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Everything posted by happyhappy

  1. @Matt23 goddamn SEXUAL SKILLS MANNNN!! ! you know if we are gonna go for a universal super culture, there probably are hot alien girls out there!!!! if there's an apocalypse, why survive it bro?
  2. @preventingdiabetes start taking hitch-hikers with ya! JK, it might not be an addiction and it is just your zeal to ride ur new skills (ride or die ,remember!) this fad will fade away overtime.... if it doesn't ,try applying the same principles used to get rid of other addictions.
  3. @Raphael pls do note that Christina is mostly a hippie type teacher. she's so cheerful and her videos are nice to watch. but, her takes are not meant to be taken literally at all and needs further questioning. i think this synchronicity is a confirmation bias plus a manifestation of the subjective form of reality. this is what all new age types bring forth connoting meanings to numbers and so forth. If you believe so, it will be. and they will mean what you subconsciously want them to mean .they are not objective facts per se. LOA folks have massive teachings around these numbers and meanings and my guess is they mean nothing other than the meaning we attribute to it . human mind is an ingenious apparatus. beware of its workings.
  4. @Ones ik right? I have personally battled depression and going to war with it won't probably solve it eh? and hey, I see u hv grasped the meaninglessness of this entire facade. but, remember, there can be more to it... recently I came to read Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and I would recommend that with 5 stars for ya . it has answered a ton of ur points here!?
  5. yup that's one view to It IMO... @integration journey yh......true what if there is a thing as such... i hv read this thing in almost all major religions. even Buddhism has a huge description on how the world would end with 7 suns shining and earth being burnt alive ..... if there is no such thing as an apocalypse and all this are just mass controlling mechanisms, why are there sooo many similarities? else, they might be metaphors that mean something else and not to be taken literally like the story of the garden of Eden
  6. @LastThursday @Adamq8 @Johnny Galt oh woww! a ton of resources and links! sounds like an entire rabbit hole per se. @Kksd74628 @Leo Gura @Dryas thank y'all for the links and insights! will try to check them all...
  7. I have encountered many people who refer to the mathematical or otherwise a symmetry within universe. besides mainstream mathematics, these are some of the eerie stuff i found. i have even seen sadhguru making such claims as to how numbers like 108 are special .some buddhist monks are using that "mala " thing with 108 beads. 108 also appears many times on many buddhist scriptures. 11.11, 666, 13 ,7 are many common widespread "special numbers "used by new age fellas. no wonder many of u have seen such claims like the the meaning of seeing numbers 111 means this 222 means this and so on! typical new age stuff huh? entire field of astrology is based on a mathematical system . but i don't get how a birthtime and a zodiac sign can determine an entire destiny...hahaha 7 appears in many cultures. bibilical and islamic references to how god made the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Buddhists have a this thing called going clockwise seven times around their stupas or chanting some pali mantras and going 7 seven times around their bodhis . and why number 7 lol? i dunno why people make such claims but there really seems to be something. any thoughts?
  8. been a skeptic on astrology and horoscopes for a looooooong time. remember having heated arguments with a relative on astrology back when was a goddamn materialist. would say this convo at stoa was really enlightening. seems something is there eh? https://youtu.be/YSlDuKoSLgA
  9. what's wrong with it ? ik ppl who sleep like a baby during the entire maths class
  10. @Preety_India learn some karate hun XD!
  11. you have likely formed these habits gradually and they will better be removed gradually. try reading maxwell maltz's psycho cybernetics. he has a lot a spot on advice to resolve addiction issues. as a guy who jerk off several times a day for yrs, i could say there definitely are some downsides to it. an abrupt stopping of masturbation will be like pushing a filled balloon under water with force. i will relapse IME. the body will desire that wonderful dose of dopamine . give up porn first. that is why you cannot focus. u seem to be suppressing ur thoughts by force and it relapses. even if u decide to never jack off again, it returns to normal a few days later. a gradual process will be best in my humble opinion.
  12. definitely , toxic relationships are nothing worth clinging to. since u say that this guy has some power over ur previous trauma, try not to confront him .forcibly expunging or abrupt confrontation might refresh the emotional wounds in both of you... .trying to change or make things up can be even worse as most people don't like to change their ways. he would find a new way to manipulate u instead imho. gradually forget this guy's existence and cut off his contacts . show him love at an arms length. if u consider making things up and having a nice friendship back a gain, treat the wounds at a distance and don't let the infections spread to ya! overtime, you will have cut this person entirely with a minimum effort. hope u make the best choice!
