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aetheroar replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is not called anything, it’s my direct experience. Spontaneous awakenings could be explained as concepts overpowering other concepts which causes the momentary experience of disillusionment. For instance, if someone was utterly depressed yet they really yearned for mystical experiences, they could be on the brink of suicide (the edge of releasing the self and all beliefs) and the awakening would be the actual experience of the dropping of beliefs. The belief that death would bring a mystical union with God would trigger an extrapolation of that idea the moment it was prioritized over continued life in the body. All awakenings, mystical or otherwise, can be explained by the release of belief systems and a restructuring of perception. If one has no belief systems to begin with, there’s only the delimited mind (infinite space/consciousness/sound/etc.) with nothing to extrapolate towards infinity. This is why Enlightenment has always been the case and why God Realization is not full awakening. -
aetheroar replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This has lined up to my direct experience completely. Mystical experiences appear to be caused by belief systems becoming so immeasurable that they extrapolate toward infinity until flipping back in on themselves, causing the beliefs to be briefly overlaid onto reality. It’s why all mystical experiences are experienced and can be retained by the ego-self, because they unclude subtle duality. If you gave psychedelics to someone that has truly cleared their beliefs out, they would give no effect, as all beliefs came from the source, which is literally the world as it appears to everyone... What I’m pointing to is that reality as it appears is already is a mystical vision. -
aetheroar replied to DrugsBunny's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
1) inspect what you would define as imaginary. 2) inspect what you would define as real. *Stop here if you are truly interested in Knowing, read on if you want more ideas to think about * 3) realize that neither of these definitions would apply to a 5 year old autistic child because they would be immersed into the space you pulled the questions out of. 4) realize that if there was an answer to a conceptual question, that answer is only able to compare it to something else, and can not possibly shine light on the truth for you. 5) the appearance of imagination is real. The appearance of present reality includes imagination. The truth includes all appearances before the questions or conceptualizations arise. 6) because nothing adds up to everything, and everything adds up to nothing, there’s no actual basis in dirext experience for the question/answer system. It’s just comparing one appearance to another appearance. 7) The Universe is like a timeless mystical vision, a mirage made of self-luminous nothingness, singularly projected as the Spirit of God. Spirit appears as something that is not quite explainable, that is immeasurable beyond relation to itself, such as temperature, density, form, movement, color, sound, and brightness. These Spirit qualities interweave at infinitely complex levels, shapeshifting, forming and balancing each other on the stage of emptiness. These qualities all know themselves directly, there is no such awareness beyond the sensations as they arise. Ultimately they add up to nothingness, and must maintain the appearance of movement/change to be seen as anything at all. 8) The actual meaning of it all is to bask in the mystique, but even that is meaningless. You can do literally anything you want. As God is like infinite being, fully complete being manifests in fully complete forms forever. Every form is the knowledge of itself and there’s no logical explanation for it, it’s pure Miracle. 9) There is no cause of anything. -
aetheroar replied to Tyler Durden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is very straightforward to why solipsism is NOT God realization. God realization is accepting all perspectives simultaneously, not just yours. This means that the veil your GF has must be accepted by you if you truly wish to know truth. Truth is not your perspective without all other perspectives, it’s where all the perspectives meet. So if your GF has stories from the past that she is caught up in, she projects them to you, hoping that you will reflect her true nature back to her instead of her projection. When one projects and receives acceptance and love in return, their original story (“I am not worthy of love”) is disproven to them. The way to heal is not for her to project and receive “that’s not even true though, your past isn’t even real”, but for her to project and receive “your perspective is valid, and even though you believe that about yourself, I can see clearly that it isn’t true. You are unconditionally loved.” Compassion (seeing all perspectives as valid and not wanting to change them) is the only way to make true change. Someone projecting usually receives their projections in return, and often even worse - they receive their projection escalated through your projection, so they continue to believe them. To be spiritually advanced is to be capable of recognizing an illusory projection and instantly transmute it through compassion, reflecting love instead of more resistance. Contrary to popular belief, it only takes One to tango, meaning that if you are interested in continuing a relationship with anyone, it is solely the responsibility of you to embody compassion and stop projecting. -
