better off keeping your thoughts to yourself so as to not poison the well of an already degraded forum that we are all responsible for in raising the awareness of.
    Anyone that wants to tacitly support paedophilia in any way shape or form is in dire need of some brain rewiring from the devil because he'd sure do a better job right now, a chid's development has not reached a higher enough point to grant or not rant consent so you're violating a beings sovereignty right off the bat, any extra need for me to validate my position from me to you means that you're probably locked into some kind of delusional coma made of a universe solely composed of Trump's shit you're made to transport from one universes banking currency to the next so you can then transform into a giant mouth where you will consume it and spit it back out and into the very brain you're using right now to compose your comments. And lastly, very calmly but assertively to conclude with pun intended, go fuck yourself (instead). 
    Thank you.

  9. Vernon Howard's Monthly Lessons
    Vernon Howard's Monthly Lessons

    Refuse to relieve the anxiety. Don't know how to handle it! It is my knowing how to handle it that fouls my life up, that keeps me in self-worship.
    “I’ll defy all those dark ideas inside me that command me to make the phone call, write the letter, get the ambition that will make me feel better. I'll defy the dark ideas even if I have no strength at all. Who said I had to have strength? I just have to do it!”
    “I’ll catch myself in very small ways. For example, I'm about to say something to someone and because I'm watchful — the SENTRY is alert — I understand my motive in saying that. It is because I want to relieve a little bit of anxiety lest that person misunderstand me. Let that person misunderstand me! Let the unsaid explanation of myself or my actions remain unsaid. Let it lie there! Don't pick it up! Go through it! Watch what happens to me!”  
    This is a new experience. Well, isn't it? You relieved the anxiety before and had the old, repetitious experience. Just let it lie there and in a very fascinated frame of mind say, "You know, this is really interesting. This is really novel. This is really unique! Here I am in this uncomfortable situation and I have about a dozen different emotions going through me. There's a bit of guilt. I can see a little tension. I can see a little wondering what the other person thinks of me. I hid it from myself. Now do I understand what it means to open the window a little bit? I'll open the window in fear and trembling if necessary and begin to see where I am. I'll see what's happening to me.
    “Take a look. This is what it is all about. And I can do this exercise any time I want — fifty times a day, one hundred times a day. There is no need for me to be in a dull daze anymore. I can follow these instructions, finding my own ways to refuse to relieve my tension.”
    Don’t do it. Don’t say it. See what happens. Bear it. Feel it. Notice it. After awhile “I’ll begin to see that my very pain is a teacher. I wouldn't allow it to teach me before because I relieved it. I hid it. I got it out of sight. So, I’ll remember the phrase from now on: DON’T RELIEVE THE ANXIETY AND LET PAIN BE MY TEACHER.”
    Oh, how fast and how marvelously the lessons will come! And with the coming of these lessons, in equal proportions, will be the disappearance of pain, of nervousness and of everything that is tormenting me.

  10. Why should we get out of our comfort zone?
    Why should we get out of our comfort zone?
    I need to be convinced with why I should get out of my comfort zone.

    I understand there's growth on the other side but why should I give up my comfy home where my parents cook me dinner, where I live in my comfy room, where there's a perfect gym nearby, and 2 grocery stores nearby which has everything I need in it, all in a familiar city that I've lived in for 26 years.
    Why should I give all of that comfort to move into a brand new city on my own where I won't have everything I have in my current city?
    I've definitely gone out of my comfort zone in other areas of my life but moving out and into a brand new city is absolutely terrifying to me right now.

