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High Vibe Communication - by Julien Blanc
High Vibe Communication - by Julien BlancYes
Julien's High Vibe program is basically this:
Levels of Consciousnesss (release work, shadow work) Spiritual work (meditation exercises that he shameless stole from Joe Dispenza) Charisma (those books I mentioned) Some general pickup theory (old school, there i snothing new he says) Personally I didn't like his program because he dumbs down the theory for the masses, if you go to the sources that I mentioned, you will get a much deeper understanding.
For example Julien's Prana Yama meditation is half-arsed and watered down too much. Joe Dispenza's meditation is a little bit more difficult to learn but much better.
Pickup Teachers?
Pickup Teachers?@dflores321 I know what you're saying, and I think you're right that there can be a trap there. Actually, either extreme can be a trap:
There's the trap you mention: being perfectionistic about your attraction. You end up pedestalizing women, and sitting so much outside of the game that you never get good at flirting. You can end up clumsy and crappy at attracting women that when you finally do meet the right girl you fail because you have no idea what you're doing.
On the other extreme, if you completely ignore your taste and preference, there's the trap where either A) you constantly fail to attract women because they see right through you, and know you're not actually into them (do you want to be with someone who doesn't really find you attractive?) or B) you trick girls and end up hooking up with ones you aren't actually into, which never ends up being great for anyone.
So yeah, it does depend what you're looking for. You'll want to calibrate/recalibrate yourself somewhere between the extremes depending on if you actually just need some practice.
Nonetheless, even if you are just looking to have some fun and hook up with some cute girls, I think it's unhealthy to loose touch with what you find attractive for the sake of trying to get some notches in your belt. So I think ideally if you want to play the field, remember that there are lots of women that you will be attracted to, and don't bother with the ones you aren't, because you'd be wasting her time and yours.
I have to admit that my advice is pretty coloured by my own tendencies and experience. At one point a very old man gave me that advice to pursue the women that I was truly, deeply attracted to. It was a big game changer for me, but I also ended up hooking up with my life partner pretty soon after that, which probably sounds like a trap if you've not yet had your fill playing around.
Pickup Teachers?
Pickup Teachers?Sleyker is right, there is no substitute for getting out there.
If you start following teachers and pickup strategies it can come off as forced, insincere, etc.
I have one piece of dating advice I always like to pass on: Make sure you are pursuing the girls that YOU find attractive. Try to distinguish between who you ACTUALLY find attractive, and who you THINK you ought to find attractive.
We tend to get programmed a lot by media, friends, and the way some girls advertise themselves as to who we are supposed to be attracted to. This doesn't always align with our own personal chemistries. When you really get in touch with who attracts you, there is no substitute. Pickup stops being a game you're trying at, and it becomes the real deal. You don't even have to strategize anymore because it flows naturally.
Pickup Teachers?
Pickup Teachers?@RoerAmit I'm an ex-PUA. I sucked in the beginning, but reached a semi-advanced level at the end of my 2-year career. By semi-advanced I mean that I was banging one new chick each week while maintaining a consistent rotation of fuck-buddies. Eventually I became a pickup coach and trained hopeless virgins to become lady killers. Here's what I have to say...
First, let me preface this by saying that there is a more direct route to having fulfilling relationships with women. Pickup is merely a phase on the journey to authenticity. You may need to practice pickup before you realize that you already have what it takes for women to like you. That may sound nonsensical to you, but you already have what it takes. You just don't know it because you lack experience and have a negative self-image.
It's up to you if you want to study pickup or if you want to go the more direct and authentic route...
Should you go down the pickup route here's my advice:
Study Real Social Dynamics (RSD). Fuck Mystery, he will lead you astray. Now, there are two RSD products I would recommend: 1) "Pimp" by Julien Blanc and 2) The Program by Jeffy. "Pimp" will teach you in-field mechanics where "The Program" will teach you how to game online. Also, if you can get your hands on "RSD Hot Seat" footage, do so. The instructor footage will show you how it's done. Now listen, those are the only products that you need. Don't waste your time going down the youtube rabbit hole filling your head with conflicting bullshit.
Now for the practice...Find a wingman and go out regularly. Talk girls that you find attractive. Make sure you hold each other accountable but be gentle on each other. The turtle wins the race here. Do not traumatize yourself with rejection too quickly because you will only quit. Be consistent. Once you start to feel comfortable approaching women and have some successes under you belt you want to do an RSD bootcamp. At this stage you will not be fully confident, in fact, you will likely doubt yourself still, but women are responding positively to you. A well-timed bootcamp will sky-rocket your game to a level you can only dream of. I have seen this time and time again.
