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Everything posted by AdroseAkise

  1. Rittenhouse in the center. Black Rifle Coffee is this bizarre right wing militarized coffee company. I should try there coffee sometimes though, I hear good things about it. Joe Rogan likes it.
  2. Although, is there anything really wrong with enjoying luxury? What about luxury that is done in a sustainable way? For example, instead of expensive fur coats, and expensive fake fur coat. Instead of a Rolce Royce, a Tesla? Even Osho loved luxury, he loved his Rocle Royce's and swiss watches, as well as expensive clothes and luxury sunglasses. Luxury wine, food apartments, etc... Can awakened people enjoy all of these things? Edit: I do recall Leo saying in his Conscious Politics series that he supports a tax on all luxury items, and then proceeds to say that in a conscious society, these luxury items would not even exist. Is this true?
  3. He is correct in this one, most zoomers are too selfish and involved in individualist culture to care about climate change. Zoomers follow a me, me, me, culture of excessive phone usage, smut, and narcissism. Our idols are narcissistic celebrities, not Greta.
  4. To be fair to this kid, the three people he shot were running after him aggressively. One (Grosskreutz) had even pointed a handgun at the kid.
  5. Yeah, I guess I was a bit too harsh. Maybe I'll try weed again, I still do have my weed specific pipes. But I'll just keep it as a very rare event.
  6. I actually have to agree with @Leo Gura with weed, while I do support its' legalization I think people who smoke it are losers. I only tried it once in High School and I regret it, there is no point to it. First, I was coughing endlessly and couldn't breathe until handed water. It dulls the mind but that's it, removes all cognitive skills in a state of temporary mental retardation. After that experience, I didn't get anything from it despite a nasty smell. I smoke cigarettes (very infrequently), at least cigarettes don't mess with my cognitive functions.
  7. @Matt23 What does it matter to you? Why do you care about the opinions of Western culture, and actually making yourself angry. This is all your problem, not society's. Society is developing at it's own (slow) pace and your judging it for doing so and actually getting angry about it. Again, your problem, not society's.
  8. Damn it, I post the same video, though with more effort in the OP and no one replies.
  9. The vastness of this world and all the different types of people who reside on it.
  10. Of course, this behavior was definitely condemnable on the Political Left. What Liberals should have done was prove that they are more civil, polite, and respectable than Trump by being on their best behavior. Instead they went even below his level with truly disgusting Kathy Griffin style stunts.
  11. China is kicking this Nations @$$ so hard. At least their Government doesn't bow to the will of private interests, and does not hesitate to build infrastructure, which they dominate at.
  12. The media has to appeal to the vast majority of people to get that mass market appeal, and the vast majority of people are not Progressives/Social Democrats/Socialists. As people advocating for Progressive Left ideas, we have to first understand that we are the minority of American thought and ahead of the center of gravity of the culture. Keep voting for Progressives, and slowly, we will chip away at progress. Just don't forget to vote and donate, don't fall into the trap that spiritual people fall into of completely neglecting Politics and Voting because they're so apathetic.
  13. There is nothing nicer than a menthol cigarettes when it's really hot outside. As well as a nice cigarette and coffee.
  14. Cigarettes calm me down, so has weed, thought cigarettes don't mess with my mind. After smoking my favorite cigarettes, I can still go back to work, read a book, etc... I can't say the same for weed.
  15. I don't understand this negativity towards Pres. Biden. His Afghanistan withdrawal, though poorly managed, was a good idea. There is nothing to suggest this inflation we're seeing is his fault. What's with all the hate?
  16. I personally actually do enjoy cigarettes, though incredibly rarely. Cigars and tobacco pipes are okay, but do not give me the same satisfaction as an American Spirit brand cigarette. Before anyone criticizes me, Alan Watts was a lifelong smoker.
  17. We need to send this video to Leo, he would love the cringe comedy. Jesus Christ is sitting in heaven with a complete disgust of what has become of his disciples. These music videos are the entire culmination of 'unconscious politics'.
  18. Bleh, weed smokers... Marijuana makes people dumb and idol, no wonder they want to legalize it. I'd (seriously) rather smoke cigarettes, at least tobacco doesn't mess with your head.
  19. Thank you Leo! I thought I did something wrong. So sorry for spamming complaints, please forgive me as I do have a diagnosed anxiety disorder.