  11. Damage caused by spiritual content consumed by adolescents
    Damage caused by spiritual content consumed by adolescents
    I will try to make this clear from the start. I am not really looking to blame Leo. I don't care that much for blaming Leo. But I care for acknowledging, discussing and sharing this perspective.
    I think there can be considerable psychological damage, when adolescents 14-18, get drawn into the consumption of spiritual knowledge, especially enlightenment  ("Illusion of the Ego", "No self", " Selflessness", even spiral dynamics to a certain extant). But I guess I will just state my case and others can judge and share if this is something more general. 
    Again I am not really looking for blame (even if the desire is there). I am looking for healing. 
    I am 25 years old now and I started watching Leo almost from the start, so I guess I was somewhere in between 14-16. But I was immediately hooked. I had experienced self help before, but I found Leo I immediately saw that he went more in depth, was more right and was more serious about this all. So I really got into him. Not really sharing this with my friends, since I felt that Self Help was almost a tabu. So I started growing from the knowledge, I started understanding myself better, I started understanding others better, I had more success jumping over my fears, interacting with girls, it almost felt as if I had discovered a super power, no other kid knew about. 
    But then the moment came, when "the videos will get deeper now". When Leo did not really want to stay on that psychological surface level, but actually wanted to share spiritual content. And as 16-19 yo men, whose role model was Leo, of course I was willing to get deeper with him. But I did not get the content. He suddendly said "The Ego is an illusion" "You don't even exist" and I couldn't make sense of that. I kind of knew it was true, because I trusted Leo a lot, but I had not a single experience, not even a glimpse of this realization. Also no others I interacted with, or who I knew about, had said such things, so I was even more in a conflict. Trusting Leo or trusting everybody else. And that also meant things like, trusting friends, trusting parents, trusting more basic self help coaches. The "Selflessness is the most beautiful thing" "Try to be selfless" was more understandable. But trying to be selfless at that age is so counterproductive. You need to grow at that age and in this society you need to fight for your place, you need to want things for yourself. If people don't get that you need to be selfish, when growing up, you don't understand how much this psyche is still in the making and that growth and acquisition is vital to create a positive foundation. So I was understanding that selflessness was something beautiful, I wanted to be it, (at to some extent it also worked), but to a bigger extant I think it made me hesistant to satisfy my needs. To satisfy my need for growth (not spiritual growth).  How things like spiral dynamics affected me is even more complicated. It made even more sense and I felt smart learning about it. But I realize that is also make you loose trust in other and especially superiors, if you know you have metaphysical map, which imcompasses their entire being and knowledge. But you can't get far on your own at that age and having some real life superiors, mentors, teachers your are aspiring to, is quite important. So I was basicly left with aspiring to become Leo. I lets be honest. there are so many stages between an 17-19 yo, and a enlightened 30 yo Leo. 
    In the end I started distancing myself from spiritual content and Leo, but I this left me trusting no one. Even worse. I can't trust normal folks, because Leo showed me how full of shit they are. But I can't trust Leo, because his content isn't helping me anymore. I felt really disoriented. Instead of having focused on getting myself a first job I like, maybe gather some experiences abroad, I was obsessed with making sense of the world. Trying to understand how my ego is illusiory even though nothing in my experience could point to that. I was trying to master the advanced stuff and thought those basic material pursuits are bad. 
    It was only later 23+ yo, that I started to get more that "You need a strong ego to transcend it"  and etc. But still this dirorientation is still to this day affecting me and really hindered my growth. Not trusting universities, lectures, seeing how weak science was. Seeing all the wage slavery and selfishness in people. I feel like I need to let go of and just live life like the the other unknowing humans. Have a certain naivity and believing I need more money to be happy or something like that.
    It is hard to explain exactly how all this affected me. I cannot also really say to which extant it was responsible for all this suffering and lack of growth, because there are certainly also other factors. 
    I am also certain that Leo warned often about these traps, but it must also be said that a person is not going to watch every video and may miss one where is explained better. Also uploading spiritual videos about the illusion of the ego, doesn't give you the feeling that he is actually considering this a trap, if you are not ready. And even if he puts a few disclaimer at the start, which kid doesn't watch the intriguing video from his role model, even if there are disclaimer before. 
    I am not looking for blame, but I want to ask you guys: Is it the right thing to upload a mix aproachable self help stuff, and really deep metaphysical spiritual content on a platform like youtube, where there are so many kids. And kids aren't stupid. They can get into that stuff.
    That's it. I am just wondering what you guys thing of the ethics /healthiness of this and if someone had similar experiences. 

  12. Leo wrote this about solipsism 2 years ago. Does it still hold?
    Leo wrote this about solipsism 2 years ago. Does it still hold?
    @leo gura does your view still hold? He wrote it 2 years ago, and it's crystal clear here. But now he's statements in countless topics are just confusing and unclear... I wonder why. Many people ask the same question about solipsism, and it's all getting very confusing and fogy. What do you think?

