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Everything posted by Yousif

  1. A Balancing act between being realistic vs being delusional, yeah it’s nice to say you can set your mind to achieve anything in the world, but at the same time being 5’3 will not make me a great NBA player, to me it’s not a matter of being motivated vs depressed, it’s about being realistic about one’s abilities. it’s important to know your weaknesses and acknowledging them so you don’t invest in the wrong things which will make you even more depressed because you wasted years in the wrong areas of life for you.
  2. I tell a lot of people, especially the people around me that I do not judge, but most people will think what I mean by that is that I don’t make a judgment in the sense that I wouldn’t judge hot water and say it’s hot or see a short person and wouldn’t call them short, which is stupid I do make distinctions/ “judgements “ on things and people, But when I say I don’t judge I mean I don’t care about the things you have done, I won’t give you a label, like if you’ve slept with 10,000 men I will not call you a whore or a slut which what I lot of people will call you, to me it’s sexual freedom ( unless you’re a real prostitute, then a whore is just a different job title you have, not a moral judgment ) I lot of people make the mistake of interpreting what a guru or spiritual guru means when they say give up judgement, they don’t mean don’t make a distinction between a good citizen/ criminal, and when I say criminal this is not a moral judgement, this is what you call people that don’t abide by society’s rules, and if you were spiritual and understand where they’re coming from, you would still put them in prison, but you wouldn’t demonize them because they’re literally a different aspect of god’s perfect design, only you’re unaware of that, if you judge or demonize anyone. another example would be if I call someone a fool or an idiot, mentally unstable, or ugly, I’m not being a bully here, I’m just describing certain qualities that a person may have, now there are real bullies that will tell you those things just to hurt your feelings, but for me if I ever say any of these things to someone, my intention is not to hurt them in any shape or form, my intention is for truth despite what it will do to your fragile ego and feelings.
  3. This is the exact point I was trying to make when I made this post.
  4. I got off topic there, but I said they were doing it to live longer which I don’t think the gym will necessarily do that for you.
  5. Lol, I myself am a gym rat ( lift weights about 2 hours for 5 days a week )and I get around 10k steps a day, do I feel great physically mentally,emotionally, yes, but I don’t really buy the idea that it it will make me live longer, for one I require way more sleep than the average person to recover, also the insane appetite you’ll have if you’re this active which means more calories will be consumed and I’ve seen documentaries and research saying how consuming less calories in one’s life will allow you to live longer, which is why I say that being active and healthy doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll live longer. I don’t really know if those studies are true, but intuitively I know that calories and being extremely active will not make you live longer, although I don’t have any empirical/ scientific method sorta proof to show you.
  6. You’re mistaken living longer with being healthy. My points above weren’t about whether or not exercise will make you stronger or healthier, it was whether or not it’s the best strategy to make you live as long as possible you can be too healthy and lively for your own good, which may results in you actually living less.
  7. The topic was about whether or not being active/ athletic is the best strategy for living as long as possible, I’ve said it many times here that I don’t doubt that exercising makes you stronger, but stronger doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll live longer.
  8. I’m not saying sleep isn’t good or won’t make you feel good but if you’re sleeping and exercising just to live longer, what would be the point of prolonging life? Is it just to sleep and exercise? a lot of people don’t enjoy exercising and being healthy, but they do it to live longer, what’s the point of prolonging a life you don’t enjoy?
  9. - What’s the point of living to 70 yrs of age if you’re gonna sleep 1/4 of it - your heart not going above 100 depends on what kinds of things you’re doing and your weight, a lot of us do physical work that already is a workout although for longer hours of the weak so it makes you lose and not gaining muscle. - as I said above, once you’re athletic, it becomes an endorphin/ androgen addiction, so you’re more likely to do more and more - a lot of us get more than 2 mins of sex, especially if you’re in a good shape you gotta remember this talk is not about whether exercise will make you feel better or healthier or not, its about the question of is it really the best strategy to live longer ? On the side it was also about a philosophical question of, how can overusing a thing make it last longer? And I don’t care how low your resting heart rate goes, just how a fat person builds the habit of being lazy and inactive and can’t seem to break out of it, the same goes for a fit/ athletic person, they also got themselves into this being active habit and it’s very hard for them to just sit down and rest, which means their heart will be working more than average as well. If you were fit enough, you’ll know what I’m talking about. which is why I said somewhere in between is probably our best bet to live longer, if you already get enough moving around from your job, and daily life, while eating a healthy diet, you would probably live longer than athletic folks.