aetheroar replied to aetheroar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are no judgements here, nor beliefs, merely pointers. Any projections as such would be exactly that, projections. Absolutely none of what was written has anything to do with anyone here being unfit...the entire point of the post is that you’re already complete and there’s nothing to do. It seems appropriate since many people actually feel unfit. I get your perspective as well, it’s valid, but it’s not the full truth. Opinions are never the truth. Again, the idea that one is not living their truth is entirely projection. This projection is created by your own beliefs about yourself. What you project in a response is your clearest pointer to that which you feel about yourself. Keep in mind that it was very clearly pointed out that nothing here is truth. When one is clinging to the conceptual mind, conceptual pointers are often the clearest path. There is no could have. -
aetheroar replied to aetheroar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There is no path for you. Go play -
Hello, being of light. Since I left this forum a few months ago, I’ve returned here and there to see it collapsing in on itself. As the forum is operating currently, it serves almost zero purpose for you all. Every post and every reply is an echo chamber of your own beliefs. Notice that you are reflecting what you hear after it has passed through your own limited belief systems. This work is not about knowing the secrets of the Universe, it’s about realizing the one seeking to know can literally never know, cleaning the mirror, and being “one with knowing”. It’s like this: The substrate of the Cosmos is “infinite self knowing”. This is equal to “Godmind”. The duality between real and imaginary is tripping many of you up. You can not say “it is all imaginary” or “it is all real” or anything in between. Because it’s like “infinite mind”, there is no mind-body duality, no real-imaginary duality, so to call it either is to create a belief system. All belief systems are limited in nature. Solipsism is true, but the framing of it is not true. That which is called Godmind is you, and everything appearing is what is called Godmind. Read further and you won’t even need to consider solipsism anymore. There’s not existential aloneness, it’s existential togetherness (allness instead of nothingness) Even though points don’t exist, I’ll use the idea of points as a pointer here. Every one of the infinite apparent points is running an infinite thoughtstream in the Godmind, with all other infinite “points” flowing through them infinitely. Beyond their relation to each other, they are the manifestation of nothingness and equally all empty of a permanent nature. With no points to be found, there’s no center to anything, and even in your direct experience, you can not find a center to perception. The egomind is the appearance of a permanent entity behind the lens of perception, which is formed of all your attachments. Attachments are belief systems, likes, and dislikes. Each moment, pure awareness is filtered through the lens of attachments currently present and what comes out of the other side is a thought about that polarity. That thought stream is then believed to be “my thoughts”, and it appears as continuity by self-referencing attachments and thusly appears as a “person”, “personality”, “ego”, “self”, etc. This continuity, which has always been a singular, infinitely complex thought, never began, is always present, and can never end. This is the nature of the Godmind. Where all thoughtstreams intersect appears knowledge. This is the actual appearance of all possible perspectives of any apparently finite thought, and when recognized to be infinite, is the appearance of the world as it is. All ideas about the thoughtstream came out of the thoughtsteam, are intrinsically limited, and can never deliver you to this stream. The appearance of thought behind the reflection of the eyes is distracting you from the stream. It can not be named! It can not be conceptualized in any way whatsoever. Put thoughts back where they came from! You can practice this by tracing conceptual thought back to the origin, which is Knowledge (appearances). What I am pointing to here is that the trees outside are the appearance of infinte knowingness, they are the literal essence of themselves appearing as all perspectives simultaneously. Knowledge is intrinsicly always complete, as an incomplete thoughtform is incapable of becoming manifest. Your “bodymind” is Knowledge, complete simply by being, and what it does is irrelevant to that completion. Liberation occurs when infinite thoughtstream is fully realized, as infinite knowledge is always complete, must always contain all dualities, and all perspectives. By surrendering all beliefs, likes, dislikes, positionalities, opinions, etc, one