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Everything posted by happyhappy

  1. if the trend of human ego development on the planet continues, (as it does ig) will humanity one day reach a point where it becomes strong turquoise/yellow ? how great would that be? what are your thoughts?
  2. hahaha at least their flag is! true true, AI & VR will spawn up a host of questions for those who are willing to question. I hope the evolution is headed there . sad we won't be there huh? what if we get reincarnated back in to medieval times if reincarnation exists lol..
  3. @Terell Kirby @Rilles @Mulky thank u for ur perspectives!
  4. now we never need to worry cuz of this magic thread will give us happiness for 24 hours. we are waiting for the magic pill bro! lol, we are here offering our condolences and u come up with some spiritual hocus pocus. cheers!
  5. if Leo and mods agree maybe we all can stop posting on the forum for sometime by locking the forum or something as a way to express our condolences. this community is full of amazing beautiful souls. tho we have never met each other, the support and growth plus the unity of this community is mind blowing. after all thomas/waveintheocean has been a dedicated user who have made over 1000 posts here over years. much love!
  6. okayyy..u got my sign!
  7. all that I found was a new porn site lol (kidding). can u offer at least hints at what u point towards. absolute is absolute right?
  8. @Someone here yup! the same truth, different angles. reminds me of the elephant parable
  9. u got this bro! keep going!
  10. not feeling fear. meaninglessness
  11. if that's the case, deffo suppose it's a good one! @Leo Gura hey, greetings bro! don't we deserve an update?
  12. lol...better if he wrote a one in pickup or hardcore spirituality. let's let science have its way for a while. science will be what drives this century in particular . instead why not pick on religion?
  13. @Bob Seeker is leo writing a book? what? he did n't even tell me...well I'll get him back for it!
  14. umm...I myself have been an introvert for most of my life sooo, exposure to society is a lil bit uncomfortable. in ur case it is really normal for ya to feel that way since these probs cannot be solved overnight. even if that scares u or makes u uncomfortable, keep doing what u r doing. keep talking to strangers. overtime, u will get ur result!
  15. umm...I myself have been an introvert for most of my life sooo, exposure to society is a lil bit uncomfortable. in ur case it is really normal for ya to feel that way since these probs cannot be solved overnight. even if that scares u or makes u uncomfortable, keep doing what u r doing. keep talking to strangers. overtime, u will get ur result!
  16. @KoryKat yo kory! welcome to the forum bro! taking the red pill is a difficult choice and lol, u might wish u had been unconscious after all like most people. not to discourage ya in anyway ,but u must kw the truth cannot be unseen once seen. like cypher. so better be prepared huh and plus, wish all the great stuff! i guess u made the right choice! and beware of the spiritual traps as well. anyways, it was great to have ya here! much love!?
  17. how kind of u to make this sorta thread! ??thank you! I agree 100% with almost all of ur takes on spiritual quest.
  18. let's find a way out! there should be. betting on ya! not to cheer u up, I mean, I hope u can make it. will see how it goes. ,after all this is not so bad. we are free from a lot fear and suffering that most people encounter. this should be a blessing in disguise in the long run... cheers!??
  19. @Theperciever where do we sign this petition...? ig there was an older video in creativity right?