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Everything posted by LSD-Rumi

  1. Exactly! That Italian boxer was such a sissy.
  2. I don't know, I think lots of sports are stupid in general. Imagine spending your whole youth building your body so you can lift a weight for 10 seconds in the Olympics. For example, a competition about lifting things by your dicks could theoretically be a sport but that doesn't make it any less stupid.
  3. @fanta Be careful before assuming that psychedelics is the cause behind your elevated prolactin levels. A lot of diseases can cause it. search online for them. Also, I think some medications can rapidly lower prolactin levels by increasing dopamine levels in the body, they counteract each other.
  4. My supposed understanding of reality conflicts with it. I appreciate Jesus, not for his teachings but for the state I imagine he was in while experiencing life.
  5. If I am seriously practicing for 30 years, I don't want just to be in bliss, I want to be higher than Jesus on a bike.
  6. @manuel bon Feeling unsafe can block the feeling of love. Your mind says life is dangerous, no place for love. Do you feel agitated or safe usually?
  7. It is not about envying or anything. It is about the role he played. He seriously thought he was a prophet from God as all religious figures did. They did well but It is still false and it is still self-deception. I, for example, have a savior complex and I believe I would serve humanity immensely in my lifetime. Is it true? who knows. I might get run by a bus tomorrow.
  8. Why exclude him? I mean Jesus is cool and everything but he is an asshole too.
  9. Bullshit and Messiah complex. How do you become a religious figure without having a Messiah complex? You cannot.
  10. Because everyone wants a piece of the cake. Power vaccum could be more dangerous than dictatorship.
  11. I came to understand that Jesus didn't teach a pure form of spirituality or non-duality. He just introduced a spiritual distribution of Judaism. Jesus may have had his own secret teachings that he taught to a couple of his students but what he taught mostly was religion. Someone said here that Jesus was a troll, I got those vibes too from him. Why on earth, would you tell people you are the son of God? can't you see where this is going? Maybe he deserved to be crucified at the end.
  12. Was thinking the same. Israel will not go for anything less than exterminating Hammas. I understood that since day 1.
  13. The transdermal route is usually used for slow extended-release, like nicotine or fentanyl patches that keep you covered all day long.
  14. The idea of Making hundreds of videos about a concept as shallow as charisma is cringe in itself. Don't sell your own personality to mimic other.
  15. The real solution to such things is to spread awareness about how to safely use such substances. We also should accept the fact that a lot of things tend to go wrong in life. Even drinking water could kill you if it practiced wrong. I think the argument is that psychedelics could produce delusional violent states in some people who are otherwise peaceful citizens not alcoholic abusive assholes.
  16. It is cringe tbh. Just watch some shows with charismatic characters and try to notice their behavior and attitude then mimic that in real life while keeping your own personal style.
  17. That is not necessarily true. Men can quite be easily seduced. A man forgets everything when he gets horny, and thus the conept of post-nut awakening. That makes me contemplate the idea sexually semi-open relationships. Something like having a 4 free sex cards per year or while traveling
  18. That's called a serious conversation. A debate is a competition in arguing and making the other person look bad. Debaters don't want to expose the truth, They want to rise victorious.
  19. Your attitude and presence can influence them more than any advice. Be gentle and patient, keep your comments positive and infrequent. Share interesting stories about conscious beings. Be available when they need advice or support, but don’t push anything on them. And remember, don’t overinvest.
  20. I don't see the appeal of goats, but horses on the other hand But to be real, sexual desire is connected to the level of consciousness of a person. It tends to beome "Cleaner" as you become more pure yourself. One can go from watching DPs and gangbangs to be totally digusted by them. A story on the side: A plane engineer Was literally fucked to death by a horse. His rectum get torn apart and he had sepsis.
  21. I have some terrfying gifs stored on my phone of cops being stabbed, shot at, or attacked out of nowhere. That made appreciate why are cops rough and catious, You could be stabbed to death at any momement. One cop was approaching an ordinary looking man, before that man out of the blue, bursted at him with a knife in hand, stabbing the cop to death. The sounds he made while being stabbed were terrfying, he was sequeling like a pig.
  22. @zurew @mrPixel I don't think she threw it or at least not intented to threw it. People don't call cops to their homes to throw hot water at them. She was apperantely panicking when the cops turned so aggressive and pointed their guns at her out from no where. But from what I saw in the videos, I think she was just lifting her head. I think Discussing this whole detail is an insult to the victim.
  23. @Leo Gura How does Russian compare to English? I find Engish to be too simplistic as a language which is ironically its biggest strength and weakness at the same time. English is practical but not poetic.
  24. It was comically absurd. He even said I will shoot you in the face just seconds before shooting her. I don't know how people are even discussing the whole boiling water thing. She was so away and the pot was so small that water would have barely touched him or even not if he just backed away. Her body language was not aggressive at all and he apperantely escalated the situation by aggressively telling her to lay on the ground instead of just putting the pot aside. The poor woman was so afraid that she just liftes her head a bit before being shot.