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About Gabrielle

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  • Birthday 05/07/1991

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    Fresno, CA
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  1. In my current beliefs Sexual energy is Life energy. Take it to a level you have not yet considered. Watch Leo's videos on sex. The female vid helped me quite a bit in conjunction with my own sexual journey. My "greenhorn" advice on the subject is the tune into that energy and in the moment, really FEEL everything including energies. I don't know what tantric sex is but I believe the lesson learned after tantric sex is similar to an experience I've had with my current love. Just let go. Begin with a beautiful intention and then LET. GO. Raunchy sex can be beautiful too! I'm currently working on incorporating porn into my sex life but I'd personally recommend evaluating your relationship with porn and perhaps take a break from it before incorporating it into your sex life if that is an interest of yours. But let go my love, and just feel what your body wants. Be weary of desensitization from porn. It can alter your mind set and really rob you of a lot of pleasure if you aren't careful and aware. When used as a resource it's exciting in such a peculiar and bonding way. Lets not pretend we are only to be attracted to one person. This is a topic I am very interested in and exploring personally and I'll regress now. I think that when my sexual energy is released in a gratifying way it effects all other aspects of my life. Best of luck on your journey JevinR. Love & Light, Gabrielle
  2. I'll say what nobody wants to hear. I believe it's a long shot also. But that depends on what you're masturbating to! Porn would be a challenge I'm only assuming from personal and loved one's experiences. But I wonder if self-pleasure, coming from a place of self-love and a mind set of experiencing bodily euphoria, can cultivate enlightenment. I personally can't get off on the ideals that get me going in a self-development sense alone. With a partner I find that exploration a tad easier. Maybe that's just my "style" of self-pleasure. That being said, our sexuality is a huge part of our lives and a huge part of our biology. I recommend you try it out for yourself and report back! I'm curious as well Love & Light Gabrielle
  3. I have a weekly schedule on a whiteboard on the fridge. There's a lot of life hacks that stem from watching Leo's videos. I will schedule especially helpful video's (victim vid) weekly. I'll listen to them in the shower, during dishes, etc. The key is to HEAR his messages. Don't mindlessly consume. This has helped me exponentially. I find the media intake I allow in my life to be the best catalyst for ANY life hack. For example I can execute a "hack" as long as it's in my head but after a while it can become a source of anxiety on things I'm not doing but know I should be. By motivating myself with content I find I resonate with, and RE-WATCHING weekly until I no longer find it necessary, I will continue whatever "hacks" I deem useful for my own life regularly until it's part of my daily lifestyle. Apply the Ideal Self Image to ANY life hack you wish to incorporate to your life. I'M THE TYPE OF PERSON WHO VALUES ORAL HYGIENE. And then BAM I'm flossing, tongue scraping, and oil pulling on the daily (with time and discipline) without effort. It's quite amazing. Hopefully this can add a bit of help in your journey although I may not have answered your question! Best of luck Ludwig. Love & Light Gabrielle
  4. @Leo Gura Leo, I'm surprised to read this from you! Although I'm naive when it truly comes to career and business running. I'll shed some UN-insightful light anyhow Take with a grain of salt. It's so hard in this age to distinguish what work is for many people. I'll argue that a good amount of hours will depend on what you need to do to create an income. Some creative minds will have their motor running most of the day. First start by identifying exactly what your work is. Then, get an overall idea of how your time is spent in relation to other areas of your life satisfaction, before identifying what is an appropriate time to allot for work. Do you need to be more strict when it comes to time allocation or even possible scheduling? Don't lie to or sacrifice yourself. I'll be honest here and say I am SO far out of my comfort zone since you mentioned the devil. I mean MATH. LOL. Just thinking to myself as much as I'm talking to you here.. Best of luck Bronsoval! Love & Light Gabrielle
