Yeah Yeah

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Everything posted by Yeah Yeah

  1. Haha, Ever sliced a finger on a sharp knife? How easily it glides through the skin, and the stinging which follows? I read one online thread a man talks about the time he got stabbed in the chest, it's like the finger except larger and painful when he'd move the muscles around the blade. And then I saw a post where a man opened the door one night at a friend's house thinking it was pizza, but instead a giant knife entered through the top of his skull and there was an xray image, and it was the largest object surgions successfully removed from the skull and he lived, but I'd love these people to report their experience, like did it hurt bro?
  2. I think the anatomy sizes like legs compared to the tail are a bit off, and the position of limbs like the feet aren't correct, and there's not a lot of weight to match the overall action this imagined creature performs, shading can perhaps be practised upon - I think this is a little better than what I can do, I'm sure a year's practise will imporove somewhat dramatically,
  3. Yes, I can relate, I'd love to just sleep all day everyday at a private home if I owned one, but I don't, and if I did sleep it'd feel way too lazy and it'll make me all the more depressed and guilty, so I have to do something like clean or read or whatever,
  4. @Godishere What if this whole you are imaginary / "seperation doesn't actually exist" type of contemplation isn't as radical as we make it out to be, unless of course one does psychedelics and it somewhat becomes spooky/mindfuck obvious - How do you get into god realization without falling asleep in meditation?
  5. @WokeBloke I'd say memories function like an echo, a slight resonance, or otherwise one wouldn't realize they're experiencing being a human in the moment
  6. @WokeBloke I assume you often take substances? Weed or acid? ... Your words aren't properly articulated, hence why I stopped smoking weed to communicate with people, How about this, you only have a past BECAUSE you made spontaneous decisions in this moment, which spans off like the ripples in water left behind from a sailing boat, it trails off and off and off into nothing ... you can then sail to the left to go someplace, but do the ripples, left behind from a moving boat, reach all the way back to the place you started? (actually, not just to the place the boat started, but also the pieces used to build the boat, all the way back, so far so to the tree which was once a seed which was eventually cut down to build the boat, and without a Sun, there was no tree, so even further back to the apparent Big Bang,) Go beyond your memories of getting pushed out the vagina, go way back, I insist, ... and even if you could, does it matter? Or does this spontaneous now matter, Do you remember being the first organism to flop out the warm waters and evolve on land, or the sprawling pedals on the first blossoming flower? Or what about the first bee, because without the bee you wouldn't exist to have memories, do you remember that part too?
  7. I'm simply saying the past doesn't exist except for this moment, this is tangible, not the past - I don't think memories work in the courtroom, pretty sure tangible evidence NOW does - So talk and live in your past all you want, see how many people will want to play your silly memory games,
  8. Yes, the question connects with raising one's conciousness - Hence, I mentioned Psycadelics as example, except such substances are cheat codes, and 'super' humans hallusinations as if I'm fine tuning with some mythical higher divinity like Michaelangelo's ceiling painting where Adam reaches for God - Is that a part of my hallusination, too? I mean that's what we're ('I am' or me without ego ...) all doing here, technically ... mind fucks, Anyways, yes, this was my question, as in is it possible, idk, without drugs, to maybe sit and meditate and somehow experience a higher form of conciousness where I'd see a profound connection that everything is indeed me, which is what I experienced on Acid, and it was scary, hence your quote about Leo mention how radical it is to enter into infinity and finally die ... haha *the simpsons meme with the kid on the bus giggling* I prefer gradual, as you mention, I think the amount of mind fuckery would be exhilerating as an ego-human-animal, to absorb infinite love at the flick of a finger, but again, kind of where my question above leads into, if it is possible to alter a sate of mind without substances and more clearly realize I am God, and then to move past the fear of realizing this ,,, or is this state of conciousness I am in now, with all its seperations IT until death, which I don't mind, I think that's how I prefer it, I don't want everything to become radical infinite love, lol, idk exactly what I'm on about, but I do to some degree ... I'm now interested in getting to the last part which has been on my mind for quite some time ... Here you mention that the body doesn't feel pain, but what if I got stabbed, or entered into a car accident? Will this hurt? Will I feel it, and will I be in pain and suffering? Do you think a car crash will be gradual or radical? Or if I knife goes through me, will I feel it and feel fear, or will I surrender into dying and allow it to happen, will I experience lying on the pavement, or will I imagine everything to go black and wake up perhaps in a hospital bed, with some sirens in the distance ... or if I do die, will everything be black - Which I don't think it will do, no one knows the after part I don't think,