  13. number of books read and the BEST of them?
    number of books read and the BEST of them?
    Books that had the biggest influence on me & why:
    Viktor Frankl - Man's serach for meaning 
    - Incredible story about finding meaning in difficult situations, just an awesome read in general
    The art of loving - Erich Fromm
    - Beautiful short book about learning to love
    Nassim Taleb - Antifragility
    - Understanding complex systems & antifragility, which are fundamental concepts in any integral worldview

    Your Unique self - Marc Gafni
    - Understanding the role of individuality in a nondual world

    More than allegory - Bernardo Kastrup
    - Chapter 3 is the most insane and interesting trip report I have ever read

    Bernardo Kastrup - All his books!
    - Best rational arguments for idealism(nonduality)/against physicalism available right now
    The war of art - Steven Pressfield
    - Overcoming resistance 

    Passion of the western mind - Richard Tarnas
    - Intellectual-cultural development of the modern world view - super important to understand why we think what we think

    Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig
    - One of my alltime favorite books

    Siddharta - Herman Hesse
    - Beautiful little story about finding his own path to enlightenment

    Gödel, Escher, Bach - Douglas R. Hofstadter
    - Difficult to get through masterpiece about reality as a strange loop. 

    Meditations on Moloch:
    - Must read blog post about the functionalities of society

    Bhagavad Gita
    - I dont think I need to explain this one

    Tao Te Ching - Lao tze (Laotsi)
    - Ancient book, full of wisdom! Difficult to understand without explanations

    The master and his emissary - Ian McGilchrist
    - Masterpiece about how left/right brain dynamics shape our worldview

    Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century - Edward Kelly
    - The best, no bullshit summary of psy/parapsychology/mind-research I have read so far. Its a huge book and super expensive. I got the PDF - if you want it, just PM me.
    The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
    - Grat book for money/happyness mindset

    Osho - Courage
    - little book about courage and fear, really enjoyed it! 

    Kapil Gupta - Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-prescriptive Truths to the enduring questions of life
    - Interesting book about all sorts of stuff, really apprechiate his perspective

    Ending medical reversal - Dr Vinay Prasad 
    - If you are working in the medical field, this one is a must read in my opinion.

    Ken Wilber - A brief history of everyhting
    - Integral worldview must read
    Ken Wilber - Kosmic conciousness (audiobook)
    - Incredibly deep and enjoyable interview with Ken Wilber. Available on audible! 

    Why most published reserach is wrong - John Ionnidis:
    - Ground breaking paper about certain biases in the academic literature

    After - Dr. Bruce Geryson
    - Awesome, no bullshit summary of NDE reserach

    Daniel Kaneman - Thinking fast and slow
    - Super important framework for improvement in sensemaking

    Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli
    - Enjoyable beginner level book to quantum mechanics and the propably most substantiated interpretation we have of it: Quantum loop gravity! Its the one theory that fits like a glove with spiritual insights and is therefore an awesome framework  to understand QM in a non-BS way. 

    Models - Mark Manson
    - IMO the most important book you can read to get good with women

    Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
    - Classic one!  - bit weird and magical, but I really enjoyed it! 

    Breath - James Nestor 
    - Really cool and important book about the importance of proper breathing

    The Art of learning - Josh Waitzkin
    - Amazing book about someone who goes into into the nature of learning and backs it up with real results! 

    Just to name a few  

  14. number of books read and the BEST of them?
    number of books read and the BEST of them?
    By my own estimation, I read anywhere from 15 to 25 fairly dense books in a given year. 
    My interests tend to lie with philosophy, metaphysics, science, spirituality, and sociology.
    Would highly recommend any of these works if you share these interests:
    Sex, Ecology, Spirituality - Ken Wilber The Listening Society, and Nordic Ideology - Hanzi Frienacht The Embodied Mind - Evan Thompson, Fransisco Varella, Eleanor Rosch Philosophy in the Flesh, and Metaphors We Live By - George Lakoff The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Thomas Kuhn A Theory of Justice - John Rawls The Accessible Hegel - Michael Allen Fox The Ancestor's Tale, and The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins Buddhism Without Beliefs - Stephen Bachelor The View from Nowhere - Thomas Nagel Making of the Atomic Bomb - Richard Rhodes The Precipice - Noam Chomsky

  15. FREE Virtual Library of Over 600+ summarized CONTEMPORARY books
    FREE Virtual Library of Over 600+ summarized CONTEMPORARY books
    This is pretty much the definition of a meta-source and by default stage yellow.
    This guy puts effort into properly summarizing books, some shortly some more extensively. Some of his read choices are top notch personal development books.
    Ever heard of a book for a long time but never took the time to read through it ? Look up for the summary here and perhaps by skimming the wisdom you will get motivated into reading the actuall book.
    Enjoy and thank the writer!