abides in God realization, but without knowledge of the abidance, as they have “fully gone”. God, being infinite self knowing, must fully open to all perspectives to realize itself. After opening to all perspectives, there is realized to have never been one to realize in the first place and that knowledge has always been known directly. Limited perspectives must be relinquished to be with Truth. Every concept about a “thing”, must go. The “thing” itself must go. Delimit yourself. “Infinite Love”, “Emptiness”, “God”, “Divinity”, etc are all without substance, they are just food for the ego, came out of the stream, and can not get you to the stream. Put them back into the stream! You can conceptualize the stairway to heaven and you’ll get to the doors (you’re already there) but you must release everything to step through the gates. There is nothing in this post of truth. Please stop trying to find it in this forum, it does not serve you anymore. If you understand this, trust yourself in that understanding and go directly experience what you just read. Love you, because I literally can’t not. -Fox
aetheroar replied to QandC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
YouTube took away the dislike button so now his spiritual ego is free to move about without emotional repercussions But in all seriousness, very well put. I’m out Some of you here seem very helpful and not delusional...If anyone wants to keep in contact, I’m over on instagram @whisperingpinestea infinite love! -
aetheroar replied to QandC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is pure (like, the purest ever) arrogance. Every sentence shows with absolute clarity that you have no idea what you’re talking about here. Okay, except the first sentence, which is actually accurate (way to go!). There is no “more conscious”, and you can’t teach awakening. God-realization is not an attainment. “You” dreamed yourself up (real big big big guy with big big knowledge, big big better than me!) by your infinite pursuit of knowledge. -
aetheroar replied to QandC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura I’ve done 4 months, but that’s beside the point. Nobody in their right mind would recommend that to someone. I absolutely do NOT recommend the hard psychedelic path to anyone, especially not on the internet, and definitely not combined with casually teaching solipsism (incorrectly, might I add). This is a recipe for putting someone in a seriously bad place emotionally. We can disagree on this all day...just asking you to compassionately consider the mental health implications of recommending things like this on a public forum. -
aetheroar replied to QandC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Dear Leo, This is unequivocally incorrect and a downright dangerous viewpoint. If “I” had any respect for you as a teacher, it would be gone. Love you, but what the actual fuck?! -
aetheroar replied to Forza21's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You got it There was an apathy for me as well on this path, even though sitting doing nothing but sipping tea in silence was my life for 8 years straight. A question to ask yourself that might flip this around when feeling apathy is: what could possibly be better than this right now? For me, the answer (if being real with myself) was always: “Nothing could be better, and if it could be, I have the potential to make it happen.” When perfection is realized to be true over and over, even without doing anything differently, the perspective shift looks like this: -
aetheroar replied to Forza21's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Forza21 I’d recommend taking Leo’s short answers and ignoring them completely. He’s not appearing to be helpful or loving. You are perfect as you are, truly. Notice that you want to be different, but also notice that you are exactly you and BE that fully with zero fucks given. Truly, this is the way. There’s no mis-doing, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are perfect and you are loved fully. Notice that it’s the thought of life being pointless which is making life feel pointless. It’s not actually pointless, it’s infinite mystery and infinite freedom to be yourself completely. If a thought feels bad to you, it’s because it’s not true for you. Thanks for this one, @Nahm Allow yourself to do what you love without feeling bad about it. If you feel like sitting all day, don’t hold shame about it, love it! Maybe listen to music, maybe do some arts, maybe find peace in the sitting itself. Life is literally infinite potential for you to do what makes you happy! Honestly I’d recommend putting on some music and dancing so ridiculously that you end up laughing at yourself, life is precious and is not supposed to be taken seriously, it’s childs play! The life you knew as a child running through the forest...that’s still the world that you are. Here for you, always in all ways <3 Love, Love -
aetheroar replied to aetheroar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm that is a beautiful appearance akin to what some call a micrphone Love, Love -
aetheroar replied to EternalForest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Because the “else” is you