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Everything posted by HypnoticMagician

  1. "You're making a distinction between organic and inorganic life. An AI could be just as conscious as you, if not millions of times more so." There is nothing wrong with making distinctions between concepts so long as you use them temporarily just to come into terms with each other. From spiritual point of view, even a stone can have its own consciousness although at lower level. Since everything was made of consciousness in this spiritual realm, there is no so much difference between water and human, awareness essence of which is more likely to be at higher level. From materialistic perspective, stone has lower level of perception and response against its surroundings yet our brain has far more powerful mental faculties also known as neocortex.
  2. "So God is not a being among other beings, no matter how supreme the being might be." I can't think of a supreme being independent of the thing it creates. That's very similar to saying a man in materialistic world is independent of the things he creates. Once you steal the plane he invented, he can not fly anymore. Of course, you are not all about your body but it is still a part of you. We are like rats put in a maze having no exit, and claiming we can know it all. You can only approach the reality, without knowing even how much you can approach it. Only naive people believes that they've found the truth. I am just playing with various ideas, I don't claim to know everything. In Christianity, you are came from god as his children. Even in Quran, the same thing was mentioned that you are part of god by saying "I've also blown off my spirit to you while creating your body made of soil" If you are part of god, this supposedly omnipotent being can not claim to be independent of the things he creates. That's just like a christian bragging about being more morally advanced than blacks living in Afrika by relying on the good made by slaves living there or oil forcefully extracted from Arab countries. This is quite hypocritical. "I'll tell you the truth, no religion is really helpful for mankind and neither is yours(sorry bud)" It changes from religion to religion, sect to sect of that religion. Sorry for seeing you the person to be pitied. "With your religion your only real goal is to enslave as many people as possible to reinforce what you yourself don't truly know. " Maybe, that's what you would do if you reached this much power. Don't think others like yourself. Even from my article, it obvious that I am not trying to elevate only myself but also entire society.
  3. well, yeah, so (pun isn't intended). If you don't like my ideas, no problem. Just don't forget to offer your own better alternative. Bring a better idea to the table, so I will include it too to my equation or even change my entire paradigm according to the this supposedly more coherent and beneficial perspective. I am not this dogmatic at all. I just regularly enable/disable it according to the situation. I don't trust the process for long intervals in case I might damage myself somewhere along the journey. I test my new paradigm, algorithm, or let's say, the process just for a while and then decide if I should keep following these new rules.
  4. No, the problem isn't ego. You still need your ego. The more advanced form of it though. If you ask what is the actual problem, it is not being able to disable it when required.
  5. You seem to be a true newbie regardless of how many posts belonging to you exist. This bizarre conclusion you came to is false and your reasoning is flawed. Bu it is normal for beginners like you. Just do not give up trying. Also do not insist on constantly using the same method either because the method you are using is silly or because you are not well prepared for that specific method.
  6. "Karma is not as much about justice as it is that one thing leads to another." Even if they aren't the same thing, aren't they very similar? Mechanism of karma itself already provides a pretty coherent the justice. By the way, I didn't ask the definition of karma but the proof of it. "Imo we don’t need to create a unified non discriminating religion, as we are already all humans, and there isn’t an other." The problem is not that there is no such thing as "other". The problem is that most people do not know this. And there is nothing wrong with contributing to the evolution of religions. Religion is just a tool for teaching the basic essences of spirituality. So I don't see a problem with that. If you don't like my religion, then, just offer your own alternative, be it in form of religion, philosophy, or pure spirituality. Apart from that, I highly recommend against directly giving away the core of all religious and spiritual teachings. That's similar to trying to teach an elementary child to solve differential equations. No matter how logical your arguments are, the kid in question would simply be unaware of a lot abstractions piled layer by layer over the years by thousands of mathematicians. It is not that he is incapable but just not ready to understand this much analytical subject. Even if you come across a skilled person, teaching everything before killing their ego could do more harm than good given there is still no proof of almost anything similar to karma.
  7. What if she is just settling for you? Just kidding I think if you satisfy her well enough in sex, she will even be pretty willing to offer all properties she has to you in the same way that recently happened to me.
  8. If you ask my preference, I like unattractive or even repulsive women more. Because it feels good. I feel superior from every aspect. lol
  9. Creating a Utopia benefiting all.
  10. Depends on why they have commited murder.
  11. OP still has some stance in favor of psychedelics unlike what the title implies. You need to completely get rid of this mentality that psychedelics have any beneficial use.
  12. Of course, all this survival game is an illusion but that doesn't mean you should surrender to the the external conditions. I don't know. Going staying in a cave like a mad hermit monk or even worse, becoming a people pleasing doormat. These sounds quite awkward. By the way, life is not all about "survival". You could make it more interesting by creating your own utopia. You even have no limitations. You are creating this reality by just believing in it.