  5. I am currently delving into this realm of my life. Obviously this will depend greatly couple to couple. When I watched Leo's video on having great sex for females, it hit a cord for me. Prioritize yourself. If you are not meant to be with a certain person forever, don't let that stop you from investing yourself in the many fruitful aspects of a relationship (getting good at sex is just one of countless examples). I have been hurt by my current love, and there are weak moments I would be consumed with thoughts about the past or concerns for the future and I'd act out, now those moments are lessons. I think but don't know, that a certain level of disconnect is needed. I also think but don't know that I find this not only healthy, but ideal. All in all, relationships can simultaneously be our livelihood as well as merely a tool for self development. Regardless, it is what you make of it. I'd advise you to really challenge yourself and see how honest you can get with this person. Somebody on the path to enlightenment will be easily held back by relationships... but allow your love time to see you and your beautiful intentions for what they are, first and foremost. Give them the chance to show you who they can be, just as you are doing for yourself. A couple committed to enlightenment should ideally know what is best for their fate. Love at the very least is a way to experience this short life. Honor love in all forms and above all be true to yourself. Love & Light Gabrielle
  6. I've been sugar free for a couple of months now. I can say it took a LONG time before I even considered it a possible lifestyle. Once I moved beyond that phase, the sugar free lifestyle was literally all I WANTED. And yes, I've heard a million times, as I'm sure you have, starting out is the hardest part, right? Hell Yes!! That is correct sir, LOL. But I'm being honest and coming from a place of addiction that may be similar to yours (gas station diet), it is such a CHOICE. A f***ing piece of sh*t choice that seems impossible until, what I HONESTLY believe the secret is, enough miserable time has passed. Then it's literally me sitting at my dining table laughing at how douchey my dinner is. And guess what?? Not only am I enjoying this ridiculous roasted veggie and sprouts (yes, I know..) taco, I'm enjoying it more than I've enjoyed anything I was eating while addicted to added sugars. Please trust a recent former full blown sugar addict, there is a detox period that is uncomfortable. Embrace that discomfort batman, I know you can! AND I know that if you are here on this forum, you know why that embrace is important. Just a brief look at my detox experience Jan 1: NEW YEAR NEW YOU mentality bull everybody shamelessly joins, and I'm one of them. I watch the documentaries That Sugar Film and Fed Up, you may be familiar and if not you should look into them. I recommend watching after you begin a healthier diet, it will resonate more with your subconscious without a defense mechanism in place. Jan 4: Feeling like shit during a green smoothie cleanse that started on the first, I'm tired and lethargic. Also in exciting late breaking developments I find I'm backed up. I take my "healthy" fiber gummie chew supplement for digestive health. Within minutes I find myself googling the adverse effects of eating more than the recommended dosage. I talk myself out of eating more than the already extra serving I've excused myself. Now onto anything and everything else. STOP! I consider the fact that, yes, I feel shitty, but for some reason have been capable of sticking through with this smoothie cleanse thus far... So WTF?! Can the minuscule amount of added sugar in those supplements be what's causing this distraction toward craving? YES B**CH (I told myself). And Yes B**CH, I was right. Jan 5th: Okay.... I guess I'm going to get pretty anal about ingredients lists'.... let's do this. NO ADDED SUGARS. I'm straight up THAT person at the grocery store. Jan 6th- lets say the 16th: Hell. Get familiar with your big picture because accepting that sh*t is going to suck right now is how I got through what I consider my sugar detox process. Do yourself this favor because you as a human being 100% deserve to feel the clarity and overall enjoyment of food that comes from ridding your diet of fake sheeeett that you've been conditioned to view as normal or even healthy. I know if I can do it, literally anybody can (shall I remind you of my gas station diet from merely weeks ago???). Now this is all preference, but I eat primarily raw fruits and veggies throughout the day and an animal protein a couple of times a week. My HOLY GRAIL has been the sweet potato/Yam. I never even liked them before! Now? That's my candy, that's my desert!! As much as you may find this unbelievable or unrealistic, trust me honey I've been there. And I can't believe sometimes how far I've come thanks to avoiding added sugar. YAMS YOUR MY BOY!!!! OMG and I like cinnamon now, WTF is happening to my tongue!? I Love It and you will too, batman, Love & Light Gabrielle