I started by going to bars three times per week and found an intermediate-level wingman to show me the ropes. At the one-year mark I started having small successes. You may get there more quickly, but I was a huge pussy. At this stage I did an RSD bootcamp. I would not have been ready for it if I went any sooner. The bootcamp was a pivotal moment in my career. Post-bootcamp I was making out with girls at will and getting laid regularly. I felt like I had cheat codes to the female psych. I also picked up a new wingman who happened to be an assistant instructor for RSD, and that only furthered my success. From there I became an assistant instructor at another pickup company that had similar values to RSD. Once my skills surpassed my mentors I developed a system and started coaching on my own.
Now, a word of warning... Pickup will teach you some nasty habits that you will eventually have to unlearn in order to have authentic relationships with women. Also, once you become successful, sex will become dry and meaningless. You may even become depressed like Mystery did and wonder why you even put all this effort to arrive at such a low point. This is the stage, and it is a stage, where you are being called to authenticity. By that I mean you will have to drop the facade, be yourself, and engage in meaningful relationships.
Should you go down the authentic route:
What @outlandish posted above is gold. Read it again, he knows what he's talking about. What women really want is a man who puts his authentic self forward. Authenticity is a long winded topic so I'm not going to offer too much advice there. That's what this forum is for. Get this book: Models: Attract Women through Honesty. IMO, that is the only book you need to achieve real and authentic success with women. You may not be getting every girl you want, but it will teach you to get the girls that are right for you. Read it, practice, and integrate the concepts.
Good luck.
Best Dating Teacher
Best Dating TeacherProbably both.
If you seen his infield, even the wheel he made a joke and trolled, its likely the case but I am no doctor. When he came out with julien drama on YouTube, rsdnation almost imploded. Most guys are beta and soft. There's a reason why he plays into the darker arts and side of game.
Tyler too. To date, I have not seen better in pickup then julien. Everything's hard push pull. Most guys are soy boys and ashamed of their erection and masculinity. Julien is the most polarising and nearly trolling on the pull. The new tm stuff is good. More inner game. Close to his ten game program.
From a constructive criticism perspective only outlier can learn and execute the sort of style he was teaching. Most guys are too soft and frail. The slightest miss step is a metoo accusation or something like. More likely, a fight fight with some white Knight.
I like the TNL content but it its still too hipster and lacking in that sort of polarising SNL pull. Most guys are already soft and apologetic.
Best Dating Teacher
Best Dating Teacher@Spiral Wizard Contemplating with a journal.
If you want to be an expert in contemplation check out peter ralston and his book of not knowing.
Just as you write down your present beliefs which create your current unconcious frame, you want to rewrite your new frame to an empowered one.
Down here ill show you an example from RSD Max. Each frame has to be carefully contemplated and visualized until you feel an emotional state triggered by such perspective for it to go into your subconscious. This takes time and repetition. Not an easy job. But hey, you are God all powerful, after all this is what you wanted to experience, hard work and limitation.
Best Dating Teacher
Best Dating TeacherYou might waste alot of time seeing endless videos about pickup on youtube.
First, you need to learn about women's psyche and their biology. How they think and to what they are attratcted. The red queen is a good book. Also, red pill knowledge can help.
Second, you need to work on your inner game. Which means to get rid of as many insecurities and false beliefs you have about women, sex and relationships. You can be alpha and still suck with women because of old beliefs pulling you back. This has been my biggest struggle. I would get girls but still I felt something preventing me from flowing with them. Check out leo's video about contemplation, comprehension has many degree s and what is actuality.
Third, you need to work on your personality by creating new habits and beliefs. This needs to be mantained constantly as you are not real but a constant process. Women are attratcted to anything that serve their survival, strength. And masculinity which polarizes their feminine energy. With out these two you can attract them on a personal level but sexual chemistry wont occur. You can become alpha by practicing mantras, visualizing or using a vision board, doing physiological incantations, taking constant action, challenging yourself, exercising, listening to masculine music, surrounding your self with strong masculine men and putting yourself out there to many experiences, which can develop a strong will and courage.
The inner game process is the most important and it might take a period of 6 months to 1 year to see good results.
Lastly, learning game. After understanding women and having developed your Attraction level, you can now choose a style, appearance and techniques to make the fish bite the trap and begin the process of experiencing your world.
Books to read:
-The red queen
-The evolution of desire
-The way of superior man
-The power of now (there needs to be a balance between truth and illusion in order to play well).
