Sib zibler

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Posts posted by Sib zibler

  1. Hi folks,

    I've been lurking for some time here and doing self development, and have a question. Might sound dumb so get ready lol

    To deal with the issue with being needy regarding a hot girl or a particular friend is to be busy/do other stuff. For example I want that hot girl and I'm thinking about her all the time, but I don't see many other girls so she's the only one on my mind. She can smell i'm needy clear as day and I send out that vibes obviously, no matter how much I try to fake it/act confident etc. If I do successfully fake it, it's still get it. So, I go out more, meet other girls and she's not on my mind as much anymore, so next time we meet I'm much more spontaneous and everything goes so much smoother and better overall. 

    My question would be - isn't doing all of that other stuff a distraction? In a sense, why would I need to have my mind occupied with other stuff just to feel/act different towards a situation or a person. I feel as if it's not taking care of the root problem and just masking it with other stuff. Or am I just overthinking..