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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. If my body is not your body then you are positing the existence of an other or twoness.
  2. so you do not think my body is your body? Or that my activity is your activity.
  3. To say one's life is a replay is blatantly false with no evidence whatsoever. In my opinion its stupider then Christians who believe one goes to eternal hell when they die. Sorry I am so angry about this but those types of posts can cause immense harm to people that are just getting into spirituality and aren't very good at questioning other peoples beliefs.
  4. One can't live their life infinite times. Infinity has no max thus one could only live their life a finite number of times. It is impossible to reach infinity. His post is stupid and should be removed.
  5. To me it makes sense. This is the only time I will ever write this post. Makes a lot of sense to me.
  6. yeah exactly justfortoday also said something like this life is a replay or a movie that one is watching. Also stupid idea. One is making their life. Overall I wish that post I am referring to could be deleted. I never want to see it again LOL.
  7. good that's my favorite thing you've ever said. God is very good at coming up with scary things lol
  8. exactly which in my opinion invalidates his post. The problem is people think other humans know what's going one but they really don't. yes some have more insights then others but all humans have ignorance. even the guru is a work in progress.
  9. The idea that one repeats their current life forever is stupid in my opinion. Why would an infinite god relive the same life over and over again when it can create a new life.
  10. An unending dream that builds on itself forever. However it transcends dream because dreams occur within it.
  11. All of these are your posts lol. Absolutely beautiful. It should be very obvious to you who is writing the post LOL! Past and future posts. Building on itself in an absolutely magnificent way.
  12. So in your view awareness is not awareness. Or to put it another way I am not I. Or the subject is not subject.
  13. Nothing occurs without awareness
  14. Deep sleep is not cessation of awareness. It is cessation of experiences. If you poke someone while sleeping they have an experience proving they are aware.
  15. You are calling this "what appears to be" and saying the end. I agree this is permanently changing and thus there is no solidity except of course things such as objects that aren't moving like tables and chairs and buildings. Perhaps the appearance is deeper than what your mental conclusion that its just an "appearance" is saying about it.
  16. That's just your interpretation based on your limited experience. I can't take anyone seriously that doesn't take responsibility for their actions.
  17. Awareness is aware. Awareness is the mystery.
  18. By saying this you are saying awareness arises and ceases. Or in other words is born and dies.
  19. Appearances arise within awareness. I agree one can't know oneself without experience. Still awareness must be prior to all experiences it seems to me.
  20. Yes it is the appearances but simultaneously the appearances occur within awareness.
  21. And why do you believe it is not happening to you? Who else could it possibly be happening to? You are the one initiating all your actions isn't it?
  22. Is it an appearance or does it have appearances?