Ascent X

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About Ascent X

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    Outside 15thDimensional Time-Matrix
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  1. Leo, super off-topic, but can you please un-ban me? You banned me immediately for “sourcing psychedelics” no warning, when someone asked me for source, I specifically & literally just said, “go look up on google”, all I said. I didn’t give any source. Ive been heavy into this work for years, and love the information, discussion, and resources here I’ll never source anything or cause anything close to a problem here again if you give me the chance. Thank you for understanding.
  2. Do you actually have the course?
  3. HVC is amazing, I have it, it’s probably the best most advanced, concise, holistic and integrated product on Social Skills, and Communication coming from authenticity and a higher paradigm perspective. I’ll say it’s foundational to Social Skills, Charisma, and developing/expressing your authenticity personality as a whole. Learn all other Game stuff, after you’ve watched and put this course into action. It’s the solid foundation you need to learn the rest and not get lost or trapped in toxicity and sociopathy. HVC won’t go into specific with dealing with women and being sexual. If you aren’t actively going out, taking action, making observations, writing down and analyzing your reference experience, as well as some inner work. The course is useless just an any other information you don’t implement.
  4. You actually chose to be born but forgot. If you die, you can chose to not be physically incarnated or identified for sometime. But boredom, desire, and karma will draw you back to incarnation. It’s an infinite in and out process.
  5. Yeah I use to watch his content long time ago. Ill take a look again with a fresh set of eyes.
  6. Depends on girl, and her attractiveness level. But yes they are very important. Yes women do the same. Difference is women change and flip flop their mind way easier, and theirs wayyyyy more factors involved than looks, woman want the complete package not just “good looks, nice personality” like men. -It’s Especially important you don’t have thing that’s immediately disqualify you (insanely ugly, super skinny/fat, short, terribly dressed) -Arent too boring plain and average -And at least have some level of Masculinity in your looks, (if not, be very pretty). & some edge or intrigue Probably most important and attractive quality in looks is Overall Masculinity, Height, Large Frame, Jawline, etc. The more attractive a girl, the more Looks you will need usually, the more looks usually matter especially if you don’t have insane Status, & Charisma/Game to compensate. Women are picky, they want leaders, they want the whole package. Men will duck anything that walks and gives it up. Looks definitely matter more to men, because it’s almost the only thing that matters to most thirsty men, But Looks almost in a way Equally matter if not matter more to women. They want the Good genes to have good babies. There’s only Leeway to not having Supermodel looks, to get supermodel girls is if you have insane Game/Charisma, Standout Style, Amazing Physique, and High status. That’s in itself is insanely rare and valuable, and can create a halo effect.…. Good Looking & tall men rarely are ever Not charismatic, confident, and higher status to some extent. Id still say after you Pass Lookswise…. Your behavior and perceived status matters most. You still need to pass lookswise for a girl to be attracted to you at all. Sometimes the bar is low, sometimes you just fit her type. They will usually settle for the best overall option around.
  7. Who are some very good teachers, with different, but high quality and holistic high paradigm perspectives on Social Skills, Charisma, Game, Status & Power Dynamics Besides RSD??? (Self Mastery Co), Owen Cook, Julien Blanc, Jeff Allen, & Todd Valentine (Who left the company), etc Would say these guys are the best, amazing with a great and more holistic perspective, that isn’t toxic, misogynistic, shallow, scammy value taking, narcissistic/sociopathic fear based “Game”. Because so many “PUA/Game” coaches are insanely toxic and brainwashed sociopaths, And most “dating charisma coaches”, are very watered down content. But still I’d like more perspective and different paradigms and systems to work with. Ive heard of and use to watch Arash Dibazar, but not sure if the quality of his products, it’s very over the top “alpha male”. thepowermove .com, seems to be pretty high quality content on power dynamics and advanced social skills. (But can be abused. Not foundational). Anyone else? Any good programs, books, and courses you recommended outside of RSD, and the typical (Mark Manson, 3% Man, Charisma Myth, Charisma on Command, Win Friends) etc. Thank you. @Kalki Avatar I’d like to hear your current perspective and ideas.
