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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. make the work fun. That is my goal!
  2. So you think I haven't been doing the work?
  3. There is no full awakening in my view. There is infinite enlightenment. God evolves forever. The point I'm making is this is more than a dream. This is God's reality.
  4. I suggest going deeper than imagination. For if it is simply imagination then please demonstrate your Godliness and destroy this hellish dream.
  5. Can't undo the past. What's done is done. What happened happened. What was experienced was experienced
  6. Very interesting! Yes I have not taken advanced mathematics courses. That would make my argument much stronger. I would love to hear about these infinite sets and series. Not sure where to talk with you about this. Anyway I'll post some thoughts here. I guess my argument stems on the fact that if you back infinitely then that means you literally must go back infinitely. So imagine the present moment is at point 0 on a number line. Infinite past means go in the negative direction forever and never stop. Since infinity can never be reached one would always have to keep going back further and further. If one does this forever then one would never actually be able to begin going forward to get back to the 0 point since one has to keep going back forever. Thus if one goes back forever then one can never begin going forward. My intuition is the past is finite and will always be finite. Its an absolutely massive finite quantity and it is ever growing but it is still finite. Thoughts? I agree this can be taken much deeper but I need the help of other people not just dogmatic belief that we have an infinite past. Also on a more practical level if we did have an infinite past then why are we still stuck here at this low level of evolution.
  7. Imagination is within creation. Creation is within creation. You can't reduce creation to the word imagination.
  8. Its what's actually happening. What's happening over there is you still think there is an other.
  9. Actually there is an order. You are hitler before you are GreenWoods. Hitler is your past. GreenWoods is your present. Aliens are your future.
  10. Right everything belongs to me. Your words are mine. You think because there is no separation that there is no one here. Actually you are the one that is here. Thus there are no others. Only you. Thus its all yours. It all belongs to you.
  11. Thus you have a past. Past expereinces/past lives. Future expereinces/futures lives. All created by you.
  12. You are not taking responsibility.
  13. The creator is everybody thus everybody is the creator
  14. Dear self. Everything belongs to me and you. That's what it means to be God.
  15. Not true. Everybody is aware because you become everybody. Everybody is you. I am one and so are you. Everybody is the creator.
  16. Not impossible since its happening. The question is how is it happening.
  17. Truth is made. One needs to create a truth for themselves as an orientation for life. My truth is ever expanding and growing. People keep telling me I don't have a past. That it is just imagination. I consider that untrue.
  18. And I'm aware too. Now how is that. It must be that I am you and you are me. Even that though is very tricky. How can you be experiencing and me be experiencing simultaneous if there is just one awareness. My opinion is its not simultaneous. Bodies are experienced in a every particular order. Thus my body is your past or future.
  19. I consider it a possibility. I'm open to all ideas. However, I'm interested in the actual truth. And that can only be ascertained with experience. I'm already so deep that I'm not worried about having a shitty life anymore. I'm just interested in finding out whether I am all of the people in the world that had absolutely horrendous lives. If I'm there then I find it my duty to help them.
  20. Memories refer to actual experiences you had. You keep calling everything imagination. I think you are addicted to that word.
  21. Absolutely that's what I'm working on now. How is it that I generate experiences for myself from nothing.