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Everything posted by AdroseAkise

  1. @Leo Gura Here's your corruption for ya!
  2. I don't think I can vote, even though I do have dual Russian citizenship status. I need to check the laws. If I were to vote in Russia, I would probably vote for 'A just Russia'—_For_Truth But I don't know if they truly count as systemic opposition or not. I'm sure the Communist Party ( is also alright, but they're way too authoritarian, ideological, and Conservative. But that doesn't mean they can't be reformed, or at least pass some workers rights legislation.
  3. According to your profile, you reside in Moscow. Do you bother voting in Russian elections? If so, for whom? Disclaimer, My father is from Lebanon, but my Mom is St. Petersburg Russian. So I do know a fair bit of Russian politics.
  4. @Hardkill Without reading the book, you will never understand SDi
  5. If integrated properly, than yes. There could always be an orange system that does not integrate these things, but that orange system will become dysfunctional. Ideally yes, but the worst aspects of red are regulated by the blue system. YES
  6. The Qu'ran is a really powerful book when read at higher points of awareness and consciousness.
  7. YES, of course. BLUE is expressed through; Discipline, work ethic, integrity, proper dress, proper and polite language, sobriety and self control RED is expressed through; Loyalty, passion, decisiveness, no-nonsense, the ability to stand up for oneself. PURPLE is expressed through; connection to nature, and deep intimate bonds with family and community This is deeply false.
  8. Osho himself made several speeches about how Communism was the ideal system, though it was missing 'zen fire and zen wind' (authentic spirituality).
  9. The response to homophobia is not to throw people out of their homes, choosing to live in Israel is choosing to pay taxes to this regime.
  10. I do think of Communism as the ultimate ideal, spiritual system. It just has to be implemented in the right places of the world. I also see Communism, or at least the end of Capitalism, as an inevitability.
  11. Why does Leo have such a disdain for heavy metal? I personal do not like the genre as well, but there is no reason to make a whole 1 hr video against it. Just ignore it and let people listen to their preferred music.
  12. This post reminds me of reading passages of the Qu'ran where the people in the story's have first direct experiences with Allah, and can't handle it because they don't think themselves as worthy. I encourage you to give the Qu-ran a read.
  13. Mohammed El-Kurd recently gave a really good speech very recently to the U.N. . I dare anyone pro-Israel to make a response to this speech.
  14. @Sempiternity OP, That clip is from this talk: Which itself is behind a full lecture, that the Osho International Foundation put behind a paywall:
  15. This issue can be easily solved with proper education. Don't take Democracy for grandted, appreciate that you don't live in an Authoritarian Government.
  16. Marxism-Leninism was never intedned to be the Unieversal form of Communism that all Communist parties and mass workers movements must follow. Marxism-Leninism is Communism adapted to the conditions of the late Russian Empire and early Soviet Union. Communists in the first world have their own material conditions and should strive a Communism adapted to those conditions, not copy what was intended for a pre industrial peasant society.
  17. Oh sure, when the United States wants to destroy the Middle East and ruin Libya for generations to come, no one dares sanction America. But when Putin annexes crimea, sanctions. The only country on Earth that deserves sanctions for illegal invasions is the United States, and yet the world wags its' finger at Putin.
  18. I flirted with Marxism-Leninism, but it is ultimately a backwards system. First and foremost, it’s un Democratic, and secondly it’s rooted in strict ideology.
  19. I guarantee you that this is nothing. Western media is infamous for demonizing Russia, as they get all their info from the CIA, CNN is practically a State Department mouthpiece. Western media is also infamous for over hyping situations and stories, especially ones that are about America’s geopolitical opponents.
  20. I do believe that Marx was correct in the sense that some form of non-ideological Communism will emerge in the long march of History, even Don Beck P.h.D. has vaguely hinted to this. But it is not going to be the Communism of the Marxist-Leninists (i.e. Authoritarian Nationalistic one-party state led by ideologues). Communism or not, the end of Capitalism is only inevitable. It’s not a matter of should or should not Capitalism end, as much as it is a matter of when, and how do we prepare.
  21. If something serious happens, I'll make a breaking news thread.
  22. The American armed forces are essentially a terrorist organization, and so is the Israeli Defense Forces.
  23. Take that advice with caution though. Learn to distinguished good, moral, and upright BLUE, from people who surbscribe to neo-Fascism. They're both BLUE, but one is a higher quality than the other.