  9. @WokeBloke Your past is a fat illusion, your memories aren't even accurate - In this present moment thee experiences sounds, millions of colours, the saliva in your mouth because you haven't brushed in days and compare it with some memory you imagine to recall with ease, which may become recontextualized in a few days time - that memory does not compare to this moment, and you have numerous so called distant memories which are chronic hallusinations in a feeble attempt to prove that you exist as an ego, Give up the act, it's over, we've caught you red handed, bud,
  10. @WokeBloke I think you're asking how as if it is mechanical, like a machine or a car, with bits and pieces - the next step would be to ask why, which makes no sense to ask whatsoever - Whereas Who is the more intimitate form of inquiry
  11. Yes, I contemplated this myself, we're all born at different times and typically all at different ages and unique points of view, however we all share this present moment,
  12. *Deleted
  13. @PurpleTree Yes, an itchiness around the cheeks, somewhat going red, whole body tingles and burns up ... am I explaining shame? I think so, I can imagine it now hahaha
  14. @WokeBloke I can catch on with this; but death, I'm certain, will be the real wake up call, where this dreaming ego cannot go into, which may not be possible to experience while alive and halusinating as your encapsulated ego; therefore yes, "god" may forever evolve into infinity, but not exactly the ego due to its finite limitation, because it wouldn't be life if you had godly superpowers and teleported around the cosmos, so all for good reasons, too, I assume, and so to awaken into infinity one's ego must die ... Although to an extent there are limitations as an ego, I don't know if its possible to awaken so much so one can begin walking on water or moving mountains at a command, or levitating like in a dream ... and I have heard stories from Sadghuru about meeting a native American Indian man who flickered in and out of existence due to some teleportation glitch they'd accidendally slipped himself into ... and I have heard stories where people bend spoons with their minds or spotted monks levitating over farms in Eastern areas ...
  15. Are you talking about suicide? And I don't know if it is possible to fully awaken in this life-time, or maybe it is; although, I think that'd result as a physical death - Therefore, you're in this dream for some important reason/intention, or your predicament would likely be otherwise if this were not so - Unless as God, you kind of dared yourself onto this rollercoaster called life, so really you're stuck here until you finally die gracefully, Anways, personally I'm lazy these past few days that it somewhat hurts, haha, I'd better actually get done some cleaning and study,
  16. I have often, and there's been times where I've felt a vicious circle between guilt and shame, guilty because of the shame, and then shameful because of the guilt, and cannot look people in the eye, head sunken low, feeling awful and dirty about my being amongst others, and a weird sense of embarrassment in social environments with a desire to isolate myself, I even meditated and envisioned myself sitting in a corner alone and I had this weird fixation on why I wasn't normal and a worry perhaps I don't consider about others' well-being as often as I should do, instead of the selfish fixation on myself. Contemplating - why am I so focused on myself in a peculiar manner and unable to put it into proper words or explain it to someone wiser for better understanding and integration. I recognize this sensation of shame as mentioned, and it’s been on my nerves at times because I can't identify where exactly it is coming from, what impact it has on my life and ways to go about changing it, so as to look beyond this awkward fixation that lingers over myself and the weird feelings I have lurking within - And then the sensation, too, perhaps it is a waste of my time dealing with it. The shame perhaps inhabited years of inwardly fixations that don't help with social environments I am intimately connected with in all given moments, Yes, and I think this feeling also has a low vibration to it, so its not exactly the highest and most vitalizing energy one could potentially experience, and if others feel guilt or shame the way I myself do on peculiar occasions, is it sort of common for humans during our day and age, I'm unsure about how others deal with it if at all; hence sharing insights in this thread will help clear up such questions ... Polite regards,
