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About Yousif

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  • Birthday 08/03/2000

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  1. For those that get it easily:- it’s just another day for those that rarely get it:- it’s an achievement that calls for a celebration 🎉😂🍾 At the end of the day, boyz and girls are playing the same game, only pretending they’re not.
  2. Even their gurus get their enlightenment from drugs
  3. Stage blue people are full of contradictions inside themselves, they’re at war within themselves, they’ve just taken the state of war as normal, I don’t mean to offend, but to an animal to kill or be killed is the state of affairs, and when you watch a documentary it’s completely normal to a lion pride to act like everything is cool.
  4. I see your point, maybe that’s because stage orange is relatively a new emergence at a global scale and it’s not all encompassing like blue is, if we’re talking globally, stage orange is being heavily resisted by many blue countries and that collision with blue from below, green and higher from above may make it seem worse than it’s prior stages, orange is the current center of gravity, all that pressure is making it lash out and behave neurotically.
  5. Yes, drinking gives you a hangover, it feels not good but after some days your liver adapts and now you’ve built tolerance and can drink more without getting drunk. 😂
  6. In the real world, there’s nothing for free, you’re always paying in some way. the cost of getting tipsy is a hangover.
  7. I too think that psychedelics are physically and mentally costly, I don’t need evidence or someone to tell me, I can feel and observe it when I do it, I personally have used psychedelics between 5-10 times in my life, if you’re very observant, you’ll realize that it’s definitely bad for your health,even more so if you’re unhealthy to begin with.
  8. Even if you have no idea how to meditate or self inquiry and you’re completely new to this, walking between 10,000 steps- 20,000 s will get your body to stillness and temporarily rid you of your neuroses. I found that I cannot sit, meditate, and be still as long as I’m physically full of energy, the more work I do the more my body is gonna wanna be still which is what you need to be able to set and meditate, and really the work itself is also meditation. you you’re active and you workout you’ll know what I’m talking about, the more energy you’re spending during the day, the more your body goes to a conservative mode by making you be still so you don’t spend and more energy, and that stillness is what will allow you to be in a state of union, which may lead to an enlightenment or awakening experience. I haven’t done any psychedelics in 5 years, I’ve had many awakenings just by walking, working, and sitting 🧘🏻‍♂️ If you don’t want do any drugs, this method is for you.
  9. If you weren’t blue/ orange yourself, maybe even red, you wouldn’t demonize immigrants. Those people go to western countries to become more developed and try to develop their countries. Just like how westerns used to come to the Muslim countries back in the day to learn medicine, chemistry, mathematics, and many different things since the ancient muslim civilization was the “1st world country “ of the past. as you said yourself, they’re poor, your government knows they’re poor, they’ll be doing the jobs that you don’t want to do while at the same time try not to be low quality for your liking.
  10. Most people here have a fixed labels for what is (conscious) and what is (unconscious) for example:- they’ll put ( lying, manipulating, cheating, hurting other people’s emotions, all the bad things you can think of, in the category of ( unconscious ), forgetting that it all depends on the situation, sometimes the conscious thing to do is to lie, cheat, manipulate, kill, hurt their feelings, examples are:- For hurting their feelings:- when your crazy ex will not leave you alone and you break her/his heart for telling them the truth Its the conscious thing to lie and manipulate because they can’t handle the truth. it’s the conscious thing to do to kill someone that was trying to kill you, and you did it out of self defense.
  11. We demand conscious clubs! 📢🗣️🪩
  12. Nope, I am you and you’re making you reply to you, so you can prove that I have free will, so you can stay asleep
  13. Once you realize oneness, everything you do becomes meditation, and the actual sitting and walking meditation is done just out of enjoyment and out of keeping me fit.
  14. have my doubts about the validity and accuracy of the happiness index, one major factor of measuring people’s happiness was the level of corruption within the country, And if you compare it to the corruption index :- you’ll find that a few of the top 20 countries in the happiness index are actually more corrupt than many of the countries that are ranking below top 20. I gotta also mention that the happiness index is for 2024 while the corruption index is for 2023 so that also might be a factor for why it doesn’t seem to correlate much.