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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. @Mason Riggle If they are the same then the only thing left to experience the experience is the experience itself making it the experiencer.
  2. @Mason Riggle So you are just saying the experience is experiencing itself which means the experience is the experiencer. Either way there is an experiencer.
  3. @Mason Riggle No that was the experiencer's dream. Upon waking up the experiencer remains. Now obviously the experiencer was not the character that it dreamed but still it is. And experiencer is just a reference to that which is experiencing all the experiences.
  4. @VeganAwake You claim it feels a certain way. What is feeling that?
  5. If I'm correct that the expereincer is not the experience or the expereincer is not what it is aware of then it would be impossible for the experiencer to ever experience itself. You can experience your creation but you can't experience the source of creation precisely because the source of creation is not an experience. You can only be the source of creation.
  6. No it's a fact only you are you. No one else is you. And only you are me.
  7. It's more like you are looking through their eyes. There is no-one else looking through your eyes besides you.
  8. @VeganAwake How do you know that it feels unimportant/ordinary/liberating?
  9. Can someone help me prove this? I keep thinking another being knows that I exist and is in control of me and has access to my awareness. How do I convince myself that my awareness is private and only I know about it.
  10. @Vibroverse you can't imagine the imaginer
  11. Just my 2 cents. It seems like almost everything that is being said nowadays on this forum can be boiled down to beliefs and assumptions about reality. We are like the people that said the earth is the center of the universe. The mind can't function smoothly when the gears are all jammed up with these belief and assumption thoughts. I mean you don't even know if there is somebody on this end of the computer and yet you are making claims about reality. Looney!
  12. @WelcometoReality Just because someone can't stop thinking doesn't mean they aren't making the thoughts. Someone addicted to smoking can't stop smoking but they are still responsible.
  13. Take your response that you will generate. Prior to you creating your response you exist. This can be verified right now. Now you are about to create your response which you will then be bringing into existence. Prior to you creating your response it does not exist. The response does not create itself. It requires you to create it. This shows that there is a clear distinction between you and creation. Your creation is yours but not you.
  14. @Mason Riggle I didn't claim whether the creator is changing or unchanging. You are therefore you can do things. Your very post is just proof that you do things such as making a post.
  15. The paradox of immortality. You can't escape yourself. It's not your choice to exist. You must exist. What you do with yourself is your choice.
  16. @Mason Riggle So obviously our reality is not separate from itself. However I suggest that our reality consists of two aspects. The uncreated and the created. Within the uncreated (or within yourself) the creation is happening. I don't understand why you identify as your creations. If you create something such as a post then you must not be it because prior to you creating it, it did not exist but you did exist. You brought it into existence by yourself. But then to identify as your creation doesn't make sense to me.
  17. @Mason Riggle All creations are created and God is uncreated thus God isn't creation.
  18. @Mason Riggle God is not a creation. Thus creation is not God.
  19. Everything is determined by the source of creation. The universe is a deterministic process which you are not separate from. You are the determiner living among other determiners.
  20. @Mason Riggle Not necessarily but it seems the universe was created or born about 14 billion years ago.
  21. @Mason Riggle Humans and computers aren't comparable. With humans there is the dimension of subjectivity or consciousness which does the choosing. With computers there is no subjectivity so the notion that the computer is deciding what to do on it's own accord is erroneous because it isn't conscious. It's just a running the program it was given.
  22. @Mason Riggle Nothing. Being unborn it's nature is innate.
  23. @r0ckyreed The infinite mind if you want to call it that is the source. It is not determined by anything but it determines everything. Naturally everything that happens is deterministic because it determines everything. In the present moment you are determining what is happening.