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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. No I can stop thinking for periods of time. Then I think again. It's an addiction. Just because the smoker can't stop smoking doesn't mean they aren't the one smoking.
  2. Thoughts appear because you generate them. If you do not accept this premise then you are literally a slave to thoughts.
  3. Try to convince me that you are experiencing. Not so easy is it.
  4. If you are not perceiving my thought then how do you respond to it?
  5. You are there even without thoughts. Simply stop thinking for 3 seconds and notice that you remain (non conceptually) without thoughts. Then you start thinking again.
  6. If I look at the universe as one giant happening and my body being a part of it then I ask how in the hell is this happening? What causes this to happen?
  7. I've been thinking about this for a while and noticing how stupid I am. All I seem to do is generate suffering for myself. The contrast between the grandeur of creation and my state of being seems so diametrically opposed that it feels absurd. How can I create this whole magnificent universe and still feel so crappy?
  8. So some Buddhists say there is no experiencer/self. I'm curious to hear my opinions on this.
  9. Doesn't mean they don't refer to real distinctions lol. Where one draws the boundaries is self created. The reason you say hot and cold is because you are referring to two different experiences.
  10. @Tim R I agree the boundary defines the thing. If the boundary could be dissolved then indeed there would be no difference. Unfortunately the boundary between body and computer can't be dissolved since they are two distinct things with very specific parameters. The second picture you show is called a continuum. Boundaries could be made but they would be arbitrarily created. However if I separated the colors into red, orange, yellow, green, etc. by putting lines then you would be able to see there are at least 10 different colors. Infinite lines could be created in a continuum meaning infinite possibilities. To say the continuum is an illusion is mental reductionism. Its like reducing hot to cold. Or blue to yellow. 150 degrees is different than -50 degrees.
  11. @Tim R What if I say this... You are an experience generator. You are generating an experience for me.
  12. It's not pretend though. The computer can't move or talk. The body can. The computer is not pretending to be a computer. It is a computer. It was made a certain way by human beings and is in no way similar to a human body.
  13. There is no line there is just a black box next to a white box with no border. The two boxes are completely different sort of like body and computer.
  14. No but there is a point at which black becomes white. There is a "point" where the human body ends and the computer begins.
  15. You are saying there is no difference between a computer and a body??? That's just absolutely absurd. Are you trolling or is that your actual belief that you hold?
  16. Well yes indeed that is the question. What the hell is the experiencer. How does one have experiences? It seems the body is the center of all the experiences. Why do you think the body is not the center of experience?
  17. @Tim R Would you agree there is a distinction between body and computer? The body is experiencing and the computer is being experienced? Computer is created by body. I am not a computer. I build computer. Only that which is experiencing is I in my opinion. Is sound experiencing? No. Is thought experiencing? These are being experienced. What do you think?
  18. Buddhism says there is no one that experiences the pain. In my opinion this is just you saying you don't feel the pain. Just because you deny your experience doesn't mean it's not happening.
  19. Wherever the body is where the one experiencer is. The experiencer has no fixed qualities. Ever changing. How do you know there is pain?
  20. And who feels the pain or pleasure? And who attempts to move towards pleasure and not pain?
  21. I am not believing I am investigating the question. The question that is being investigated is whether there is an experiencer or not. Can you answer my question of why you remove your hand when touch a hot stove?
  22. @Tim R So in a way you are saying there is only experiencer. There is only experience and there is only experiencer. There is only I. There is only God. There is only consciousness experiencing itself. Am I summing up your understanding correctly? Now I would like to add... You say nobody is seeing yet this body (which is God/consciousness) is seeing. The only way I could respond to your post is if I can actually see your post. How do you reconcile that?
  23. Its good to ask questions. It deepens understanding. I want to understand your viewpoint. When you touch a hot stove why do you remove your hand?
  24. You mean your beliefs. Actually my existence is your existence. I am a part of you. Also I am running the show dawg. Literally lol