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Everything posted by Yousif

  1. If it’s a man she’s been with, she might get horny just by looking We also get horny and then decide to look at a woman, we don’t necessarily need to look at one to get horny,
  2. It’s all consciousness, but sleeping and waking up to work are 2 different things, if you can’t have one eye up and one eye down, you won’t get far, you simply cannot deny your human experience, if you do, you’ll become the next CONNER MURPHY.
  3. You may have an awakening into alien consciousness or god but it’s not easy to stay in these states of consciousness, one reason is the very energy in your body i intensify and become overwhelming, if you’ve ever came off of an awakening or a psychedelic trip And you observe your body, you’ll realize the severity it had on your body, which means it’s almost impossible to sustain these levels of consciousness because they’ll literally kill you, you can intellectually keep those insights and your baseline consciousness may increase a bit, but you’re gonna have to come back down and heal your body and at the same time integrate all the insights that you got from the experience, Everyone in here excludes duality and pretend it don’t exist, forgetting that you can only get to the non-dual after you emerge all the dualities, you cannot dismiss the relative, after all you think you’re a human being with a specific personality right now, you’re not the godhead, it doesn’t help you to say that it’s not real and try to convince yourself of this, the only reason you’re not awake right now because of this bullshit game you’re playing of pushing these ideas onto yourself and wanting to get it by force, forgetting that you will not get to the kingdom of heaven ( awakening ) by forcing it or wanting it but rather by letting go and taken care of your mundane, shit so you’re ready for it, all clinging to the high will get you no where, saying that awakening is real and denying your relative life and identity will get you no where.
  4. A lot of people are still racist and biased, but they got a bit smarter, back then their true face was explicit, today they’re hiding it and they exercise their devilry from the shadows.
  5. A lot of men don’t know what the appropriate action is, this is the whole purpose of this post, you never really know, someone with a real mental issue might see a porn video of rape and starts to think this is how it works, THESE PEOPLE EXIST, So I create a thread saying trying the rape method is a bad idea. But you come here and say “talking about the negative won’t help, keep it positive people “
  6. @Princess Arabia you assume that people really know what’s the appropriate thing to do in every situation, this one assumption can get you in a lot of trouble.
  7. I’m slow and some things are not obvious to me, no I don’t need a clinic, I don’t know anything other than my dick wants to go inside you, we exist believe it or not.
  8. @Princess Arabia you remind me of someone I once knew who just wants to argue for the sake of arguing and the way it works with her if I would let her ( or make her think ) she won the argument she would have sex with me. 😂😂😂
  9. I would be so sure, I pulled out my dick as soon as it got hard for a girl I like, it didn’t get me laid, so now I’m here to tell you not to do it, you seriously telling me this is not a valid advice to get you closer to getting laid next time around ????? Come on.
  10. just give it back brother, don’t get infected by his disease
  11. These are pointers to success, there are a million factors at play, I get that, but for example someone said that hygiene and putting on a fancy cologne is a good advice and may get you laid, but also telling a person not do something cringey is also good advice, it may come off as unauthentic at first, but if you work on it you can overcome it.
  12. Talking about what worked is important, talking about what didn’t work can be equally or even more important.
  13. You refuse to acknowledge that by talking about our mistakes helps us avoid making them again which will result in your success, does this make sense? different people make different mistakes so when we come here together and talk about our different mistakes helps in our success tremendously, this is how you do it.
  14. Bro these are relative, you’re a good boy and a bad boy, you can alternate between the 2 😂
  15. Sometimes it’s not that you’re lecturing, but rather you’re talking about your interests, spirituality is a rare acquired taste which not a lot of people have or like.
  16. We talk about what didn’t get us laid, so we know what to identify with and not identify with to get laid, you gonna know where you made a mistake so you can avoid it next time, but first, acknowledge the mistake, which is what we’re doing here.
  17. A lot of times the path to destruction is what empowers you, this is what the spiritual path is all about!
  18. We can learn from our failures more than our successes
  19. That depends on who’s being themselves.
  20. Gotta have fun and give up seriousness to win girls brother.
  21. Brother, girls will find anything cringy and weird if they’re not in the mood.
  22. A lot of girls actually sleep with people with people that do what you just mentioned, I’m speaking from experience. it depends on the girl really, different girls like different things.
  23. just because she talks behind your back doesn’t mean she won’t fuck you, in my experience, the more she talks shit in the front of you or behind you, the more likely she’ll fuck you.
  24. A lot of women like needy men, it’s when you put on an act of not giving a fuck is what will repeal her. this depends, if you’re authentically one of the other they’ll both work, if you’re needy but you put on an act of not being needy, this will not work. Girls will spot a put on act from a mile away.