-The mystery method
-The game
-Almost any book from Carlos xuma.
-Atomic Attraction by christopher canwell
-Law of Attraction. You need to understand how your mind works and how to percieve other ppls frequencies for better social skills and understanding of them. Your focus creates your frame work and by time your going onto creating that reality. So be aware of your focus always, practice shifting it to another direction for when need it and how to control your emotional states. Having control of your frame is the key for persuasion and seduction. If you learn how to have an unshakable frame while having still eye contact you can get away with almost anything you want and even dominate others. I recommend to only use Psychological dominance over ppl who want to dominate you as self defense (unless you want to lower your self control (conciousness) and build some negative karma). Even if your physically weak and a strong rich men wants to fck with you, if you hold a strong frame while not blinking and you declaring some command, he will be intimidated and fear you afterwards.
To truly get everything im saying, this must be contemplated and experienced.
Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
Question about Tripp from Leo's InterviewThere is SO MUCH dating material available online. Dig around and try various sources until you find what resonates with you. People require different teachers and styles, depending on their goals.
If you want the most direct and hard dating advice, RSD is the best. If you want to sleep with the most and hottest women possible, RSD is the way. But for some guys that may be too hardcore.
Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
Question about Tripp from Leo's InterviewIt is possible to take their core techniques and leave behind everything else.
That's basically what I did. Their core techniques are SOLID and they will get you laid. As for their juvenile ways and ideology, that you can just ignore.
It's a good skill to learn to be able to cherrypick teachings, taking only those parts which you want.
Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
Question about Tripp from Leo's InterviewI like The Natural Lifestyles. James Marshal was my idol. I followed them for a long time, they are green-yellowish. I love the way they see life and women, cuz Im green.
Travelbum is a bit more advanced, he left TNL and teaches non-dual pickup. He has a lot of turquiose elements. He has a very entertaining show where he goes around the world and does pickup in different cultures. His openers are so unique, they inspire you to be spontaneous. He even critiqued James Marshal, on still having resistance while approaching after 20 years, because he is not using non duality, which is interesting to me
I cant watch orange puas like RSD, cuz they disgust me, so depends on the person I guess.
Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview@Consilience No offence, Corey Wayne is bang average, maybe he’s better at relationship teaching, most of the biggest guys are pretty dog shit, including Tripp and RSD (the worst) RSD charge $1000s for boot camps and tbe guys come back still having no idea how to even approach a girl, they just fill them with concepts & feel good crap.
@Rasheed Depends what you’re looking for, if you’re looking for advice for LTRs then I wouldn’t recommend these guys, but if want to learn traditional PU, how to increase your value as a man and create the dating life YOU want then I recommend these guys.
Playing With Fire- Best for online & Tinder game, teaches you how to create an epic online profile and Run effective text game.
Bradicus- he was the biggest hard case ever, now travels the world as a dating coach, he’s great at daygame.
John Anthony- his views on life I couldn’t disagree more with, but he’s got more results than anyone in the community, let’s just say he’s dedicated a decade to this and slept with 1000+ women, Make of that what you will, but he knows dating, but I’d say you need to make his teachings to fit your own style.
Why does Leo give pick up tips?
Why does Leo give pick up tips?It's not a contradiction but it definitely seems like one.
It depends what stage you are at. The typical guy that needs pickup advice badly, has problems acting in alignment with what he authentically wants (i.e. take action and lead / kiss the girl et cetera).
But you can't tell him to "be himself", because he has a false belief that he is someone who doesn't take that kind of action. Such guys first need to unwire the identification with being non-assertive.
The way you unwire someone's identification with a behavior, is by making them do the behavior that contradicts that belief. (i.e. pickup tips)
Then something opens up, and they have to expand their idea of self, being someone who is able to take action, or not to.
This creates space for them to move and actually be their authentic self. Take action when they want, don't take action when they don't want.
I tell myself every day in my mind: "I'm just not a person who would approach a girl like that." You or Leo tells me to approach a girl like that The identification is broken, because now I can't tell myself that anymore. I now have to tell myself a new story: "Sometimes I approach girls like that, sometimes I don't" Now my authentic desires have a way of expressing themselves through me.
Problems with pick up
Problems with pick upAt your age you should be hitting on girls in school/uni. And making friends and going to house parties and hitting on girls there.
That's how all your friends are getting laid.
Also remember, all it takes is one girl to get a girlfriend. Do 200 more apporaches and you might get a gf who you can bang for the next 5 years. You don't really need to be banging dozens of girls to be happy.
