Tyler Durden

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Everything posted by Tyler Durden

  1. If cells, molecules and atoms are not the building blocks of our body but instead that's conciousness, then entire biology loses its meaning. In that case we need a new explanation for the behaviour of the body.
  2. Are you sure we sleep at all even when we have an intention of doing that? Maybe we wake up the moment after we close our eyes and fall asleep. Time is an illusion anyway so it could be a possibility.
  3. But none of this things is happening inside my direct experience. I'm not aware of the processes inside my body. It can all be just a belief and not a true fact.
  4. Does that mean I also imagined you saying all of this stuff about imagination to feel satisfied? ?
  5. That's true from a biological perspective but does any of those things really happen the way science says? Does oxygen turns into energy inside our mitohondria? Does food gets digested in our stomach and intestines? Does water carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells? Do we sleep for 8 hours so our brain can rest? Or all of that is just an illuson?
  6. That seems like a reasonable explanation. Dream has its rules that have to be obeyed even though we know that God actually keeps us alive and not oxygen, food, water or sleep.
  7. But what about "everything happens for a reason"?
  8. That could be the case but I'm always looking for hidden explanations. Maybe I should just accept that it had no deeper meaning but that doesn't seem enough for my curiosity.
  9. Maybe they seem foolish but I'm still in the process of learning. I was hoping I can get answers here because people on this forum know about this stuff.
  10. Was that worth it if somebody got hurt? Isn't there a less dangerous way to do it? I wasn't talking about my ego-self, I know that God does the imagination.
  11. So I was just playing with myself, enough to scare me but not kill me.
  12. With the help of Google, you can easily find out everything you want to know at the moment. It's the best tool for gathering useful information in a fastest way possible. Having that in mind, I was wondering is Google actually a tool designed for humans to access God's omniscience?
  13. Even though science is happening inside a dream, just like everything else, it will still be interesting to see is Quantum Gravity going to come close in explaining God.
  14. Yes, I'm aware God designed it that way, I was just wondering is it possible to live a life with less stress about survival once you realize that.
  15. Yeah, I understand it's imaginary, I just think of it as a way in which God helps itself know itself while being in human form. Is there a way to directly tune to it while in human form without using Google as help? What would that one percent contain?
  16. @Vibroverse From my perspective, you're just a text appearing on a screen of my mobile phone/laptop. I'm not experiencing everything everyone is experiencing right now because nothing exists outside of my direct experience. There is no need for infinite multiverses.
  17. Yes, I understand that. I was just wondering is it possible to bypass it once you realise it's an illusion or you have to go along with it your entire life.
  18. That makes sense. Good analogy. Hey, God created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. He should take some responsibility! ? Yes they are but I was wondering is that feeling also an illusion tricking us into thinking we are actually doing something necessary for our survival.
  19. The usual answer would probably be around 8 hours on average. But having in mind that the time is an illusion, do we actually sleep at all? Do we just close our eyes and then open them the next moment, only changing the reality from night to day to fool ourselves into thinking we were sleeping for couple of hours?
  20. @Endangered-EGO 'Past you' only exists in your imagination. 'Now you' is all there is.
  21. When people are not with us, we tend to communicate with them via mobile phone, either by texting or calling. In that situation, we have a feeling we're talking with someone on the other side. But is that really the case? If only our direct experience is something that we can be sure it exists, would that mean we are writing all the messages and creating voices on our phone? Are we actually texting/talking with ourselves?
  22. @Nahm Are you saying that texts and calls are actually my subconciousness communicating with me? @nistake So even in direct experience I'm just talking to myself. It's harder to figure it out than through texts and calls because you see that person before your eyes talking and moving on their own.
  23. @Mason Riggle Interesting perspective. In that case mobile phone, sound of call or text of message is actually all one. There is no difference or separation between them.
  24. @Jakuchu Yes, I understand that, illusion of others helps us live our lives. If we were aware that we're actually talking to ourselves the entire time, it would lose it's meaning and become extremely boring. @justfortoday So it's not just texting/talking to other people that is being imagined but entire process of communication including mobile phones as well.