Random witch
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Everything posted by Random witch
I don't know there's many kinds of men and many versions of "bad boys". The attempt to put things in boxes and generalizing stuff is very pointless. The pattern of attracting mostly stage orange women in clubs isn't the same pattern of attracting turquoise women in some retreat, so those patterns are very relative and their successes depends on certain criteria, certain time, certain place and certain level of consciousness and ego development of the people involved in those.
Not all the "bad boys" are comfortable and safe, some of them just wild, exiting and kind of adventurous. I think this is what attracts more. I think it's more complicated, I don't thing that there could be someone who is ideal for someone else.
Women attraction for bad boys came from reprssion of "bad" characteristics within herself. Once woman discover her inner power, inner wild sexuality, she began to see bad boys the way they really are. Women tend love empathetic men with high EQ.
Of course there's no need for makeup and all this shit. The sad true is that we are women pushed to this shallow corner since we are innocent girls. Men are never satisfied with us. When we care about our beauty men say us not to care about our beauty. when we don't care about our beauty you judge us (harshly) for not caring about it. Then decide, what do you fucking want? We get contradictory messages from society, be that, no wait, be that, no, you should be that, etc. Maybe instead of judging women for caring about their appearance lets judge the system that brought women to be that way. It's very easy as a man to say:"Leave the beauty, you don't need this" when actually in reality we judged mostly 70%-100% by your beauty, appearance.
@Blackhawk Life is a beautiful and wonderful phenomena, with or without a partner. Just to look at the birds flying, the green grass and it's smell, the sun. the moon, the smell of the spring, of the autumn. There's so many good things in life that you can enjoy of them already, right now. Your youth, physical health, safety, those are so valuable. People are too selfish and greedy to not appreciate those. Every breath, is so beautiful and unique, so temporary, so mysterious, enigma. There's so many things to look for, to seek, to learn, to enjoy of, to appreciate.
Working for money it's not a bad thing. Money isn't good or bad. money is a tool. one can do good with it or do bad. You need money in order to survive. so don't blame yourself for "chasing" for money. You are a normal person who wants to be a live and that's a wonderful thing! In order to be alive you need money and you need a will to have money. Please be more gentle with yourself because you are very harsh. I understand that you are an artist and you want to create original things and make money out of it. It's a good idea actually. But be aware that it takes time to make a living as a full time artist and it might take years so keep working and do your best. Learn how to run a business, create a business plan, learn from artist who make living from selling originals. And take your time to learn, improve art skills, create more and more art. You sell T-shirts! That's a great start! I know artists who struggle even with that. You need to be proud of yourself! Also learn how to manage your time, I know it's not easy but it's possible. Enter those fun videos you like to watch to your schedule. There's nothing bad about entertaining yourself sometimes. Sometimes it's crucial for mental health. About your GF? Things are temporary, nothing is forever, sooner or later you'll change, she'll change and you won't agree on the same things anymore, and you'll be two strangers, and that's normal, it's OK, that's the life. I understand you are afraid to lose her, those are fears who come to you because you ae attached to her. Ego fears. Try not to worry about it and enjoy of the time you spend with her and appreciate it! Do you love yourself? I feel like you're not, but it something you can change and work on. Same about your self esteem. Maybe she the one who needs to worry about loosing you? As I said, be more kind to yourself, and not so harsh. To kill yourself is not the solution, you are probably already understand it. Life is for you to enjoy, don't make a tragedy out of it. I know that life can be hard sometimes and stressful, but life is also beautiful and wonderful You are not the only person who feels like looser sometimes, actually we all feel that sometimes. Those are feelings and as they come.... they go.
@Blackhawk Yes you wrote a lot of fictional stories here. That's strengthen my words. You will be miserable just because you chose it. You choose it every day to believe to those fiction stories. You do this to yourself, this is very stupid. Because you are deluded deeply, you need to seek help instead of trying to convince a strange woman how poor you are or not deluded you are. I'm tired of this thread because I talk to a person who doesn't wants to act, who just wants to complain and complain... How poor he is and how fucked up he his.... Yes, I'm wasting my time here, you just could tell me that I'm wasting time trying to open your eyes instead of keep arguing with me. You are deluded so deeply that you see all your believe system as facts. Bullshit, as I said. But yes, you don't care about the truth or about improving your life or something so it would be better to leave you here at peace at your comfort zone deluded bubble.