Of course money helps with bad logistics. So earn some money and optimize your logiatics as much as reasonable. An important part of game is to solve your logistics obstacles. Get yourself closer to the hot girls however you can.
WELCOME TO PICKUPGo out and socialize with girls.
Your approach was good. The only mistake you made was that you didn't bother to socialize, you went for an instant result.
Get interested in actually chatting girls up. Don't focus on sex so much at the start. You need to learn basic socialization skills like smiling, eye contact, and holding conversation. You can go practice this at the mall with store clerks without even hitting on them. Go start a friendly 10 minute conversation with a 60 year old granny clerk at the department store. Find out about her life and share about your life with her.
You're not gonna ruin your life by socializing with people. Don't listen to fools here.
You need to scout out some locations where socialization is easy. Malls, cafes, bars, clubs, stores, parks, college campuses, etc.
Game is not good for long term relationships (video)
Game is not good for long term relationships (video)It's not a question of game vs relationship, but both. The game is there to help you create leads for your relationships. Since most guys struggle to even get a quality girl to sleep with them at all.
Obviously game will not carry your relationship. You must build relationship skills on top of your game. The game is there as a safety net in case the relationship doesn't work out so you can find a new relationship.
Yes, there is definitely an under-emphasis of relationship skills among PUAs. This is a problem. Many PUAs aren't serious about relationships because they have intimacy issues and just want to be playboys.
The Science of Attraction by Shane Smith and Arash Dibazar 10/10
The Science of Attraction by Shane Smith and Arash Dibazar 10/10This book will tell you the dark truth of how attraction, your animal nature and unconscious mechanism works silently from your conscious awareness. The unconscious mechanism doesnt give a fck what you think or want, it wants what it wants without your consent. The book is short and well written. Its a paradigm changer, so forget what you think you know about attraction. This is science.
I will post a link in the dating section to some other posts that might help you understand what I mean.
Top 5 books on social skills?
Top 5 books on social skills?So many books about this... How to win friends... 48 law of power... Etc.
These books are good but if you want to get good fast with people I recommend you watch RSD courses. Study the master pickup artist devil Arash Dibazar (Seductive Instict). Read about Human nature and sexuality. How the female and the male are totally different. Watch series on body language like the mentalist and lie to me. Finally cold approach like a mad men. If you cant do it know, do to the pandemic, virtually approaching can also help. Your brain will react very similar, while progressing to a facetime call. To get really good with people you have to become God and the Devil. Live both worlds and then stay in the center. This is how you gain deep understanding about truth and illusion.
Psychedelic Safety and Protocols Mega Thread
Psychedelic Safety and Protocols Mega ThreadHey Everyone,
I am opening up this Psychedelic Safety and Protocols Mega thread because It's apparent to me that many people using psychedelics do not have the tools or resources for proper safety protocols. It is important that as a community we put safety, protocols and mature usage first and foremost in our relationship with these substances. Many people likely have no idea what they are getting themselves into.
Let's discuss risks and best practices.
I personally have had a few strange experiences that I would not like to repeat. I may share these bad trips/ reactions on a future date so that others can know what to expect. Even with protocols or experience the deeper you go you never know what will happen. I do not think there is any shame in having a bad trip or having a strange reaction. What matters is that we avoid these types of potentially dangerous situations and become lighthouses for others who may repeat the same mistakes as us.
There are basic overall protocols when it comes to using substances in general but each substance carries with it it's own unique set of precautions and considerations. I will make another post shortly listing what I have discovered personally works as good overall protocol and of course Leo has many videos discussing this subject as well.
The days of psychedelics beings something that foolish young people do is coming to an end. At least within the actualized community. We are heading toward becoming good examples for anyone interested in pursuing psychedelics as a way of spiritual growth and personal development.
Some of these substances are so powerful that they can be terrifying and confusing. People around you who are not tripping will not know what is going on with you.
Optics are really important at this stage as psychedelics already have a bad name in society. The only way we can change that is by being mature and grounded ourselves.
This is a thread that is intended for mature conversation, sharing of articles, videos, online courses etc are proper psychedelic use, safety measures, integration tips, and other resources.
A lot of people are likely going to be tripping by themselves which means that many people are vulnerable to harming themselves which is why I think it is very important people are doing as much research as possible. Every person will have their own unique set of reactions to these substances.
Let's turn this thread into a high quality resource to keep both us as individuals and others safe, and the name of these precious and amazing substances safe.
Let's be wise, mature, grounded and scientific in our approach.
Will post more soon.
Personally I am only really experienced with 5meodmt but would like to hear more about other substances as each has their own unique risks.