  10. my whole argument was that being athletic may not get you to 70 yr of age, being extremely fit and athletic is one extreme being lazy and eating junk is another extreme if you truly wanted to maximize longevity you would go with something in between. But that’s not what most people would tell you, most people think that the more fit and active you are, the longer you will live, and that I disagree with
  11. Yes, your heart beat rate does drop when you become more athletic, which means less work for the heart, but that sort of linear thinking is what I have a problem with, There are other factors you’re not considering, like how athletes tend to want to be more and more active which means that they’ll be using their heart way more than a person that isn’t athletic , - yes my resting heart rate is 50 bpm, but I’m athletic, I’m never resting, it becomes a sort of androgens / endorphins addiction. - You have the factor of a higher sex drive, more cardio work - you have the factor of having an insane appetite that’s due to being active , and based on what the science says, the more calories you consume the less you live. - yes you become a well oiled, perfectly functioning machine, but the amount of high energy state you’re in can easily cause something to go wrong not just the heart, your kidneys, your joints, nerves, or just a simple athletic accident.
  12. No inclusion or exclusion, is like saying there’s no life and death, you say it’s all consciousness which is another name for existence, you also said there’s no unconsciousness, which means there’s no nothing, how you gonna say there is no inclusion or exclusion? You keep changing your mind on the spot.
  13. Real infinity consists of paradoxes, which means it’s wrong it say white over black , absolute vs relative, there will be no point in which you can say that it’s one because that excludes the many, or that it’s nothing because that would exclude something.
  14. Take a gallon of poison and tell me that it’s all the mind, you guys got your relative views tangled with your absolute and it is problematic. You have so separate the 2.
  15. Saying there’s no difference between the dualities is like saying there’s no difference between a religious fundamentalist and a awakened master, it’s all in your mind, you also have to speak from both perspective the relative and the absolute, because you are both.
  16. In truth, everything is made of consciousness, so shit is made of the same thing as ice cream, but now we have to go to the relative aspect and also say that but at the same time they’re not the same one will probably make you sick if you eat if, one you enjoy, saying they’re the same thing while leaving their (relative) difference behind and saying it isn’t needed is problematic and misleading.
  17. they’re the same because they can only come emerge together, different in their qualities, saying they’re just the the same is like getting rid of their difference, I know it can be hard to accept that life is made of infinite paradoxes, Because when you accept paradox, you will have one eye up and one eye down, it can be a lot of work my bro here wants to cling to the absolute position and not consider the relative, and wants to mix the 2 and that will be problematic for you, it can get you in a lot of trouble just like that one time when you posted your enlightenment from psychedelics and how it got you in a lot of trouble in the relative domain.
  18. I don’t know what OP means, if it means the original poster than no, my perspective/ position is all inclusive, unlike his.
  19. Not if you take the position of no position,, or the perspective of all perspectives or No perspective.
  20. As a society of human beings, we have all agreed that certain things are unwanted like crime, violence, stealing, raping, that’s all bad. God doesn’t care and it’s all god to him, but that doesn’t give us a pass to destroy the good (society, its rules) that we have built. we will have wars and conflicts before more people become aware of this and are able to differentiate between the 2.
  21. Falsehood/truth is its a duality, good/bad is a duality, but from gods pov it’s all good, not from ours as humans, bad and pain are very real to us and shouldn’t be treated as if they weren’t real even tho from god’s pov they aren’t really bad
  22. Consciousness includes the unconscious, he’s saying there’s no unconsciousness.
  23. That’s literally what I said, to have something is to have nothing, they’re 2 sides of the same coin, but he is saying “no, it’s all nothing, you don’t need the something “. Then I proceed to say, the only reason there’s existence itself is because of those 2 aspects of reality, he wants you to to treat them as if they’re one, as if pain/ pleasure are the same, even tho they’re 2 sides of the same coin.
  24. Who said there’s only one god, one ocean?
  25. Microbes also include bacteria and viruses that could make you sick and throw up, some are deadly, according to science of course, the only raw things I consume is sushi, and raw eggs.