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Everything posted by Ross

  1. The thing is even if I gave up porn for sometime and then come back and enjoy straight porn, I will still get amused by gay porn as well, so what I’m trying to ask is why am I watching gay porn even though I’m not gay?
  2. I have great trouble meeting girls. I am in my 3rd of my 5 year course in Engineering. By now I have realised that it’s such an intense course, so I can’t go out much at night. Is there any way in meeting women other than parties? Some say go up to random women on campus and chat them up but I think that’s socially unacceptable.
  3. Hey people, I recently decided to a trip with the football team abroad to Europe, hoping to have a good time. The problem is that I seem to be the most socially inept one because everyone else seems so witty and sharp in their group conversations and I just feel bland and awkward whenever I say something. The question how can I become super witty in conversations and become super funny and friendly with everyone? Any tips?
  4. This is a question that has very recently striked my mind. Why do pedos exist? Growing up and always hearing these sort of cases on the news, I would, like any typical human being, would judge and condemn these pedophiles for their actions. There is no doubt that having sex with a child without consent if you are an adult is a criminal offence. Knowing this obviously prevents most people from doing this act. But I still fail to understand is why such people would carry out acts of pedophilia and rape. From my theory, it could be that these people have had a rough traumatic upbringing, hence it might have induced them to carry out these actions. However I did some research and it said that pedophiles might have been born that way, in which genes might have had a mutation hence have altered the chemistry of the brain (or something like that). If that's merely the case, I find it REALLY FUCKING scary how these people can become pedophiles that way; like as if you were destined to become a pedophile and be looked down upon by society without your control. I myself had a bit of a rough upbringing and I myself may have unconsciously done some bad minor stuff, but not any thing major. Just want to ask your guys view on this question. And also, if these pedos did meditation when they were young, would it have prevented them from doing these sorts of crimes as well as rape, murder etc?
  5. Alright people, just want to discuss about the video mentioned in the title. I had watched RSD Todd video on how to meet girls (and boys) in college. He gave two pieces of advice, one is to say hi and bye to everybody and secondly to join lots of students clubs. The second advice makes sense but the first one I am sceptical about. When he said you have to say and bye to every single girl, did he mean just randomly say hi to ANY random college student whom you don't know or did he say that in a lecture room/society/club context. I am asking this because I am not sure saying hi and bye to completely random college students (strangers) on campus will give a good reputation.
  6. The big picture message of what I am asking is, is it socially acceptable to engage with strangers (whom are college students) like saying hi to ones that just walk past you outside during the day, I just want an answer to that.
  7. Not as in literally "hi and bye", but say if it was just a normal day and there was me walking on campus, say to the library and on the way a random girl just comes my way, and I say hi. And say if I see her again then I say hi to her again, she might say again to the point where I build a connection with her. I think that was the point that RSD Todd made in his video (How to meet girls in college). But I am asking if that's ok to say hi and build rapport with people in non social situation in uni like walking to the library because I am not sure if it is. PS You can watch the video to know what I am talking about, you will easily find it on you tube.
  8. I have just came to this realisation. I have done affirmations for increasing my sense of humour and removing shyness for 6 months continuous every single day and I have found out that little has changed in terms with interacting with people. So why is it that Leo said that doing these would be life changing even though they haven't changed my life at all? I still feel like the same as I ever was around people. And I only missed 2 days of affirmations while doing for 6 months.
  9. I was meditating consistently for months until one day I forgot to meditate, does this mean all the work from meditation from these months has gone down the sink?
  10. Hey people, I have done meditation for 3 months straight (for an 1 hour) each day and from what I can see, I really do not see the benefits or much change at all. I have been doing strong determination sitting (not enlightment work) every time. Am I doing something wrong? Leo said don't expect change in a month but I have been doing this for 3 months and I still see no change! Some advice would be great, thanks!
  11. Hey people, Just want to talk about engineering life. I am having slight problems with studying this course at college. You see it's not that I find the course hard, it's just the life outside of it just seems so bleak. Some of you heard the stereotypes about engineers by the fact they are really studious but nerdy people with weak social skills. Now of course not everyone in my college course is like that but I'd say some are. I personally have quite average social skills as I have no problems making friends with boys and girls within my course but getting dates is quite difficult because it's kind of hard to find people elsewhere in college. I do have a wide range of non-geeky hobbies like sport but have little time for them. Do you guys Have any clue how to get round this problem because I still want to get good grades. Cheers
  12. Hey guys, I am a heterosexual male who likes women right now. I recently watched the video How to be a man part 2 and it triggered a worry inside me. That's is if I am enlightened, will I become gay? Like I am obviously attracted to women's bodies but I am worried that I might turn gay if I go for enlightenment. Just need some opinions thanks.
  13. Hey people, Just want to ask what is the litimus test for knowing such an activity (eg gyming) is authentic. I mean I like gyming because I feel good doing it, but does that mean it's authentic or is it something deeper? Thanks.
  14. It's just that I have never found a SINGLE man attractive in my life. Always women. But I was looking in the comment section on Leo's video about how to be a man part 2 and I saw that Leo commented that the way to test your masculinity is to go have sex with a man, which I think if you are heterosexual it's wrong on so many levels.
  15. I recently have come to the epiphany that I really need to find some friends in my home town. Long story short I had been seriously bullied at my school where my hometown is so I missed out a lot on parties and stuff, so I did not get to make any friends. Now that I am in college I have made a good amount of friends, but they are all away for now and it's the holidays. It's not that I don't know how to make friends it's just that I don't know where to meet people my age in my hometown and I am suffering because of this. I am really panicking out because I fell like these days will pass by and I have done nothing in these fun years. I really want to be friends with the people I like to be around but they are not available. And my former school peers will never accept me into their group, no matter how much I have changed. Any advice?
  16. Hey guys, Just feeling like crap right now because I think I am in massive trouble. I was practicing cold approach a night club and hit on this chick where I think I was a bit too touchy feely and too soon. She now thinks I am a bit rapey which I don't want to be labelled that. I was also sober while doing it was also flipping nervous. I now personally am going to stop doing this because I feel like cold approach in general is wrong morally, especially in nightclubs because the girls are intoxicated and especially when you are sober. I now personally think that RSD are massive dicks for misleading people like me to think that hitting on girls which are at least tipsy is ok. I am too decent to do that. I have come to this epiphany Also I am a college student so I am really scared that she will tell everyone in college. what the fuck do I do?!?! PS Why do people still follow RSD advice when they are fucking banned from countries because they promote harsh treatment from women?
  17. The most important reason why I "want" friends is to do amazing stuff that I want to do in my early years before it's too late.
  18. Alright people, I just want to discuss a problem. I have been trying to get involved in dating but don't know how. I'm 18 years old and I am in college/university and I was wondering if I should ever cold approach on a university holiday back home. I know that cold approaching in college is a complete no-no because of reputation but do you guys reckon it's ok to still do it on a university holiday? I am asking this because I feel at 18-23 ages, dating should be done by social circle because of cliques among the age group. What do you guys reckon? Is cold approach a lost cause right now at my age? PS My city is 400K people large, is it still ok to do cold approach?
  19. Hey people, I just have a problem while pursuing meditation and enlightenment. For some reason I now feel awkward when socializing with people and often display awkward tendencies. Is this a major concern?
  20. It's just that I'm not so savvy and confident like I'm used to being... @Isle of View
  21. @cetus56 I fell like this is a change for the worse
  22. @Lynnel Well, if you're a beginner, you are not really guaranteed to pull this off!!
  23. Hey guys for some reason my addictions have gone slighty worse since I have been doing meditation, can anyone explain this?