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Everything posted by Forza21

  1. @Leo Gura see, that's why it doesn't make sense. You say it's the most "terrifying thing you can imagine", BUT then you say there's no you to be terrified in the first place. You don't even have recollection of what you should be afraid, because there's no you! You just become GOD/conscious/ love. So either there's fear only when you go back from that state, and try to remember it, which would be fear of concept or there's still some ego left which is afraid, therefore you don't fully disappear, and you have never fully awakened.
  2. Fine enough. Ok. So let me just ask my last, and final question. Very easy, but i guess not so simple. Are you happier now? After the realization? Or was "Leo atheist" happier?
  3. You are not only one saying that "I'm GOD" , BUT you are the only one saying, that's scary, lonely, hard for stomach etc. Other teachers say only about love, bliss. So either they don't want to scare any spiritual pursuers away, and you are the only one saying it realistically, or something went wrong during your way.
  4. But honestly you're the only one spiritual guru, who talks about such destructive loneliness, so either you've really surpassed every other teacher there is, or maybe your direction to truth is slightly of track?
  5. But why is it so hard? The higher you are, the less ego you have, so the less amount of suffering there should be... and the more GOD-LIKE you become,t he more "love" you are, so shouldn't it be total bliss istnead of fear?
  6. @Leo Gura you wrote this some time ago. Does it still hold? Now everywhere i see your mysterious replay and people have no clue... and also do you agree with that?
  7. I feel like i'm more purpose-life- seeker, than head of family. I like change my mind often, I always try new things, and I don't want to be attached to one place, career etc. I feel like i'm not a good fit to become father. Can you be happy without big family? I am 30 btw.
  8. 3:36:00 The whole thing is one of the most interesting videos i've come across. BUT Leo's has a theory about healing and so called "woo-woo" stuff. He says that it may be true for some, in their bubble of perspective, and not for others in theirs. From the beginning, when Leo says about how he searched for "healers" he says, he doesn't really believe in that. He even checks 5 of them to make sure if they make the same story. After healing, he immediately thought that it didn't help! it's an obvious sign of closed- mindness. And obviously, if something may become true in your bubble of perspective, you must believe in that without any doubt and hesitation first! If you think you can do it or you can't, you are right in both cases. The so-called "healers" believes in that 100%! It's all a dream, and what's real or unreal, is pure imagination, so self-healing should be possible in any case, when you trully believe in it! And Leo seems skeptical to it, from the beginning, which may corrupt the whole process! What do you think about that? What do you think about self-healing, and other "woo-woo stuff?" Is it just matter of believes and imagination, or are there pure, objective (as much as dream provides) limits to that? Can some people REALLY see other entities, energy, heal themselves etc? What do you think @Leo Gura? maybe working on that to expand your mind even more, to this possibility, would help? One more point to consider - PLACEBO EFFECT - it's basically self-healing if you believe hard enough!
  9. Ok, i get that Hitler might love their people, so his hate for Jews, was to reach goals he loves. Fine. But what about animal abusers? I just can't stand, when someone abuses his dog, cat, or puts them into freezing cold to death etc. How the fuck can you say, that he acts from good intentions, if those people just like the way animals suffer? If everthing's love, than how torturing your dog is love?
  10. omg, that's exactly my thoughts! Yes, im in shock too, when i realize, most people care only about what to fuck, eat, and what car to buy. And of course all the celebrities drama and gossip about them. LIKE WHY? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHO ARE YOU? WHAT'S THE MEANING OF LIFE? "oh well, i don't know. Did you see Paris Hilton's new shoes though?" lol. But my question is, how to forgive those people, and how to talk with them without getting frustrated? How to have smalls talks basically? i always get annoyed, and unfortunately, those are member of my family also, so i need to meet them someday...;)
  11. Even the deepest and darkest roams of hell is still absolute love, and pure consciousness. It's all what we are, monsters and angels, hell and heaven. Maybe the whole point was, that distinguish between those two, to collapse?
  12. Which meditation do you prefer and which is more beneficial for spiritual growth? With eyes closed or open and staring into one point (zazen) ?
  13. @leo gura does your view still hold? He wrote it 2 years ago, and it's crystal clear here. But now he's statements in countless topics are just confusing and unclear... I wonder why. Many people ask the same question about solipsism, and it's all getting very confusing and fogy. What do you think?
  14. i used to smoke a lot, but now i see it kinda slows me down. If you develop your "presence" skill on some drugs, you still gonna be at the same place with your sober state. So i think sober meditation and awareness is much more important, and to much weed may hindrance it.