  16. Guided meditation: Practicing Resisting Nothing (video)
    Guided meditation: Practicing Resisting Nothing (video)
    The following guided meditation for the practice of non-resistance just came up in my Youtube recommendations and I thought it was very helpful, so figured I'd share it here:

  17. Self-compiled Book List
    Self-compiled Book List
    Hey everybody.
    I’ve joined very recently and as a first contribution I’m sharing this book list that that’s been in the works for 2 years and counting. 
    I’ve organised it into sections, covering topics that are central (in my opinion) to self-actualisation in a world that misleads us at every turn. I list a wide variety of critical books on topics as different as Health, Accomplishment, Evolutionary Psych, Contentious History, etc.. 
    *Full Table of Contents attached in image format*

    Alas, here’s my full list made available using google docs publish feature:
    Anything familiar? Anything you’re happy / unhappy to see featured? Anything you’re surprised to see? Any proposed additions?
    All is welcome.
    NB: I have not read all these books, more like 20%, but rest assured each has been vetted / researched at the best of my ability.

  18. Reaction to watching my church's youtube years later
    Reaction to watching my church's youtube years later
    People should replace the word sinner with stupid and unconscious. And then pray:
    "Lord, forgive me for being unconscious, forgive me for being ignorant, forgive for doing stupid things every day. I'm a stupid guy, and deserve the consiquences that come with that. Please all the forces in the universe pray for me and help me overcome my stupidness/ ego/ignorant/arrogant/sinnful nature" 
    I think it's a very powerful prayer, makes you humble, invokes a desire to improve yourself and overcome your unconscious stupidness, and fills you with enourmous love if done genuinly. 
    Acceptence of your stupidness(sinnfulness) is the first step towards overcoming it. It's an essential step. Without admitting that you have flaws, progress is impossible.
    I used to dislike this model before and argue against it like many. It took me a lot of time to see the wisdom and beauty of the whole thing. 

  19. Reaction to watching my church's youtube years later
    Reaction to watching my church's youtube years later
    So I decided for fun to look at my church's website.  Woah. I never actually thought about ANY of the prayers they had us say.  I said some of those every single day........

    It makes it sound like we are not good enough as we are and that we are sinners and need help

    It makes it seem like there is evil and evil is super bad and please push those evil people away and all the souls that are getting ruined by evil.  God please do something help.

    It makes it sound like we could get tempted and when we do, we need your help as we can't do it alone and please let us be free from hurting others instead of not trying to do it in the first place

    Wow it says Jesus went to hell. I never noticed that.  And why and how do they know that this Jesus person will judge people and how will they be judged and what is considered a sin and how is one born to a virgin and how is the creator a male

    Wow the pope says sin is a failure....

    Christianity has a superiority complex - destined for eternal life, inheritors of the kingdom of god
    People think that the religion is like golden chocolate.  Look what I have found!  Look at this great chocolate and see how great it tastes!  I will live forever and so can you! Taste the chocolate and see how lucky we are to have it and to have been born into it and not into something else. Lucky us!! 

  20. Zizek describes Zen Devilry
    Zizek describes Zen Devilry
    You could simplify all that to just: Follow your highest love.
    Love leads to God. The highest love is beyond meaning.
    The problem is that the ego's finite and selfish conceptions of meaning will limit your ability to go beyond meaning. Which is the exact trap that JP has fallen into. Meaning has gotten him this far. But he cannot go further. He clings to meaning like a rat clinging to a plank of wood in the middle of the ocean.

  21. Leo, nahm, other mods or people who work with 5meo analogues
    Leo, nahm, other mods or people who work with 5meo analogues
    How do you know they haven't gone through profound periods of aloneness?
    Just because they are out of it now, and are smiling now up on stage, does not mean they didn't face some difficult shit to get there.
    I have gone through some very difficult trips of profound aloneness. But that doesn't mean I can't be happy socializing with people. You learn to appreciate the aloneness of being God.
    If truth disturbs you, then obviously some part of you is still resisting it. Nothing should disturb you in the end.
    It's like with nihilism. You gotta face it to come out the other end of it. You can tell people who have not faced nihilism nor solipsism. These people are scared, sensitive, fragile, and not grounded. You want to reach a point where you can laugh at nihilism and solipsism because you've conquered them.

