integration journey

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Everything posted by integration journey

  1. This was eye opening to watch. I felt disgusted by some of the men though. What do you guys think?
  2. What does work/survival/ money feel like in that state ?
  3. Mescaline is the same as peyote correct ?
  4. What the heck. I thought San Pedro was supposed to be the most mild psychedelic.
  5. Update us @Shodburrito
  6. This tune is stuck in my head
  7. Anything by Vernon Howard is considered gold for me
  8. Everything has got a problem with LSD it seems..
  9. That’s the winner question we should all contemplate.
  10. Nice rhymes
  11. So just stare into this thing for hours until something happens?
  12. This cat is a legend
  13. Best movie ever Emotional roller coster.
  14. Yes. Your awareness will never go away. It will just expand. just let go of any pre conceived ideas about what should happen and trust that god or the universe or higher consciousness will meet you once you let go. it can be difficult to the ego to let go but it’s worth it. Let your awareness be the anchor.
  15. Trust that you are awareness itself. just let go is the best advice I ever got.
  16. Have you done this ?
  17. I want to document my journey. I was born and raised in Syria and moved to the US when I was 16. I’ve grown so much and learned a lot in the past 9 years. 🤍🤍
  18. Interesting. I’m taking bacopa everyday. I think ginseng is similar, no?
  19. Everything seems to serve a higher purpose. you don’t take yourself that seriously anymore. You still work hard but realize you have to let go of yourself as much as possible. you love life more because you realize who you truly are.
  20. Just out of curiosity, have you tried 5-Meo-mipt and do you have any impressions from it?
  21. Vernon Howard is a gem I always check his quotes everyday for inspiration on his website called “ a new life”
  22. This interview is gold, you are bound to learn something from it. this guy is a national treasure and a great storyteller.
  23. Underrated