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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. 1. I experience having what I call thoughts. 2. I see all of my thoughts including this one.
  2. What made your thoughts then (specifically the one you just made)?
  3. Okay so you are saying I am calling these thoughts. I agree. I could have called it anything. Pensamientos in spanish. However each one of these sentences can be thrown into the category of "thought". Now the question is what makes all of these thoughts. Is there a maker? And if there is then one would have to agree there is a thinker and the thinker would be the one making these thoughts.
  4. Why do you think nothing has ever happened?
  5. Thoughts do no think. Words do no think. Thoughts like these are exactly as the were made. You don't see these thoughts making any more thoughts do you? They just stay exactly as they are just like the computer you see them on. Also before this post these thoughts did not exist. I brought them into existence.
  6. Would you agree the bodies are the thinkers from an objective perspective since they make the thoughts?
  7. If I reduce it to two possibilities: There is a thinker. There is no thinker. Which do you choose and why?
  8. -The divinity reveals itself, but you say it is "you". there's one you created separation between yourself and God. oops.
  9. Yes God is mad. God is clinically insane. God is a rapper. God is from the hood. God plays football. God takes math tests. God writes this post. God no scopes people on Call of Duty. God spends $2000 of its parents bank account on free to play games.
  10. Within the unborn singular reality beginnings and endings are almost always occurring. A deep breath is initiated and then fades away. A body part moves. The eyes open. A thought is produced and subsides. All of these experiences have a specific start and finish and all of them happen to you. Yet never do you come or go. Only the experiences come and go. There is no experience that stays. Only the permanent experiencer stays.
  11. "actually, there is no only one. There's not two, not even one. " I don't forget words
  12. You're right I'm projecting responsibility on to you my Lord
  13. To deny time is to deny change. Time is a measurement of change just like distance is a measurement of space. Time is a creation as is space but they are real creations. If you say change is imaginary I would once again say it's God's creation and thus is real and its effects are mind staggering. Ant -> squirrel -> elephant -> monkey -> humans -> Sadhguru
  14. This sentence doesn't make sense.
  15. My specialty is that I'm the only one there is. All egos are mine.
  16. Okay give me your definition of fantasy please
  17. Of course these are all simply words. I am no word or concept but the word/concept maker. Consciousness is just one of my names.
  18. you are it. the words refer to you. You are the one that points it out.
  19. measurements are required to make technology and evolve this planet. I just think it's absurd to call it fantasy. Its in a different domain.
  20. There is one expereincer of this not two. Consciousness is the expereincer.
  21. Why did you create the measurements then?