I have been jobless and broke for the last 6 months and I feel down and frustrated.i have been applying for job interviews but still no offer.i still don't know what is my passion and the dream job I want. I have been following personal development for the last year and half and I improved alot in my personality, confidence,eliminated beta behaviors and became alpha, i have positive energy and always happy,alsl improved with opposite sex ,also I play sports and take care of my body,i'm keeping my self postive and uplifting myself everyday so I won't feel depressed or victimised cz I was depressed a year and a half after a hard break up but not anymore. I know I'm responsible for my life but after I lost my job and 6 months without a job and money and confused wht career to pursue I feel frustrated everyday and sucks,feeling no freedom to go out there and be free and independent,No money I can't do anything,family pressure,not even dating,not going anywhere. I know this is temporary I won't give up.