  8. Long as you are a human or incarnated being, you are finite, So you have certain needs and preferences. Emotional, Social, Survival needs, etc Along with cultural programming. That’s have shaped the unique individual person you are. This dictates your preferences. It makes perfect sense. Not confusing at all. Obviously sexual attraction and relationship are about sexual reproduction, procreation. You want a mate with the best and most suitable and compatible genetics, character traits, and social status, to then ensure the survival of your children , and chances they can reproduce themselves. Old ugly ladies most likely have shit genetics, and are infertile, peak female fertility is like 16-25, after it drops, 30-40 children risk autism and birth defects. Short men usually shittier genetics, were malnourished, harder to hunt for food, provide protection and resources, less social dominance. etc etc How the hell is this confusing. True “non-dual” perspective is integrated and doesn’t separate itself from duality. All these preferences are about Survival of your finite ego form. It makes perfect sense there. Life is a game, survival is a game. overtime preferences change. God/Source’s no preference, is same as preference and love for absolutely everything, every possible preference and experience for infinity.
  9. Seriously thank you so much! bookmarked to read all the way through later
  10. I can get that, but one isn’t limited to your personality test. The personality you exhibit and the one you would authentically be can be completely different. Not so much talking about “thinking heady”, but the shadow of it. What I’m saying is the bias against people and socializing, harsh coldness, stuck in head, one isn’t just born and stuck like that, Leo has said how his childhood trauma growing up as Russian immigrant greatly impacted his personality, when he couldn’t speak English or understand others as a kid, being made fun of for that for example. I’m honestly insanely similar to Leo, I’m INTP too, Was also a child of immigrants Lol. This is why im asking, also for me. All of that, I have that. So I’m wondering if Leo could heal this aspect of himself, and challenge this biggest bias,(also mine), how much more holistic integrated and expansive could his teachings and perspective be. Because he already is so developed, this would be probably be insanely difficult but can cause huge expansion. Next level. The most expansion growth and learning comes from our biggest source of pain and aversion. Could give insight into my journey too.
  11. Art I’m including music, artwork, film, fashion, etc. all within the broad term of Art. Every individual’s unique creative expression in general, and connecting to and finding deep meaning within that, instant connection to others, how we all relate, and creating, creation, forward movement progress and evolution itself. Life is just a huge Art/creativity project video game, you can create and express whatever you want. Sex and Love, also my favorite things in life, are no different than Art, that’s what Art is. Music, Artwork, and Fashion have some of the most immediate and strong visceral response and feeling to me. Can feel my soul. Life itself really, the trees, nature, architecture, animals, people, all beautiful art to me by God. It’s my passion primary to the mind. Yeah I love to think, contemplate, research, and dig deep to understand spirituality, metaphysics, psychology, etc to really get to the big picture of life, to understand myself, but after that, I just want to enjoy and create, and express. Beauty. That’s Art.
  12. I agree with your concept of transcendence there What Im talking about are the many people in the “enlightenment community”, who want to “transcend”, and do Away with emotions all together. The talking points and language can conflate You are also just as much a human as everything else, we are here to live not to transcend life. Theres a reason source broke out of formless nothingness to experience.
  13. Why master something you don’t enjoy doing or have interest in.
  14. The model isn’t “true”, there’s truth to it, and you have to discover it yourself. Sevan Bomar has really good insights and understanding to how astrology actually works, along with lots of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge and understanding, but just an astrologer.
  15. I agree and disagree to a large extent. To transcend Emotions: Okay, become an emotionless AI then. Stop being human. What is this autism, not “enlightened” at all. Long as you are in a human body, you cannot “transcend” emotions, you must integrate and accept them with the whole of who you are, not resist or deny them. That’s the whole not identifying with or giving any label of bad or good. Emotions are your guidance system to your personal truth and authenticity, and aids in your expansion and gaining awareness when you are conscious and in tune with them. Every negative emotional trigger is a chance to learn something new and heal something within yourself. All emotions have an important message to share. Matter of fact, no point to living if you want to “transcend” emotion. Go return to formless source.