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About Algi

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  1. I been doing self enquiry technique for a solid 30 min and then went to sleep. I had either out body experience or a very scary lucid dream. I cannot seem to distinguish between the two. I was doubtful that I can have such a thing so I don't this it was in my subconscious mind. And I didn't do self -enquiry with a goal in mind. It was a scary real like dream where I flew out of my body at high speed just two meters and back again in my body. Then I was dragged out my body to the wall. However once I decided to stop I was struggling to wake up and move. Has anyone had anything similar or am I going mad lol?:)
  2. All of us have an ego.Some of us have bigger egos than others. My own battle to be more humble and less egoistic is daily. My own methods as of now is meditation, odd good deed and charity work here and there. However, I am convinced that there are other ways of reducing ego through perhaps ritual like affirmation. What are your strategies? Maybe some pitfalls that you encountered in managing ego like for example: must win an argument ect:)
  3. T@appleaurorae that's why you exercise whole core to distribute the fat in other parts of the core, but to you it will look like you have burned it but in fact you distributed it. From diaphragm to transversus admoninis (inner abs) to visual upper,middle and lower abs as well as obliques. Check out for a specific part
  4. @appleaurorae I meant distribution around the waist, there is such thing as micro distribution. Since you are very slim, as I said core exercises every other. To get full chest definition: You need to target whole chest, upper,middle, lower, and inner. Check out the exercise for each part
  5. Hey, basically as most of you have experienced, it is hard to talk to people about deep topics in life, for many reasons. Currently being away in a developing country it is even harder. I am looking for anyone who is interested to share/listen to personal accounts and learn over Skype now and again about all the topics that are on this forum. Could be anything, from spirituality to health and fitness to history and science. I have skimmed the surface of most topics but would be interested to learn more.
  6. @appleaurorae Also depends on your age, and body type ectomorph, mesormoph ect. You need to create small deficit of 200-300 per day to ensure a steady fat burn around the waist, however 72kg and being 183cm is very slim so it isn't your body fat percentage that it is the problem, I fact you are close to underweight. You need up the protein and do half hour of exercises on your core every other day to ensure the better body fat distribution around your waist.
  7. I am going on one day solo retreat in the field to meditate all day. So far I have Leo enlightenment strategy questions 'Who am I' ''Who is aware'' and so on. If you have any favourite techniques then I would loved to hear them. Thanks
  8. Eating more frequently: 4-5 meals. Fructose and nuts as a snack to reduce sugar cravings between the meals. Banana and almonds are optimal. 4-5 meals of complex carbs like quinoa with half of it being veg like tomatoes and broccoli. With lean protein like egg whites, chicken. With good unsaturated fats like avocado and olive oils. Fish oils as a supplement also as a supplement.:) hope it helps
  9. Interesting well thank you for sharing your story, I am inspired to say the least, I will be happy if I reach that stage but personally right now I need retreats ect. I understand you becoming annoyed with people overusing the term enlightenment because it is becoming now trendy. Take care Charlie!:)
  10. @charlie2dogs wow great, What's the quickest you think an average person achieve in? Do you have a like a foundation routine where you always do. I do mindful mediation, basically playing with senses see,hear,feel. Is there any good ones that you would reccomend?
  11. @charlie2dogs fair enough, well good to hear. How long did it take you to get there?
  12. Hey great book which is on Leo's reccomendation lists "managing oneself''. If you are frustrated why you cannot learn particular things then this book is for you. The author describes how humans are predermined to learn by reading,writing,doing, and even talking which I find myself in that category. Does not mean you should not try and read but focus on your strengths. For example, a person is unlikely to be good reader and writer or visa versa. Many lawyers learn thing by talking to public and realising what they said. So don't beat yourself people if you hate reading essays or book. I have this book in audio format and it is great. I finish books 100 quicker in audio format because I prefer listening and speaking. 10/10 book.
  13. Hey great book which is on Leo's reccomendation lists "managing oneself''. If you are frustrated why you cannot learn particular things then this book is for you. The author describes how humans are predermined to learn by reading,writing,doing, and even talking which I find myself in that category. Does not mean you should not try and read but focus on your strengths. For example, a person is unlikely to be good reader and writer or visa versa. Many lawyers learn thing by talking to public and realising what they said. So don't beat yourself people if you hate reading essays or book. I have this book in audio format and it is great. I finish books 100 quicker in audio format because I prefer listening and speaking. 10/10 book.
  14. @Sarah_Flagg I don't have kids myself, but I imagine being in a similar situation to you. One of the main reasons I am into to self development for me is so I can teach my kids to be good people and give them a good upbringing. I did not have parents who were in self development only coz they weren't exposed to it. However, being a good/parent is being great to your spouse too.I bielieve being great is doing self development. Time and recourses may be limited when you are a parent, but I bielieve everyone has time it is just a matter what you prioritise. Only takes 5min of affirmations to improve each day. Personally if I focus on no more than 3 things in my life for example: studying, self development and relationship then it is fine, but any more serious commitments and I feel the quality of me being present in those aspects would drop. Just as squash gets dilatuted when you add more water to it. Sign of a good mum that you thought about your quality as a parent. You need more than to "love your child".:))
  15. @charlie2dogs ok that all nice and well and I do agree, I am not a big writer and still operate very rationally so I go straight to a point, but my question was are you in that majority percentage or are you not anymore? Do you see yourself being enlightened or are you now?