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Everything posted by Marv

  1. I recently ran out of powerful psychedelics and I am scared that I might "lose consciousness" if I stop trying to expand it for a while. Like getting bogged down from everyday life routines, losing sight of what is important, so to say. I have the intuition that certain breathing exercises can be very powerful since I already glimpsed some kind of expanded consciousness while doing Wim Hof breathing. However, it only tends to last a few seconds and is most often quite weak. The problem here is that I do not really understand the mechanism with which breathwork changes perception so I cannot really improve it. Can anyone provide me with good informative media that how the mechanism works/how to get a maximally strong effect from breathing through a certain regimen or something of that kind? Thank You!
  2. Then don't. Why did I even decide to join a discussion on this forum, I did this for 5 minutes now and I am already infuriated. This is like twitter, Jesus Christ. And you people claim to be enlightened?
  3. Lots of people in this thread seem to lack the necessary geopolitical nuance. The control of the western Pontic Steppe is absolutely uncompromisable for a nationally sovereign Russia. Putin and NATO both know this. If you drive a dog into a corner, do not be surprised when it is going to bite. Except, you won't be surprised if it was your plan all along to get it to bite you, so that you can then shoot it into the head with the people blessing.