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About the_cosmic_shaman

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  1. We are actually talking about the masculine/feminine balance archetype here. Yes, when looking at physical strength and the fate of women through history it looks terrible; if he wants to, a man can in general overpower a woman, and a patriarchic society can end up treating women as beings of lesser value, etc. But notice that these results are not only because of the difference in strength, but that combined with an "unawakened" society, and ego minds acting based on emotions and unhandled shadow aspects. This dynamic actually allows for some experiences that would never be possible without. Most women have the need for physical safety, and have a couple of choices: Either succumb to the power difference and live as a victim, take personal responsibility (start training strength/agility, learn self-defense, carry pepper spray etc.), or partner up with a man (or tribe) where the physical safety is guaranteed. Actually, due to the real perceived danger and delicacy of the dynamic, finding a partnership where the masculine protects and supports the feminine, while the feminine inspires and nurtures the masculine feels really rewarding to both parties. Together, in conscious collaboration, they can create something which is greater and more beautiful than the sum of the parts.