integration journey

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Everything posted by integration journey

  1. Being far away from where I was born and raised. curioisty. looking at life from different perspectives.
  2. This is a really good one too. I wasn’t able to share the full docoumentry but it’s available on YouTube.
  3. Syria Aleppo 2014
  4. Today is going to be a good day❤️ awareness alone is curative
  5. Same system is in Syria where I grew up. I was lucky in a sense that I left the county after completing 11th grade. There are trade offs to living in first world countries for sure. Syria had its pros and cons just like the US where I live now has its pros and cons too.
  6. Yes, but how did you come up with the conclusion that what I said is falsehood? I’m just discussing. You were quick to dismiss my point as religious bs. I’m not even religious.
  7. It’s called a discussion thread for a reason.
  8. That I have to admit I got from other “spirtual teachers” that I listened to and books I read. but it just resonates with me. It might not be true but fun to contemplate nonetheless.
  9. “Test” doesn’t have to have a negative meaning. Tests can grow you and make you more mature. I’m not even talking from a religious point of view you. Just observation of life
  10. So what’s your alternative then?
  11. Living as a human on earth is a test that your higher mind put you through so that you can grow and know more of yourself as pure consciousness and unconditional love. you signed up to be here so you can grow and learn. You will remember your contract once you merge back🤍
  12. Today is going to be a beautiful day❤️ 20/10/2024 I’m going to be more aware of my emotional state. I’m going to be more aware of my phone usage.
  13. Quantum healing hypnosis technique. I see a lot of practitioners offering this service in my area and I’m curious if anybody actually tried it ? I read positive things about it.
  14. No rules. Just intuition, direct experience, curiosity and vision🤍
  15. Syria on 18/10/2024
  16. Have you guys tried mate drink? It’s also a caffeinated drink
  17. Syrian boy smiling as he is rescued from under the rubble due to Russia and Iranian milita bombing in north Syria
  18. @krockerman nice work! Out of curiosity, how did you program this AI? Did you have to code it?
  19. 80 days left.. the days are long but they feel short In retrospect. I’m sure there is a name for it in psychology.
  20. Make them count!!❤️❤️
  21. Did you have to get a prescription for the modafinil ?
  22. It is the final boss that we have to beat unfortunately
  23. How about a wolf pic contest? Wolfs are cooler than crocodiles