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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. You and I are different yet not separate. Our bodies, minds, actions, experiences, state of being, etc. are all COMPLETELY different. Differences are created via the process of change which is equivalent to evolution. No change = No experience Change reveals the deathless nature of oneself. Now how can you and I be one yet also different? Since consciousness or I am evolving/changing I create a multitude of bodies. Each body is I and represents a certain level of consciousness. All bodies are mine yet are all extremely different which is proof of evolution. Imagine a Pikachu that is evolving. A level 55 Pikachu is far different than a level 1 Pikachu yet they are one. So there are differences within oneness which is of course by design.
  2. My opinion if you care is there is one experiencer. You are simply not taking claim of all experiences and thus creating a separation between you and me when there is none. You see my seeing is actually your seeing. You are trying to get rid of yourself which is impossible. I am trying to take complete responsibility for everything. Also yes the experiencer is adding the idea of being the experiencer in order to tell itself that it is the experiencer.
  3. Yes I am experiencing. You claim to not be experiencing thus I did not feel you could help me. As for qualifications. I make my own qualifications. I claim to be the experiencer of experiences. Can there be experience without an experiencer? I think not.
  4. To that I would say whose ignorance is it? If I am not experiencing then how can I remove my ignorance? One could say the experiencer is not a belief. It is ever present. Every experience proves there is an experiencer. Also is there is no experiencer in cessation then there is no actual cessation because it is impossible to experience cessation.
  5. If you are not experiencing then you are not qualified to talk about experience unfortunately.
  6. How can one find it is a seamless whole if there is no experiencer to find out? What if the experiencer is the object? In other words the body is the experiencer. And there are objects within the experiencer that are not experiencing such as a pencil. No one has achieved cessation because if I did there would be no one to talk about it lol.
  7. There is no time or experience until you created time and experience in my opinion.
  8. I feel this is a better way to look at the world. one is an object in space that is perceiving a small portion of the universe that one created.
  9. Yes but if the moment is infinite then to say you are seeing 100% of it is inaccurate. Regardless you keep living I keep living. Neither of us have seen the whole thing yet nor can see the whole thing.
  10. How can I be seeing 100% if it's infinite. Yes I am the only one here but what I am seeing a tiny portion of my infinite being. I can never see my entire being if it is infinite.
  11. Well yeah I wish I could prove to myself that I am everybody but I can't find any proof.
  12. 1. Do you think the people in your world are experiencing your body? 2. How are you imagining your reality and if so why are you unable to imagine something amazing into existence? 3. Why do you keep reducing everything to imagination which is just a word that human beings created and is used to refer to the human activity of creating ideas and visions within one's mind that are not actually present in the material world?
  13. But consciousness created senses thus it does have senses.
  14. I know you love to claim that everything happens without a cause. Yet you are the causer. You are the reason that your post was written. I think one day you may start to see that!
  15. Of course I'm talking to myself. Myself says a lot of stuff that is hurting myself.
  16. You are only seeing a small portion of your universe.
  17. Just your opinion. If somebody was chasing you from behind you might think differently.
  18. Notice every creation in this creation has 1 creator. Each body has 1 creator. Each object has 1 creator. Each house has 1 creator. Is this enough evidence to convince you there is only one creator that is you? Probably not. I'm working on better mental proofs.
  19. Everybody sees. Especially you. Now close your eyes. The open your eyes. You generate your seeing. You create your seeing. Seeing is your creation. Not only this you create what you see. Everything inside of your seeing is your creation. So the people inside your seeing are you and most importantly they are also seeing. You made seeing and you made what you see. Only I can see. Only you can see.
  20. So far you haven't died. You've only ever known life. Now lets say you get to the end of your current body and its time to "die". Essentially if you were to die you would not even know it because you would no longer be here. Therefore it is impossible for you to know death. You can only think about it. In this sense your life is unending because you never actually reach death. You are only ever alive.
  21. What is your view on how I am aware and you are aware simultaneously?
  22. Nobody ever sees from anywhere but their current body. One is always looking from the perspective of one body at a time. This is true for everybody.
  23. Right same on my end. You are me. My hands are yours. Your hands are mine.
  24. No I am you. You think there's two. I know there's one.