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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. So there is no experience of seeing these words on your end? Why won't you just be straight with me and stop tricking me. If you are truly having an experience then why are you lying and saying you aren't aware? If you're a fake person then I guess everybody else is fake to and I'm the only real one meaning it truly is a dream.
  2. consciousness remains but experience goes perhaps in those two scenarios.
  3. My personal view is the body is aware and the source of experiencing. Thus I do not see consciousness as residing in or out of the body but that so-called consciousness literally is the body. In other words consciousness and the body are inseparable. One indistinguishable changing reality. Wherever the body goes is where consciousness goes. Whatever the body does is what consciousness does. What do you think?
  4. The body which could be viewed as a dynamic changing creation seems to be creating itself. This can be seen when you look at other bodies (creations) in the world which are creating their body by themselves. This makes the creator and creation absolutely one. The creation is the creator.
  5. so do you regard "consciousness" and body to be one? Or do you think "consciousness" is not the body?
  6. no one inside the person I agree. The person is the person. The person's presence suggests they aren't illusory.
  7. No you are this person. This is literally you. Thus I am not your dream character, rather this is your life. Unless of course you are a fake character in my dream LOL. But if I am you then you are me.
  8. You are telling me I need to awaken as if my life is a dream. Maybe I'm misinterpreting you. Why do you think I'm asleep?
  9. what you are suggesting is that you are fake and not experiencing. Is this true? This is my reality and I will not "awaken" until this body dies.
  10. with that understanding you have to regard me as fake which would be a misperception since I am aware and alive and experiencing your post.
  11. I don't know for sure if the computer is experiencing but evidence suggests it's not considering it has no sensory organs! Why do you think the computer is experiencing?
  12. in order for a computer to be awareness it would have to be aware. But I don't think it's aware. It seems that within awarneess there can be unaware things.
  13. no but upon waking its realized to be fake. How about when you reach the end of this "dream" and then you realize it wasn't a dream you come right back to this same world as a new person.
  14. the distinction would be people in the waking state are experiencing and in the dreaming state they are fake characters
  15. oh lol my b. Sadhguru says this is the 84th universe and I don't know if it's true or not
  16. Sadhguru why did you say this is the 84th universe and there will be 112 universes?
  17. it depends. if consciousness is eternal then it will probably do what it desires (become a new body) otherwise consciousness ends I guess lol
  18. But it doesn't seem awarneess can be created as you suggest ("everything I create is and will always be awareness"). I don't think a computer is awareness. it is a creation within awareness.
  19. well I would say there's definitely no experience of a tree without the so-called consciousness.
  20. Since one is potentially infinite you are unable to experience your infinite depth because there is no end to you. Thus no matter how far or deep you go, you can always go deeper. If you were to fully experience yourself then that would mean you reached the end of infinity which is impossible since infinity is unbounded.
  21. You're equating non-verbal creations (ex. a tree or computer (not the words but what they refer to)) into a word called awareness.
  22. I would say there is only awareness and its creation. You can't deny your creations. So, as so-called awareness you can do more than just "be awareness" because you can create whatever you want to.
  23. Indeed but is that the body? If you say it's not the body then you deny that the other bodies are aware.