@Blackhawk If one person says that I can be a president only if I work hard enough I'd skeptical. But if 5 says that, I would be less skeptical. If 10 says that I'd belive them. I'd feel flattered that so many people believe that I able to be a president! I'll assume that this is because people see in me leadership traits that I didn't see in myself, my confidence will rise, I would take a course of public speaking, study politics, write my agenda and political goals and bulid my creer step by step. The problem is that I don't want to be a president so what people says wouldn't affect me so I'll do nothing about it. But you do want to have partner, so many people tell you that you can but you deny it. It looks like you don't really want to have a partner, you're not passionate about it, you are indifferent to it, you wait that it just will happen somehow like a miracle and you upset that this miracle doesn't happen. Because you are deluded, this is depth of your delution that you don't question your own beliefs. You believe that this is the final truth. As I told you, cure yourself, become a healthy man that women can relay on, this is an example of a value you can bring. Don't you want to be an healthy person? Do you want to maintain this toxic way of thinking and to pass it to your potential partner? How selfish of you.
@Blackhawk I didn't say you are fool, Just deluded. And it's OK because I'm also, but I do aware to this in my life, and when I have toxic belifs like yours I try to check more possible options to my situation. I know it's hard, but the more you practice this, the eaiser it become. You are not fool but you're acting like a fool because you basically cut off the branch you're sitting on. Also, seems like you want things to be easy for you and you prefer the easiest paths. Which is also not bad and it's common human trait, everyone wants short cuts. But your problem is that you're not aware to the fact that you want short cuts and you're upset because there's no short cuts so you invent a fictional story behind it and you stick to the information that justifies this fictional story You are really lack of self awareness. I don't want to insulte you but to open your eyes because they are very closed.
@Blackhawk Dating scene today is sucks for everyone, men and women. You don't have to be successful with all the women, no one in successful with all women... Even women aren't successful with all men. You need the woman who fits to you, who won't be toxic or manipulative, who will love you and accept you, who'll give you value. But in order to get value you need to offer value back, otherwise it wouldn't be fair. So you need to think about the value you can bring or develop one. Heal yourself and become an healthy man it's a good value that you can bring! Don't tell me how horrible you are please. Many people are suck in relationships because no one is educating us about this, so many people remind miserable loners. But those who will try to improve and to educate themselves about it, are more likely to be successful even beyond their expectations. It's not easy but it's possible and as I said, if you look for the easy path, forget about it. Also if you're involved in some incel community or red pill stuff, be aware that it's toxic and it's prevent you from having a partner.
@Blackhawk You see this as excuses not to take an actions, as I said, you focus on what you can't do rather than what you can. You give me here 5 sources of information that supports your beliefs but you have no guts to check contradictory studies. You see, it's because you're not looking for the truth. You are more care about keeping the illusion that you are right rather than serching for truth. If you were really interested in truth you would be interested in contradictory researches, but you are not. You are only interested in those who fits your belifs as I said.
@Blackhawk My BF didn't change because he doesn't want to although he can. He has no intention. Same with trump. In order to change one needs a will and intention.
@Blackhawk Or maybe you are wrong and you cherry picking all the information that supports your beliefs system. Relax, no one is immune to self delusion. But being aware to the fact that you don't immune to delusions surprisingly makes you less self delusional. The more you deny the fact you are self deluded, the deluded you are. Just the fact that you're denying it shows how deluded you are. And closed minded. I'm less deluded than you because I see the life from many angales, I see all the possibilities, you see only one option. Very limited option that you repeat again and again and again.... Like a dogma. Science isn't the true, if you want to find the true you won't find it through science because it's very limited. Science has many contradictory recarches. I actually found a study that shows that our personality can deliberately change! https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/personality/personality-change But you won't read it because it's long& and because it's threatening your belifs system. It's thretening your ego. And at the end, why do you give a fuck about science? Do you really think that just because "science says so" you have to obey like a sheep? Seems like you can't handle few options at the same time, you don't want to consider few different perspectives. Not because you can't, you actually can, and able, you are intelegent enough for it, but you won't do this because you are afraid. Because you aren't aware of how your ego controls you.