  13. yes.. there are many forms of IQ. and all forms do matter in a certain sense. if someone was born with a low IQ, that person will struggle in the maths class regardless of how hard he tries. yet, hard work beats talent right? some people are naturally gifted in certain faculties and their success is at an advantage. but , you know, there are thousands of people who were having low IQs and made much progress for humanity than those who had a big brain on their shoulders. .talent+ hard work+ luck + passion when ever any term of the equation is missing, it affects the overall success quotient. and other terms can make up for the terms that are naturally lacking .
  14. haha! not sure myself yet either. but, it seemingly sheds some light in to the vast interconnected of this holographic universe. if a person's life can be predicted and improved through systems like astrology or science ,what's wrong with it. ? there 's possibly a vast sample space of uses for this if this can really teem up with other modalities in other domains.
  15. here's my take! @TheOneReborn stage yellow opinions are mostly free from biases. and here, willingness and open mindedness to put their own standing to litmus test is significant.no dogma, no unquetionable truths and everything is put in to test before acceptance. but do not conflate this with skepticism btw. your analysis of yourself tell me that u have plenty of yellow in urself. don't take sides and observant. typical! but after enough observations or research you can pick a side. say, people are in a tug of war situation between War and peace. you can unbiassedly observe and analyse the stats ,reasons, logics expounded by both sides and arrive at conclusions. through that conclusion, you will be choosing side which will be the best for all. stage yellow folks do have opinions. without them, we simply cannot survive .but these opinions are formed via generalized observations and enough evidence or experience behind them. and still , is open for evidence contrary to the held opinion. ability to come with a multi perspectival view on things is the most salient character i find . and stage yellow is mostly non judgmental .you don't need to push yourself too much to embody or grab on to stage yellow . it will naturally dawn.at least for me, i didn't rush to get to tier 2. as I would describe myself as a stage yellow assh*ole, this is a natural process and cannot be mimicked by trying to embody it artificially. stages come consequently and are respective per se.
  16. this is the difference between poverty in stage blue vs. poverty in stage red.@kray most south american and african states are having harsh survival conditions compared to other poor nations. drugs, cartels, gangs run most of south american poor nations. sometimes, as i heard, they even overpower the state forces. but in the asian form of poverty, despite the status quo, they are mostly bound by religious , moral and nationalistic ideologies. most folks are religious or super nationalistic.
  17. take a look at ur DP, never give up man! besides, u can learn to love him despite his actions. if privacy is ur concern, move to another place ASAP. there might be another cheap or cheaper places with nicer neighbors!
  18. lol,if ur logic is applied then, whites would have to pay reparations to all native americans, british would have to pay back all the resources they funneled from its' colonies. grow up bro!
  19. bid ya godspeed dude! <3
  20. @Rishabh R rewatch leo's SD series!
  21. +1 true @Someone here ik one thing for sure, i hv been trying to beat my computer in chess for years and this ass*ole always wins! computer is also consciousness. go ahead and see the episode on bashar where he dealt with ur specified question!
  22. hey, i'm not a youtuber but my brother is doing tech vids on his channel is spare time. i think u don't mind me giving some tips as a guy who spend hours on yt almost everyday! 1. be niche specific. generalized content and channels are typically unpopular. 2. from the beginning, create your own style, see how leo's vids contain the same themes from the beginning. ( tho his face thumbnail was lost along the way XD) see how he is wearing the same white shirt in the same venue ,see how his intro is the same. see his special costumes for special editions at Christmas and Halloween. this is marketing and branding in action.leo understands these principles of branding and you too can learn and apply these principles of branding and marketing 3. the competition in youtube is brutal now. so you will have to expect a tough way up this game. still ,I have seen innovative creators beat all the other channels in a matter of months. and what many spiritual teachers lack is the collaboration with their viewers. and even if do have it in the beginning, it will get harder as ur channel gets bigger. 4. spirituality is not a mainstream thing yet. so I hope you do not expect views in thousands from the start. and it will likely take longer for this kinda content to catch fire for you to start making revenue off it. ( I am not saying this to discourage u in any way but duuude, i wanted to be realistic) if your intention is to deliver and share your knowledge and better other lives, then surely mann!!!! GO FOR IT! @funkychunkymonkey 5. despite the number of views at the start if you keep posting consistent ,quality, life -changing content ,your success out there is already granted ! betting on ya man! eager to see your channel soon!