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Everything posted by Yousif

  1. I agree, honesty will cost you, which is why PUA’s lie and manipulate.
  2. Agreed, This is like a guru telling a disable desiring awakening will not get you awake
  3. The problem we face today is how people mistake real wealth ( the work/ the journey ) for the results or simples of the wealth like money or fame, most people want the fruits before they even plant the seed of the plant.
  4. The truth is nothing will make you happy or satisfied like an awakening would do, but it requires not being biased in all matters of life, which a lot of people are not willing to do
  5. More muscle mass requires the heart to work harder, even when you walk your heart will beat as if you’re jogging.
  6. You have no idea how many times being lazy have saved my life, I remember a time back when I lived in iraq, I got lazy and didn’t go to school, was spared from dying in a car bomb because of this decision. being healthy, active, not lazy, will not necessarily make you you live longer.
  7. I thinks if you got your diet and supplements down, get your blood work regularly done, and if you already get some walking in from house chores or work, have sex a few times a week, if you don’t smoke or drink,and overall just not be lazy would be optimal for longevity, there are plenty of other factors that can affect longevity that has nothing to do with the body like:- - where you live, is it safe? - how risky is your occupation? - your attitude towards safety precautions like, do you wear your seat belt? Do you speed when driving? Are you grounded and not provoked as easily by others ( like road rage or street fights that can be deadly ) These are just a few.
  8. Optimal functioning does not equal longevity, like I said above you’re looking at the issue linearly, being healthy and fit makes you as active as a monkey, not only your heart will be working harder ( even if your resting heart rate goes to 40 ) the only reason your resting heart rate will go this low is because you’re extremely fit and active, and to maintain that you’re gonna be a working out your heart day in and day out, not to mention the troubles you can get into for being active and fit, with loads of testosterone, compared to a lazy person. I had friends that died because they were healthy and fit kids that like to go outside. While I was the fat lazy kid that plays video games all day that had survived.
  9. I agree, moderate activity seems ideal for longevity.
  10. How does it make sense that over using something ( the heart ) make it live longer? being athletic will make you as active as a monkey which means your heart rate will be elevated regularly.
  11. He had me in the first half I’m not gonna lie 😂😭
  12. You act as if experience is all there is, what about non- experience, non-existence is the same as nothingness or the void just like how lower case good/ bad make Good with a capital G non-existence/existence make existence with a capital E
  13. all of spirituality and reality hinges on Non-duality which is that it’s all encompassing there’s no difference between the opposites, if you say it’s all one that’s wrong you’re excluding many, if you say “there cannot be more or less consciousness” you’re excluding the “ yes it can” and making infinity finite by limiting it. Because of this most spiritual teaching will tell you that there’s no where to stand, and you’re reduced to silence.
  14. I think you mean the substance of your consciousness and mine are the same and that’s true, but that doesn’t make an ordinary person as conscious as a guru, or make a child as conscious as an adult.
  15. Nobody is telling you to do anything, I just made a statement which is being on the side of solitude rather than being social makes you more conscious, and that’s generally true, and yeah the more you’re “dead” the more you’re conscious believe it or not.
  16. Sure, that’s beside the point
  17. Yeah this is what it seem like on the surface but a lot of times it provides tremendous survival value, which is why most people hang around people that look like them or after the same things as them, there’s nothing wrong with any of this but high consciousness rarely exists in relationships, solitude is where it’s at, a good video to watch for this would be the one by leo “ how socializing makes you stupid”
  18. Precisely why pick up is low consciousness, you wanna fuck and party, you don’t want long lasting genuine connections, but even with building a connection, a lot of times it’s for the wrong reasons, why do you want a good looking thick girl to build with rather then an ugly one? I would go as far as to say that even most connections with people in general are low consciousness, why do you want to build connections, for sex, fame, status , and money which are associated with stage orange which is low consciousness.
  19. A lot of people in these regions develop and become gay because of this.
  20. You’re from Lebanon, and you guys are fairly accepting of the idea of girls hanging their tits out because you have a lot of Christians in your country unlike other places in the middle east
  21. In the middle east, they’ll leave you alone if you’re covered up and don’t provoke their sexual urges.
  22. You clearly don’t understand the position of a father in a middle eastern country, it’s not that they don’t love their wives or daughters enough to let them wear whatever they want, it’s that if you live in these countries and you don’t wear it or don’t control your daughter, she will be sexually harassed, raped, and even killed, along with death threats to the family, and a lot of people migrated to a different country because of this.
  23. I’m from iraq, this is true, this is another reason why arabs may seem angry or aggressive, it’s because they’re sexually oppressed, once you’re at the age that your dick starts to get hard, you’re separated from women( except your mom and sister), and you cannot be with a woman alone unless her mom or family is there, so we spend most of the time with other men, which makes you very competitive, aggressive, and angry, it feelz as if you’re in a jail cell surrounded by dicks.