  13. @SQAAD I think there is nothing wrong with evil. Evil is a phenomenon teaching us how to reach the utopia needed to be reached. Without those problems, goodness would have no value. It would be very easy to be good. Everybody would be good. Being good would make no sense. By the way, not all these people acting evil are actually evil. Some of them are just lost souls due to their past suffering not knowing any better than taking all their frustrations on innocent people. Some of them are just like you and me who hurt others out of anger problems, temporary frustrations, or emotional unstabilities. And they become guilty pretty easily which is normal for sane and moral people like us. Yes, there are truly wicked, insistently evil doing imbeciles on bad faith but they are difficult to encounter. Even if we should encounter those, they won't be able to harm us that easily. Do you know why? Because they have lower vibration than you. Because your high frequency stemming from good intention is without rival compared to those sick souls with lower moral capacity. Of course, we should still take some precautions be it promoting the advancement of the already existing laws or more simply rejecting to hang out with perilous persons. Don't immediately blame external conditions, instead, focus on yourself, the solution. As Albert Einstein said, "The terrifying crimes a serial killer commits are the result of deterministic law. We can't directly accuse that guy in question of being malicious." (Of course, this is just paraphrasing. I don't remember the exact quote.) When it comes to determination, I don't agree with Albert Einstein on this subject. You are not all about your neo-cortex or materialistic circumstances. You have something called consciousness also known as "soul" !
  14. It depends on your goal. What are you planning to learn? By the way, internet is already full of free contents. For example, Youtube. Do you know Library Genesis? It has all sorts of both old and up to date books. It is all free if we assume you don't complain about traditional academic learning.
  15. You are just consciousness. There is really no point of asking "Who am I?". It is a valid exercise for beginners to find out they are all about consciousness. Nothing more. The much more important question than that is "Who I wanna be?". You are whoever you wanna be. It is your consciousness that determines what you'll transform into. The reason most people can't change is because they don't believe they can't change so self-fulfilling prophecy
  16. @Vision "As in fasting from food? I'm interested in learning more about this. Any resources?" I mean intermittent fasting and dry fasting by fasting. I recommend doing both interchangeably on alternate days.
  17. @Vision I realized I too exaggerated how much electromagnetic radiation could harm me. It is complete 0. Yes, "zero" in black and white. It may still have some affect for beginners since you are conditioning your brain to inflammation through anxiety. I recommend fasting to reduce or completely disable inflammation as it slows down the speed of the communication between your neurons. There are researches stating that long term meditation deactivates your inflammation genes completely if done properly. I recommend doing both.
  18. @itachi uchiha "If i read a lot of book and try to apply it then i will be a generalist or mediocre in applying individual books.but reading a lot of books help to find a lot of gold books" Well, it depends on your capacity. Don't think other people like yourself. There are people like Leonardo Davinci, Sir isaac Newton and there a lot of mediocre or retarded people who attempt to imitate versatile prodigies with failure. The reason they fail is not because they lack capacity but because they are doing something else wrong they don't know.
  19. Why not both? Reading high quantity of high quality books. Of course, this is a more advanced level even though not the ultimate point you can ever reach.
  20. @charlie cho "Youre a funny guy. Tell me youre kidding" I don't know. Maybe, you have such a high consciousness that you are talking in a way I can't understand completely. Either your reasoning is fallacious or you have a far more advanced level of perception I am not ready to dechiper. I have no idea about what to say after this point.
  21. @charlie cho "And these values of health and justice is high consciousness, no?" Don't exaggerate. I too make mistakes but you are wrong here. And are you aware how it sounds ridiculous that you have just edited the last paragraph of your post thinking it is impossible for other members to notice you have changed it supposing they have as weak memory as yours. You just identified your ego with your twisted logic of attaching low consciousness to science. I recommend that moderators give you, at least, warning since you have attempted to deliberately mislead people just to get out of the situation.
  22. There is no such a thing as science being a sign of low consciousness. You are creating that inside your mind. Of course, most scientists are unfortunately stuck on materialistic paradigm. But that doesn't make science valueless since materialistic world is part of the spirituality. There are multiple ways to reach same result. But materialism is more limited. We need both science and spirituality to maximize the output we get. Yes, there are scientists of lower consciousness. But there are also a lot of scientist who accumulate many positive karma without knowing. You can't exclude scientists from the spiritual world. Of course, if that scientist in question were more spiritual, he or she would be far above you. You are giving lots of examples that scientists solve world problems, catch the criminals, cure illnesses and calling those guys "of low consciousness" ? Sorry, I am not buying into it.