  17. Of course you'll want to ruminate on these gold nuggets, fasinating ! I found this to be the case with Course of Miracles to which he recommended, haven't yet finsihed, and that book alone, with so much to take in, sure does change prespective from lets say the animalistic chimp brain and more towards an articulated spiritual way of being in this world, fasinating ! ? @Pax And I just realized you also have a fasination with David R Hawkins, I've recently been contemplating a bit about a few of his teachings in particular, as of these past few days, and I've watched one online video here and there over the week but kind of haulted on the books and videos maybe a month ago, because I've been recently devouring Actualized.Org lectures ... I haven't yet found clarity about what I've suddenly been contemplating as recent, and I find it to be important - it has to do with the keniesiology testing and its ability to detect truth from falsehood - For starters, how seriously (or playfully; because I hate taking anything seriously with a sense of determinism or military attitude - I think military pride calibrates kind of low, and if pride gets stripped off a person, they'll then fall into shame of the sorts, which is much lower) ... anyways, say I write music (as an example), and I want to publish a fantastic song which could be synonymous with Michaelangelo's ceiling art - So to create and produce this song from a truthful angle, from an angle of bringing forth outstanding human qualities into the artwork like winning gold in the olympics for a country, instead of a desire for fame & money - I'd want to play with this kenisiology technuique to the best of my ability before I die and as a result fulfill my love for making music to the best I can, Right? I've been on the fence how seriously (playfullly) I should impliment this amazing tool into my life; because it is quite ghostly to hear about others in the world of 7 billion people using it - Not a lot lot of people really decipher between falsehood and truth at all during their somewhat mundane lives, not really, although I imagine it'd be beneficial for the rest of us if more folks did do so, Just sharing some of my personal contemplations these past few days, I can't die not testing it out to its fullest advantages - Doc would check if vegetables were ripe when grocery shopping, and he'd use it to come up with red hot in-the-moment desicions, As he'd say, the path through this lifetime is straight and narrow, many animalistic and lusiferian distractions tempt us; however, again, how seriously should I take this in my day to day life, and the art I throw myself into ... (Likewise this question can go back to yourself, how often should one act on desifering between truth and falsehood and to which degree of sincerity,) Thanks !
  18. I was feeling somewhat down about this whole thing called life, and then I remember Leo said to a 37 year old he'll reach 60 and look back and realize he's had plenty of time to follow through with life wants like a relationship or starting a business or learning an instrument for example, and this has calmed me down a little, Anyways, this will be excellent, I love David R Hawkins and wish there were long lectures available, but I think I must purchase them at some point, plus his books are somewhat short and fasinating, I'm guessing these to be bullet points from the book you've read, which I hope to eventually get around to, Thanks in advance,
  19. Hello, This will be a quick post, but it catches up with me often, if not daily, its that I'm almost mid 20s now and an utter virgin, I've questioned about my own sexuality but overcome it, and even shamed for it in the past which were never accurate accusations, although I was somewhat confused, unfortunately - I helped friends lose their v card, and I once had money and resources to meet women, but unlike my old friends who got laid multiple times and women would even seek them out, and never myself, I get extremely frustrated - I once had my own home, a nice car, and a lot of money due to hard work between school hours, to which it is all gone after my parents divorce, father's death, mother spending 30 k of my savings on divorce fees and finally my best friend ending up in a mental ward due to his heavy drug addiction (I became friends with him to start an innocent YouTube channel but he got hooked on weed, acid and then the harder stuff) and this all happened within maybe 2-3 years, and during my real lows this best friend would play serious mind games during my grieving and tried to tempt me into cocaine and I was alone and said no, and I was suicidal, and extrememly lonely and no girl really was compatible - and after getting kicked out of the house because my brother and his gf owned a dog which the owners didn't like and I now live on my Mum's sofa, I failed University in order to prioritize moving out (some months ago) before I was blacklisted for 3 years to not move into another house, but that Uni degree I now need to start a career I can no longer pursue, and I am virgin, and sometimes it gets on my back and I need solid advice for the love of God, Guys overall its been dog shit and I haven't yet killed myself, okay, and I'm a virgin, My question is, for those chads out there, is sex worth it? Am I missing out? Do I simply focus on myself and look at this more in the future around 30? For the love of god, its been frustrating me like an overgrown sort of American Pie, I don't know, thank you
  20. I recommend watching comedians on YouTube, laughter is the best ?