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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. The creation is technically speaking finite. The uncreated creator is infinite.
  2. This universe had a beginning. I'm very sorry if you can't see that. There could not have been infinite universes before this. Because one would never get to this universe. If you go back infinitely then you have to keep going back forever. Thus getting to this universe would be impossible. In my opinion God created one infinite universe that had a beginning and this is it.
  3. Yes there are not two creators but there are two bodies. Somehow these two bodies are seeing simultaneously.
  4. There is evidence for the big bang. namely the fact that the universe is expanding and was once infinitely dense. https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/-/media/Faculties/Science/Docs/Evidence-for-the-Big-Bang.pdf Before the big bang there was uncreated creator/source. Some people call this "nothing". Obviously it can't be reduced to a word and its power defies all logic. Before this creator began creating there was no creation. If the creation has always been here that means one has an infinite past. This is impossible because if one goes into the past forever then one never gets to the present moment. Also if this has been going on forever why is it still so problematic lol? One would thing we would have figured it out by now. Creation is a very recent thing in my opinion.
  5. That's a belief with no evidence. Big bang suggests there was beginning to the universe.
  6. I'm talking about the fact that I'm seeing this post from this very particular perspective and you are seeing my post from a very particular perspective. If there is only one here then how is it that I am in both places simultaneously.
  7. In my opinion it's the most critical thing. I see it a possibility given that God is infinite. Just unable to put it into words currently.
  8. The options: 0 - No one is here (non existence/Buddhist delusion) 1 - Someone is here with no other (typically called I/Awareness/Consciousness) 2+ - Many are here (schizophrenia) 1 is here.
  9. Drop the idea of an ultimate state or enlightenment. Its a stupid idea. Instead work to create a reality in which your state of being gets better forever. In other words infinite enlightenment with no end. Since God is changing there is no ultimate God. There is only a changing God that is continuously evolving. Anybody that says they have reached the highest level is full of shit since there is no highest level.
  10. Am I playing a joke on myself with this whole world or am I actually being everybody?
  11. 1 seeker, 1 knower, 1 awareness 1 story/creation 1 creator 1 experiencer
  12. When you are everybody in the universe you are alone. That is called solipsism. It is actually one of the most important things to understand. The foundation of further evolution. Consciousness is actually creating the delusion of there being an other.
  13. This is just made up nonsense. Existence does not need nor have an opposite. I can say I without there being an other. In fact that's what I'm doing right now. Since I become everybody you could say I am nothing becoming everything. Since there is no longer just nothing. I am no longer just nothing.
  14. You are revealing your true beliefs. You think there are others. I know there aren't.
  15. You are the appearances. Also you are reality. Also you type this post just as you typed that post. Instead of denying yourself why not start noticing that you are the only one here. Its a better foundation. I am all alone. There are no others. Much better.
  16. The point is there is only one consciousness which is I and which is evolving/expanding and experiencing with these bodies. Creator is creation. I do take my individuality serious because guess what?? I'm the only fucking individual there is. I'm the only one here. Completely alone. Forever. Myself is my company.
  17. I am still me just a bigger me. Bigger identity. I am the single alone subject that continues to experience just without the belief in an other. Just because I am everybody does not mean I disappear. In fact it makes me more permanent. So get use to yourself cause you aint going nowhere.
  18. Why do you call yourself nobody?
  19. You've made the identity of noone. Its no different than the identity of someone. Nothing is not appearing as everything. Nothing is everything. I am that. My very own self tells me I am not suffering when I am. Tells me I am not happy when I am. Tells me I am not experiencing when I am. All of which is untrue.
  20. you are not a word. Thus you are not God or awareness. Those are just things I call myself. As for going further I don't know haha.
  21. The most important difference between people is quantity of experience and number of human lives lived. Essentially the more experienced one is the better a life one will be capable of making. The creator gets better or evolves itself via experiencing.
  22. There is you and you will go everywhere you go. And your consciousness is evolving not sitting still.
  23. There are versions of me that say they have reached the highest "God realization"
  24. God is not a stagnant thing. God is evolving. I already know I'm God. God evolves on the level of form.