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Everything posted by WokeBloke

  1. I don't think all creations already exist. Creation is being made right now. Creations don't exist until they are created. For example, this computer didn't exist until it was created.
  2. You said you don't know who is looking at the computer. I simply was pointing out that it must be you and not the computer.
  3. I am seeing with my eyes. It's not my imagination it's reality. If I close my eyes there is no more seeing. Unfortunately computers don't have eyes and thus can't see. Only I can see this not the computer.
  4. Yes I see a computer screen. I also see that it doesn't have eyes and thus can't see me. Anybody else am I crazy??
  5. I don't think you can separate the changeless (deathless) from the changing. It is one.
  6. that which has eyes sees. Computers don't have eyes and thus can't see. Therefore the computer is not looking at me by definition.
  7. the computer is not looking at you because it doesn't have eyes. You are looking at the computer.
  8. The change I create for myself! I am what I become. Human awareness is not a static screen. It's a dynamic process of change and evolution. At least that's my opinion lol.
  9. I am aware of the computer. The computer is not aware of me.
  10. Indeed but that doesn't make it aware. It just means its a creation within awareness.
  11. I know a computer is not moving or showing any signs of life or awareness whereas humans and animals show signs of life and awareness.
  12. The word refers to something in my experience. If there was no computer object then the word wouldn't exist. Not necessarily. You may not be other than me. Your I and my I may be the same I. And yes I would consider my computer to not be me since its not aware. If you are me then there is no other so I would say there is only I and the computer and other objects are parts of my creation.
  13. So if you are experiencing then why did you say you aren't aware?
  14. This isn't necessarily true. Some words have no opposite. Ex. computer, mouse, water, etc. Many words have no opposite. I'm most interested in the word I. It would be possible to make a language that doesn't use an opposite of the word I (other). However, just because we have the word other doesn't negate the I. Take away the other and there can still be I. This is because I does not need the word other. Other is the ideas of there being another being that is not I. In other to even consider other there must first be an I that considers the other. In reality there may be no other but there can still be I (or the one that considers the other)
  15. I agree we know very little but then why tell me to wake up? What are you awake to that I'm not?
  16. I wouldn't be responding in this way if he didn't outright tell me that he's not aware. Then I have to distinguish whether that's a lie or if this whole thing is just a trick.
  17. What am I to wake up to? seriously what the hell do you mean when you say that.
  18. If you want a model for how you can be alone and me be conscious then simply see me as your past or future. Just like your 10 year old self is aware and your future will be aware so to are other people (your past and future) also aware. Past, present, and future interacting in harmony. The other option is you and I are truly separate in which case you are having a misperception that I'm not conscious because I am.