The White Rabbit

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About The White Rabbit

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  1. It happens that in the now, while the present moment in actuality is peaceful, an emotional reaction in my body isn't. I am subject to negative emotions overtaking my body due to some triggers. In this circumstances, there is nothing to do but to witness and accept it. But I don't always manage to do so, because sometimes, I trigger emotions which seem too strong to cope with and generate a thought emotion loop.
  2. But I am quite sure emotions can be off as well, and these find their root cause in a thought. Often the real thought is hidden, clouded by self deceiving ones. My problems seems to be more on an emotional level that at a thought level, which is why I am interested in the painbody. How would you deal with recurring feelings of low self-worth, shame, fear of being unloveable and flawed? In anyway, thanks for your help and commentaries. It's helpful.
  3. Fair enough. But that relative truth was trying to express another aspect through that, I think. What if the emotions comes off as panic, about let's say getting insane from the experience? “The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” It doesn't feel good because it isn't true, but the emotion feels like sheer horror. What should I do? Perhaps I am going to book a session with you to help me with all that stuff.
  4. "Something is put into the shadow" "It is something in the shadow"
  5. How do you find a balance between this and spiritual bypassing? Don't you have a painbody and still a self-concept?
  6. The rabbit is gonna hide back into its hole.
  7. But there was a change in experience. An uncharted territory until then on an empiric level. I agree there was no achievement there. The concern has probably been triggered by pragmatic consideration which got me to worried if my environment would still accept me and vice versa. A trigger inducing worrying as an emotion was too strong (too low on the emotional scale maybe?) and perhaps I still have too much stored emotions on this frequency in the body. You also recommend to alchemize them out through expression... What is that great lion? I didn't get it ?.
  8. I think the painbody is the content, while the shadow is the structure.
  9. I just found an interesting definition of what the Painbody is through Google. I am unsure if it was given by Tolle or someone else. This one is from Tolle, in A New Earth. It all comes from an article I have found which was bridging the two notions together, vaguely. It also has this element:
  10. I created this thread. I've found the comments useful to discernate better what is true.
  11. Thank you for your answer, even though it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I agree that getting stuff out of the shadow is rarely coming without uncomfortable sensations- Right, I think so too. The Shadow gives signs especially on trigger points, and the pain from the painbody get also activated in the same way. The Shadow seems to me more related to the mind based reason while the painbody is merely the emotional flavor/residue left. One never knows why the painbody is there (what triggered it on the psychological level) but feel it. This is true. But the reality I am currently experiencing is not egoless, and I live with a false self with whom I am identified most of the time. The Shadow and Painbody, in these circumstances come as a valuable framework to work with for those who aren't operating at an enlightened level. This is true. Same comment as above apply. Though, reading your comment has caused me a momentary conceptual self concept annihilation earlier today. I totally freaked out at the end of the experience. ?Living without a self your usual daily life is a radical change and I got worried I couldn't sustain it without everything around me crumbling. I second this.
  12. What a day... On the inside level, I went through a crazy journey despite not having left my living room. I recognized earlier (in all actuality- not merely as knowledge) that all self-reference based thoughts were lies. And that self-reference based believes are a though gatekeeper. So it resulted in the disappearing of "me". There was no more "me" in my experience. I, as a concept of self, was gone. Nothing was ever about "me". Me didn't exist. Beliefs, thoughts and emotions had no ability to stick around because no one was there to get tied to them. It was just, actuality, and occasional mind activity bubbling up. It lasted for a while. Until something triggered my fear of being perceived as insane. Painbody out, sub-entity pops out, I get scared. Back to selfhood. While the state I had experienced was blissful it was rather uncharted territory and it got enough to trigger at me some fear. And I am afraid in general at the proximity between the psychotic and the mystic. I think I am ultimately very afraid at losing my sanity or at being sort of delusional. I think that it is safe to assume that I am psychologically very average. As it is said often, insane people do not realize they are insane. I merely have fear of becoming insane, which is probably very common for people experiencing mystical states. Someone like Teresa of Avila had the same concern.
  13. This is why, I should watch out about each time I still seek validation outwards. It is out of Self-Love. Not managing to love oneself transform us into beggars.
  14. I am : the vehicle through what experience unfolds itself. I is the thing through what life unfolds. Therefore, all what happened in my life happened through I. I is my biggest treasure. All the rest is an epiphenomenon, even though because it is still inside myself, I love it as much. But in a relative way.