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Everything posted by happyhappy

  1. @Yousif a curious question btw, do u feel fear anymore? like , say u are at the point of a gun and you are given a choice to live if u exchange places with another stranger. what would you do? exchange the other's life for urs and live as nothin happened or give up?
  2. this had a lasting effect on me... https://youtu.be/OWsMTavHWfE
  3. @Yousif Kudos on realizing all that coming from a stage red/purple harsh society like Iraq! <3 I honestly don't have much spiritual expertise but somebody much evolved on the path would say that your awakening was just a step and there is much more awakenings ahead to awaken up to. there may be more to it eh? and never bring spiritual talk with normal folks unless you expect more visits to psychiatrists. it is the same everywhere. mainstream society is never openminded to this only because of how this will reveal all their fantasies to be devoid of meaning
  4. whoa dude! cheers!! good for ya! i g u got it tho i only hv a conceptual understanding of this spiritual god Shit. gifted, u really are. i have heard of folks who have been meditating hardcore for 10-20 yrs and still nothing broo...
  5. @AdeptusPsychonautica oh shit! the man is HERE!!!! ahahaahaaa.... wait, if the forum members or any other followers defend leo in a cultlike manner, then they are prob not advanced as they claim to be he is just a talking head. but, even I can defend leo if the accusations are based on a shallow surface level accounts. and the other thing is, suicide happpens everywhere, everyday. and here as well. I don't kw how many people who watched ur videos are dead by now. the difference is, here it is recorded and that makes people highlight it as something huge . and u must kw spirituality has a ton of traps. and all of us have been warned repeatedly. responsibility is yours to take for applying any advice without proper scrutiny. if you doubt supernatural powers, then u are literally crazy dude. my cat can materialize rats in to existence with his powers in just minutes. if u call that fake, i' m gonna call your momma right away about your irresponsible behavior Jk i won't tell ur mom btw
  6. @INFP RACOON BABY some newbie comes up to the forum asking for a paywall LOL.. no. don't agree with a paywall to post on a forum their ain't much trolls here either other than one or two that pops up sometimes. that's why the mods exist huh? .@Yali u got a point dude! adeptus had fairly good intentions with him. but, u kw ,...his videos and the accusations are mostly surface level stuff and doesn't lead far.
  7. @Gregory1 I second this motion with all my might. It is true Nahm is kinda different guy and his style might contrast leos. but,if he change his ways from self branding inside the forum and hyper spiritual vedantic advice , I would love him here !
  8. how long did this spiritual work take ya?@Yousif
  9. true! @NahmI hope nahm makes his own forum if he is outed of this forum!
  10. appreciate the respectful way that leo cleared his points. but I would love Nahm to be here on the forum. can you please let him be here ? he will change his ways, I believe! His advice is spot on tho sometimes cryptic. @Leo Gura if you leave , Nahm...soo much of love to ya! I saw how much willing you always were for everyone to offer your advice. thank you for ur time , love and advise that have changed entire lives here. @Nahm please,do not leave mate!
  11. if pretense feels bad and hard for ya, better gradually let them know that you are not much in to church. @Bob Seeker as u say, it will be the worth imaginable thing ever in their eyes to suddenly have their son being condemned to hell as per their worldview. an abrupt confrontation would hurt them. so go slow and easy man! don't go in to dawkins type debates and scientific crusades against them . a huge RED FLAG here! It will hurt them while ur image on them will be to a massive degree tarnished as they will associate you with the satan in their good books. I hv first hand experience of this upon arguing with my fundamentalist Buddhist relatives and trust me they won't like it! Love them dude! family first! no matter how crazy their beliefs might be! <3
  12. retreats from teachers like Eckhart Tolle costs even more....even goes to 5000-8000 bucks... 1000 dollars is a pretty decent amount that way. it would be difficult for those from 2nd and 3rd world countries to pay that much tho... these high paywalls are in a way made to discourage those who half ass Spirituality.
  13. all is the same ME ...aren't they! plus, i wish there was more substance to this thread.
  14. ofc, u r one of the most intelligent folks out here! wish u were a mod!
  15. @Leo Gura hey, see u r having a tough day with ur fan base...XD but, i wish u consider my humble suggestion as well . myself included, I see a lot of older topics being repeated here by newbies or those who come fresh into the forum. so, can we have mega-threads or something like that to those FAQs? most folks don't use the search function as I see and repeat the age old questions that has already been thoroughly discussed. it would have been great if we had dedicated threads to them and build upon them ... but , the downside might be that most aren't willing to read entire discussions before posting and expect easy answers. anyways, can we pin those to the top or something like that? I dunno, this is just a random thought that popped in me and pls ignore it if it is useless.. I very much respect ur administration of this forum and IK there's a lot of chaos sometimes. thank u for everything!
  16. @Prakhar “Man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth.“ “Every thought-seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own, blossoming sooner or later into act, and bearing its own fruitage of opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit.“ “Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry.” “As the reaper of his own harvest, man learns both by suffering and bliss.” “By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life.” - As a man Thinketh- James alllen
  17. nicely curtailed informative post ! but I don't think we can expect a massive WW3 like that of WW2. humanity has a significant amount of stage green currently and WAR is not on their cards...never. the greens inside these countries themselves will fight for the war to cease even if a war breaks out. I do believe that nobody will try to take their nuclear toys out! if they Do, their Downfall from within and without is already determined!
  18. @Vibroverse --------------------quoted from SIddhartha- herman Hesse.
  19. i suppose this vid has been brought here beforehand but, this is super insightful on a scientific lens https://youtu.be/CFtsHf1lVI4
  20. @Tiny Nietzsche philosophy MA's do not give high career expectations anyways compared to the booming markets of NFT's and economic turnarounds . philosophers are all over this forum and as u can see, they are genuinely interested in pursuing the truth or whatsoever. If you are not interested, quitting is the best. not drag urself. as @undeather said, consider his points! as u hv already completed almost half of it, just one yr right? can u half ass it and come away with both the degree and ur interests? if finances are concerned, some unis need to pay the whole tuition charges in the beginning and they have no refund policies if u quit. if ur mental state is affected by pushing urself to do this while knowing that ur interest is somewhere else, rather give priority to ur mental heath.
  21. I Don't Like the Idea of "No Birth and No Death" in Buddhism | Thich Nhat Hanh, 2014 06 21 many seek suicide as a way of non being. some seek eternal being in spirituality and many other ways. and both are one sided . tbh, this video made me rethink it all... what do you guys think?
  22. ofc yoooo...manual is insane. u will burn your desire overtime!!! believe me... try watching leo's episode on burning material desire. it might help! a quote from Fast and Furious LOL!