🍄 Actualized.org on Psychedelics 🍄
🍄 Actualized.org on Psychedelics 🍄I thought it’d be a good idea to collect all of Actualized.org’s information about psychedelics in one place. This includes youtube episodes, blog posts, blog videos and the forum’s mega threads. Enjoy
@ZenSwift You're very welcome! Bon Voyage!!
🍄 Actualized.org on Psychedelics 🍄
🍄 Actualized.org on Psychedelics 🍄🍄 Actualized.org on Psychedelics 🍄
• Blog post on How To Research Psychedelics.
• PsychonauntWiki is a good resource for research.
• VIDEO: How To Plug Psychedelics - Nov 2018 - (Summary is here)
Must Watch Episodes
Ep 268. How To Use Psychedelics For Personal Development. (Summary)
Ep 434. How Psychedelics Work - Making Sense Of Psychedelics.
Ep 483. The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics. (Summary)
Substance Reports
Ep 267. Magic Mushrooms: The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms!
Ep 275. 5-MeO-DMT: 5-MeO-DMT - The Magic Pill To Enlightenment & God. (Summary)
Ep 298. AL-LAD: Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work. (Summary)
Ep 312. 2C-B: Experiencing Physical Death.
Ep 492. 5-MeO-MALT: Introducing The Other God Molecule. (Summary)
Ep 507. Ketamine: Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality?
Blog Video. DPT: The Other God Molecule. (Summary)
Blog Video. Salvia: What it’s Like to Smoke Salvia Divinorum.
(Leo says Salvia is very dangerous and does not recommend doing it)
Blog Posts: Safety and Psychedelics ⛑️
• The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics - Oct 2017
• The Antidote For Pre-Trip Anxiety - Aug 2017
• 5-MeO-Always On An Empty Stomach - May 2017
• No Trip Sitters - May 2017
• Why You Should Never Do Salvia (6 mins) - Aug 2017
Forum Threads
• The Ketamine and Dissociatives Mega-Thread
• The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
• The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
• The 5-MeO-MALT Mega-Thread
• The DPT Mega-Thread
• The Trip Reports Mega-Thread
• Psychedelics Safety and Protocols Mega Thread
• Psychedelics Informational Resources
• Psychedelic Research Mega-Thread
• Best Psychedelic Trip Music Mega-Thread
• Psychedelic Memes Mega-Thread
Enlightenment & Psychedelics Episodes 🤯
• Almost every episode in the Enlightenment section of Leo’s Blog Videos.
Ep 283. Interview With Martin Ball - Using 5-MeO-DMT To Become Enlightened
Ep 347. Enlightenment Experience Explanation & Key Lessons. (Summary) (a response to ep 346)
Ep 437. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days. (Summary)
Ep 495. Leo's Worst Bad Trips - Psychedelics Gone Wrong
Viewer Compilation 🥳: Incredible, Powerful Concepts on Life & 5-MeO-DMT
Blog Post and Video on Mapping Consciousness With High Dose LSD
Tripping in Real Time Episodes
Ep 346. Enlightenment Experience Happening In Real Time - LIVE! 🛋️
Ep 431. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 1. 📦
Ep 432. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2. 🛋️
Misc Episodes
Ep 329. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 1.
Ep 331. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 2.
More Blog Posts on Psychedelics
Trip Report 🧳
Jun 2017: Psychedelic Visions
Jul 2017: More Serious Than You Ever Imagined (note) 🤯
Sep 2018: Salvia Trip Report
Jun 2019: Dissecting The Psychedelic Experience 👽
Jun 2019: Who Are The Machine Elves? 👽
Research 🔬
Feb 2017: Alexander Shulgin Documentary - Psychedelics Chemist (note)
Oct 2018: Psychedelic Receptors 📄 🧷
Mar 2018: Breaking Convention YT Channel 🤯
Mar 2018: The Origins Of Mind—Thomas Ray 🤯
Aug 2019: Psilocybin & Personality Change (note) ⁉️
Aug 2019: Microdosing Research ⁉️
Jul 2020: Legal MDMA Therapy Almost Here! (note)
Jan 2021: Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences 🤯
Jul 2021: Ketamine Klinic (note)
Jan 2017: Drunk On Mushrooms
Feb 2017: The Despicable War On Drugs
Mar 2018: Dark Room Retreats & 5-MeO-DMT
Mar 2018: A Society Built On Psychedelics—Bwiti Tribe
Sep 2018: Your Brain On LSD
May 2019: Denver Decriminalizes Mushrooms
Apr 2020: Timothy Leary (note)