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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. nvm lol I don't know what I'm talking about
  2. Just as human beings (God) regard themselves as individuals so to God is a single entity for lack of a better word. God exists as itself by itself thus making it single/solo and without opposition. God does not share reality with anyone. God does not know anyone besides God. God calls itself God because well heck its a cool word. There is no other individual besides God.
  3. Yes but still the creator must have started creating.
  4. My direct experience is not the place to look for the first experience I've ever had since this is not the first experience I've ever had.
  5. I don't have memory of my first experience. Doesn't mean I didn't have a first experience.
  6. I'm not saying the creator had a beginning but that the creation had a beginning.
  7. Well I don't. But if you regard this to be a creation then it must have had a beginning. You must agree you started experiencing right? Its not possible that you have been experiencing forever because you would never have made it here since you have to go back into the past infinitely and infinity is unreachable.
  8. Yes beautifully put. The creation can always be enhanced! The destination is a mirage.
  9. I think if you go back in the chain of events you would reach a first event. Prior to that event there was no experience. The uncaused expereincer caused/started/initiated experiencing. So ultimately you are the cause of everything. Also since creation had a beginning I don't think causality is infinite. There was a clear-cut beginning to creation.
  10. This is only certain desires. Not all desires are problematic. If you restrict yourself from water you will start to feel very bad and then you will see that desire for water is simply a desire. As you mentioned it can easily be fulfilled so its no issue. The problem is the desires that are hard to fulfill or the ones that cause suffering for others.
  11. Spoken words are essentially sounds with meaning. Written words are symbols with meaning. Meaning in reference to words means what information is gathered or understood by the hearer/seer of the word. So, every word has a meaning. When you see these words they elicit a very particular experience for you. Now imagine you are making a new language based on an entirely new set of words. You can easily construct a new random sound and try this for yourself and see how word meaning is constructed. Lets make a word spelled omonkan. Now associate this word with a certain object in your field of vision. Perhaps a pencil or something. You now call your pencil an omonkan. From this point forward if you were to continue creating your language omonkan would now have a very specific meaning to you. You have just constructed meaning. So, this process is something you have been doing since people started teaching you language. Other people taught you the meaning of words but now you can see how ultimately you were the one who accepted these meanings and you are the one who updates your meaning of words as you gather more information about the world. I am not saying there is anything wrong with meanings whatsoever. If words didn't have meaning you wouldn't be able to understand this post. I am simply saying all meanings are created.
  12. lol sorry I get angry when people say there's no differences. If you have two thought too choose from 1. There are differences (hot water is different then cold water) - have two bowls in front of you and put your hands in both 2. There are no differences (lava is the same as ice) One is more accurate in my view and I want to operate from thoughts that are in deepest alignment with reality. Also I'm glad you noticed the change Proves there was a change HAHA
  13. So I feel like I've seen a lot of posts or comments on here saying change is imaginary and in reality there is no change or differences. I'm very curious to hear somebody who believe this to elaborate. Presumably you are everybody if there is only one being. So if you look at an ant (you) and you look at a human (you) then I find it absurd to say there is no change or evolution. I am genuinely curious given the fact that this earth is evolving so profoundly (in terms of humans and technology) that anybody can say there is no change or differences. Isn't Elon Musk and an ant different? Or do you truly regard them as the same? They can be different and still be one. There must be a process that turns an ant into Elon Musk.
  14. @Fearless_Bum If you claim there is no difference between boiling and ice water then fundamentally we disagree and no progress can be made.
  15. It depends what level of analysis you are conducting. It is equally reasonable to analyze the painting as a whole and also to notice the various parts that compose the painting such as the body and the trees and so forth. I don't see how this applies to a world like ours though in which people stand out from the background. There is a major difference between an automobile and the driver of the automobile. Imagine driving through a street and not being able to distinguish where the various cars are because you say "It's all one thing"
  16. I disagree that things are created by thought. Thought describes what is seen. Blue vs red. Young vs old. The thoughts map onto real phenomenon. Whether you verbally distinguish between boiling and ice water doesn't negate the fact that if you put your hand in boiling water you know damn well there is a difference and it doesn't need to be articulated in words. Death can be transcended but change on the other hand I don't think so. Change is really all there is. One moment you see this post and the next moment you're 80 years old. At least that's my opinion.
  17. I know my answer which is there is change and differences (see ant vs elon). I want to hear why people think there is no change in order to understand their point of view.
  18. How often do you trip? I've been getting bad headaches. They go away within a day. My guess is I need to take a break. Been tripping at least once a week for the past 4 months.
  19. I do not suggest what the one is simply that there is only one and I am the only one. Whether is has borders or not is a different question. On the level of the physical body it certainly has borders.
  20. This is a quote from Rupert Spira that I just want to expand on. If there was truly nothing then we wouldn't be able to say it because there would be nothing to say it and nothing to speak about. This is why I suggest that reality is not nothing. It is ONE-Thing that has differentiated itself into everything. There is only One-thing or one existence and you are that. The nature of this one-thing is deeply mysterious however it knows that it is hence why it says I am.
  21. For those that have time I'm curious to hear what you think about this guy.
  22. My opinion is I'm simply not taking ownership of my body as The0Self. The body belongs to me the one who is the body.
  23. I would say consciousness is not a perspective. It has perspectives. many perspectives, one observer
  24. I do that relatively often when I stop thinking. One can only know by stopping thinking.