  22. I have long struggled with partys and social settings (clubs, partys etc)
    I have long struggled with partys and social settings (clubs, partys etc)
    Dude, this is so dumb.
    Stop consuming this fear porn. That's all that is.
    I told a girl at the bar that my friend and I have herpes and that since we are such generous guys, we would be happy to share it with her. That was my opener. She told me that I am unusually friendly for a Russian (she was part Russian too). I told her that she is gullible and that if I was a rapist I would take her to my rape van. I told her I am taking her to church to confess all her sins. She asked, which church. I said, the one that molests the most children. She was an attourney. I asked her if contracts make her wet. I told her I will have my attourney draft up some contracts for her. I told her to give me her fax number so I can fax her a black and white pixelated dick pic. She said she actually had a fax number. She gave me her biz card. She asked me what I do. I said I scrub toilets at Taco Bell and that I would scrub the shit out of her toilet. When I said that, I said it like I was talking about fucking her pussy out. She said, Perfect. I told her I am Asian from the waist down and that her ass was too much for me and that she needs a black dude for that ass. But that luckily I am actually black from the waist down. She said, Perfect. She asked for me to take her number. Finally she gave me permission to squeeze her giant tits in front of her friend.
    I told another girl: "Damn, you have a nice body. I want to sell you into sexual slavery, like I did my mother." She giggled but that one blew me out. She still left laughing. It's hard to make that line hook because it's so purposefully outrageous. Still, I like to see how far I can push my verbals.
    Be a fucking man. But be socially calibrated and non-creepy. This was all said in a cool and calibrated way.
    I am not saying you noobs should go that far. But if you think you can't go that far with a girl all into it, you don't understand girls. I am telling you this so you understand what extremes are possible and that you are nowhere near the edge.
    On the other hand, the fear in your eyes alone is enough to creep a girl out. It's not what you say but how you say it.

  23. Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread
    Stanley Cohen's Stages of Moral Panic:
    Setting out to test his hypotheses on mods and rockers, Cohen discovered a pattern of construction and reaction with greater foothold than mods and rockers—the moral panic.
    According to Cohen, there are five sequential stages in the construction of a moral panic:
    1- An event, condition, episode, person, or group of persons is perceived and defined as a threat to societal values, safety, and interests.
    2- The nature of these apparent threats are amplified by the mass media, who present the supposed threat through simplistic, symbolic rhetoric. Such portrayals appeal to public prejudices, creating an evil in need of social control (folk devils) and victims (the moral majority).
    3- A sense of social anxiety and concern among the public is aroused through these symbolic representations of the threat.
    4- The gatekeepers of morality—editors, religious leaders, politicians, and other 'moral'-thinking people—respond to the threat, with socially-accredited experts pronouncing their diagnoses and solutions to the 'threat'. This includes new laws or policies.
    5- The condition then disappears, submerges or deteriorates and becomes less visible.

  24. Leo, does pick up really develop deep confidence + make you into a strong man?
    Leo, does pick up really develop deep confidence + make you into a strong man?
    Confidence tends to be very situational. Just because you're confident at public speaking does not automatically make you confident at flirting with a girl. Because these are different skills that must be trained. And your lack of confidence here is just an admission that you lack experience with that particular mode of operating.
    Then there might be something like core confidence which is more universal and applies to anything new you attempt in life. But even if your core confidence is high, you still won't be good with girls because girls require a very specific experience base to make you good with them. Core confidence isn't enough there. And conversely, just because you're very experienced with girls does not necessarily mean you got a high core confidence.
    So you want to work both on your core confidence and also confidence which is highly situational to the things you want to be good at. You want both a broad and narrow confidence. Pickup can be used to train a narrow confidence, but it also can help you develop some broader confidence if you combine it with self-esteem work and deep inner game work and spiritual work.
    Broad confidence will tend to come more from personal development and spiritual development. But also just exposing yourself to a wide variety of challenging life experiences (of which pickup is one kind of challenging experience).