integration journey

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About integration journey

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  1. So what would the purpose for taking delirtants? I have taken many psychedelics but I can’t imagine what it feel to forget my name or that I even took a subtance. I would panic probably and it would go sour.
  2. Wow, really beautiful. how did you learn to draw like this? What do you recommend for newbies? I love drawing mandalas but I want to expolore drawing other things.
  3. I am! Just moved here a couple of weeks ago. I’m very close to Portland.
  4. This was eye opening to watch. I felt disgusted by some of the men though. What do you guys think?
  5. What does work/survival/ money feel like in that state ?
  6. Mescaline is the same as peyote correct ?
  7. What the heck. I thought San Pedro was supposed to be the most mild psychedelic.
  8. Update us @Shodburrito
  9. This tune is stuck in my head
  10. Anything by Vernon Howard is considered gold for me
  11. Everything has got a problem with LSD it seems..
  12. That’s the winner question we should all contemplate.
  13. Nice rhymes
  14. So just stare into this thing for hours until something happens?