  15. It's about hermetic laws, you can read about it, for example book "Kybalion". It means that universe works exactly the same on micro and macroscale. Electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom just like planets orbits the sun, and milky away orbits the center of galaxy etc. It's the same, if it comes to human mind. Our finite mind works the same on the lower scale, as giant infinite mind which dreams all the reality. Just like your dreams.
  16. how is it even possible? This level of realization with just meditation?How? I honestly thought this was impossible. For how many years have you been meditating? For how long, during a day? Have you been born with abilities to see through illusion? Tell more, please!
  17. Can you maintain your insights, god realization, non-duality, ones and more facets to awakening, after sober up from psychedelics? Can you experience it WITHOUT any substances? @Leo Gura can you? Do you have 100% certainty that your trip is real, or it's just some drug induced hallucination ? And how do you know?
  18. 1) Soul (GREAT animation movie, which shows you, what's the meaning of life 2) Peaceful Warrior ( about the POWER OF NOW, really clasic !) 3) I origins (about reincarnation, love story) 4) Cloud Atlas (reincarnation during many ages) 5) Interstellar/matrix/inception ( those doesn't need any description) 5) Many famous like Pocahontas, Wish Dragon, maybe not directly, but with a lot of good meaning. 6) Vanilla sky - kind off ;-)
  19. Leo often says, that " you are ENTIRE GOD, NOT PART OF IT, ENTIRE F***** GOD" . So, if we have a waves in the ocean, if I point to it and call it THE ENTIRE F**** OCEAN, would it be a good analogy? So basically, we are waves but also an entire ocean, is that right? Or maybe, what LEO means, is that you are GOD in solipsism way, that you are the only one that have experience right now?
  20. this is the best explanation of solipsism I've seen so far, i've been looking for it for a long time. @Leo Gura, after your current insights, does it still hold?
  21. Recently i had very mild trip on shrooms, i had about 1.5g. In general, it was annoying, because it was like limbo zone, between trip/no trip... BUT for the first time in my life, I was meditating with my eyes open, and on the one point, my perspective collapsed. Normally, it's "I AM LOOKING AT THIS VIEW.". There's "i'm" and "the view". But suddenly, there was swift in my consciousness, and there was no longer "me" that's looking on something, but i became what i saw! I was literally it! The sense of "self" disappeared. For that brief moment, i was completely free, there was no thought whatsoever. It was beautiful! Then my mind got too excited and started screaming, "that's it!" and.. it was gone. Every meditation since, I try to go back to that state. I know that my monkey mind covers it, and it's so annoying. 1) Do you think that state was famous "no-self'? is that a point of zen meditation? 2) What's the difference between what Leo teaches, and that state? 3) Once i got there, shouldn't it be easier to reach it again? I try so hard, and i can't go there, it's very frustrating for me... any tips please? I just want to get read of that voice inside my head who talks all day long. Or simply stop beliving in it...
  22. This resonates with me so much, holly shit, thanks! Today during meditation, i've finally noticed ( he he, there's no one to notice it) that there were way more thoughts to notice!!! i thought that thoughts like "im getting there" "im doing fine/bad/ok/super/good "oh, new discovery" "oh i need to meditate more" and so much more, are just me, but they are not me!!! They are simply arising !!! to none, and from nowhere. Im not doing it, cause there's no doer!!! Thoughts just are, i can't think that, there's not such thing as "my thoughts" and "not my thoughts to notice". THEY ARE ALL ARISING TO NO ONE Thanks.
  23. Connor admits that he went full-derp-spiritual-mode, went broke, and currently he tries to figure out what to do. As i remember, Leo tried to warn him, that he need's more grounding. What's the main takeaways? What went wrong with Connor? Too fast too soon? Still stuck into fame of youtube? What do you think about him?
  24. Yes. During meditation, I also hang on words often, when i know what should i experience, because i read a lot about spirituality and i hang on knowledge to much. For example my thoughts are "everything arises from nothingness, you are that, you are nothingness" and that's just a thought, not a truth! Just observe that, and the real experience shall come, as soon as your thoughts goes away. Truth is not a word or concept!
  25. Please share you experience as follow: 1) How long are you into spiritual path? 2) How many trips on psychedelics have you experienced? And what psychedelics? 3) How often do you meditate? 4) Has your life gotten better or worse? How? 5) What are your main insides, what advice could you give to others? I'll start. 1) About 2 years. 2) About 6; lsd, schrooms, dmt 3) Yes, mostly daily for 15-25 minutes. 4)I think better, I'm less stressed and anxious. But it's far from my expectation of "ego" I feel like i'm spinning wheels in the same place, sometimes. 5) I don't regret doing any of that stuff, so i'd recommend to at least give it a try. But 2 years into the path is not a big time to give advices to other anyway. it hasn't changed a lot, but yeah, it's better.