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Everything posted by Yousif

  1. Healthy doesn’t equal living longer.
  2. That’s completely relative and subjective, which is why there’s no such a thing as empirical facts, you can study 50 or 100 people and come up with an answer, doesn’t mean it will work on everyone with different backgrounds ang genetics.
  3. Go back in this post and read what I said, how does over working your heart makes you live longer? how does over using something makes it newer or last longer? doesn’t seem logical, and yet all your science and empirical data is based on logic, I again made a point that sure, you’ll get to a resting heart rate of 50 bpm, but that’s after you’ve already exhausted yourself in exercising, and also if you’re really that athletic to the point of your resting heart rate comes down to 50 bpm, you tend to be a monkey and unable to rest, you’re basically addicted to being active, which means you’ll end up over using your heart which means you’ll not be living longer.
  4. It could be because of many external factors, not just biological.
  5. sometimes it’s not your biology that’s the issue, but the times and issues that we’re going through as a society at a collective level, which I think why it gets better when you’re meditating, because meditation takes you out of human problems and bullshit. even if you’re %100 biologically healthy, if you lived during WW2 chances are that those times are filled with horror and anxiety.
  6. I’ve made this point many times here, being active and full of energy will make you more prone into getting into accidents and troubles, you all keep focusing on the internal benefits that exercising have on your body, while I’m trying to make you see how that LIFE STYLE may externally ( outside your body) not make you live longer, even internally it may be optimal for LIVING LONGER not FEELING GOOD.
  7. Again, being athletic and active doesn’t necessarily mean healthy. You all keep confusing the 2.
  8. You can also check you UV index in your weather app before you go sunbathe.
  9. I never had a problem with exercising, I’m a gym rat myself, but my whole point was, don’t think being athletic necessarily means living longer, a lot of times it’s just the opposite.
  10. Again, health and feeling good doesn’t necessarily mean living longer.
  11. Yes, like I said above, being more athletic will not necessarily help you live longer because then you’ll become a monkey with high energy, you tell me which one you think is safer, a child that’s full of energy that jumps around like a monkey, or a lazy child that sits and watches tv? I’ve already explained my points above, you keep presenting the same inquiries as the ones before you.
  12. I’ve already covered this, there are many factors at play not just the exercise itself, doing exercises will led to many things that can cause your death.
  13. You want me to be precise while you come up with numbers such as 50% out of thin air? What I meant is athletes and gym rats whole life revolves around being extremely active, which I don’t think it’s the best strategy to live longer.
  14. As if the internet and social media haven’t destroyed our humaneness already.
  15. realize it’s irrational and doesn’t serve you at all, angry people tend to have more energy, I already said this but draining yourself of this energy in work, sex, exercise, will bring it down immensely.
  16. That’s what gym rats and athletes do that’s what makes them athletic, being extremely active.
  17. You believe you’re a mod for and this you is not me, I’m not a mod for, now tell me, is this relative truth real or not real? relativity is how you get to non-dualism, it’s the root of the tree, you don’t live from the godhead, you’re not awake right now, you’re simply denying your own direct experience of being a human, which is paradoxically why you’re not awake right now, there is no difference between relative reality and absolute reality, saying its one thing over excludes it being something else, which makes it finite, It really is pointless talking about it here. because whenever you say it’s one thing and not the other you’re putting a limit on a limitless thing
  18. Yeah, it may help you live longer if you go walk or jog twice a week, I don’t think becoming a gym rat or an athlete will necessarily make you live longer.
  19. You clearly haven’t been skinny before lol, your heart or muscles will not work harder since all you’re carrying is bones
  20. Sounds to me that you’re trying no to desire which itself is a form of desire, which why you’re stuck, the truth is there’s no difference between relative or absolute, or any duality, but you’re playing games because you don’t really wanna awaken the only way possible, which is by letting go.
  21. Yeah imagination is all it’s made of, I get that, but don’t forget that there’s no difference between the real and the imaginary, the problem with you people on here is that you would say one thing is real and another isn’t, you stick to it all being imaginary, forgetting real and imaginary are the same thing, in the same way you say it’s all absolute, forgetting that there’s no difference between the relative and the absolute, you’re making the wrong cuts here.
  22. Yes, But you don’t deny that you have it, you don’t neglect it, and certainly you don’t go around acting like you’re in the godhead state all the time and pretend that you’re speaking from it, you’re made of god, but you’re still fucking jesus the son of Mary, both are needed to stay grounded and healthy.
  23. You’ll develop mental illnesses if you deny the relative, even when you’re in the awakening state ( during your awakening ) you do not deny your relative identity.
  24. This is why arabs are anal about marrying a virgin, or a divorced woman