@Blackhawk Intention is the seed. The first step. Can't you see it? You want everything to come to you immediately? That's not going to happen, it will take time. Why are you so impatient? Why do you want fast results? You know what people say about things that come easy and fast. As fast as they come they go. As easy they come they go. You have very strong delusion about your abilities and life... As I said, because you are in such a deep self delusion, you can't see it. You are afraid of your own power, you are afraid of changes. Try to repress your ego for a while and consider the option that you are wrong and deluded. Why are you so sure you are right? Because of your ego. Ego loves delusions and comfort, ego doesn't like to question it's own beliefs. YOU DON'T LIKE TO QUESTION YOUR BELIEFS. Why? Because it's uncomfortable and ego likes comfort.
@Blackhawk You're welcome. You don't need a talent, you just need an intention. It seems like you just don't have this intention. It seems like you don't want to work on yourself. Also I noticed that you express yourself as you are the only person who suffers while no one is able to suffer as much as you suffer. This is a very egoistic thinking BTW. because there's lots of suffer in the world, are you aware to that? Are you aware to the fact that you are not the only one who struggles in life? just to inform you. Are you aware that there's a lot of people that were at lower pointes than yours who got out of this toxic state? Am I wasting my time here trying to convince you that you are delusional or you're seriously thinking about what I write and not just pretending you're read it?
Means that You'll never watch this. Why? because you don't give a damn? Because you are lazy? There's no reason, you just bullshiting here because this is what you used to, as I said, self delusion. High level of self delusion.
Even if you're not into SD, stoicism is a very good tool. I BET that you even didn't watch it.
@Blackhawk What do you do in order to improve? seems like nothing. because you love it, and you are comfortable with it, and you like to write all those sad messages about how horrible you so people would try to convince you that you are not.
@Blackhawk Get out of your low red pill stage red, work towards blue, watch some healthy stage blue videos and read some books about it. A good example for a good healthy stage blue philosophy is the stoic philosophy. If you really want to improve and make your way on spiral dynamics, studying this may be helpful.
@Blackhawk It was my post that you quoted. By average men I meant to the emotionless, self centered with his dick guy. This is my definition to an average man. It may be a wrong definition but this is what I though about when I wrote this. What's yours definition to an average man? If you added it to prove that women are suck, forget about it, you cherrypicked my whole post to make it fit to your agenda against women. You believe that you have no success with women because women are bad and selfish and devils right? But you probably don't take in account your fault at your situation. Who's to blame in your condition? You, only you. I read all your post, man, listen to me, you need to do something with yourself, you need to love yourself more and develop some confidence because you are at a very low point. No matter what people telling you here you don't give a real damn and you're keeping your bullshit close to your chest, nurturing it and sing it songs at bedtime like some holly nun. You are rigid, pessimistic. delusional. You don't care about facts or the truth, you only care about about maintaining your agenda about your incapability. You don't care about improving or being better person, you care only about those evil women who don't want the poor victim you. It seems like you want to attract sick women to your life rather than healthy ones, but also those who are sick would prefer someone a bit healthier than you. Your level of self delusion, self deception and of distortion of reality is insane. Please go and seek professional help. I'm sure that you'll find someone who will treat you well if you'll allowed it.
Perhaps the reasons are: Women feel like they still need "to prove" themselves so they work hard/study hard. Women socialization is different than men in that way that women socialize to be comfortable and please their parents and be a "good girls", follow the rules, do the things that are expected from them like going to college without questioning this too much. Other assumption is that women realized that they need to be independent from men financially because they saw how unhappy, dependent and uneducated women in their family or environment were like, and the most approachable way, the best way, the safest way to do this is through college and degrees. Also maybe there's the factor of self actualization, women are genetically "hungry" for this after so many years of patriarchy and repression. men don't have the same hunger, after so many years of control they unconsciously want to be more passive and controlled. Men raised to be strong and capable but also to abandon their feelings and emotions, this repression of feelings and emotions caused to some of them to suffer from mental issues that they even may not be aware to because of the lack of the education about it. They dragging their repressed emotions since they were children and it's a real burden that prevent them from functioning in society in a healthy way. They deal with their issues by escapism to video games, porn, toxic theories. drugs because this is the most approachable way in society that men can deal with emotions. Engaging in video games, toxic theories, porn and drugs is also a distraction from studying and building a career/life purpose.
Random witch replied to roopepa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Jakuchu @roopepa BTW I appreciate Leo's work, when you think about what this person done, what he went through, how he built himself and still building, how he came to conclusions by himself and connected the dots and find a way to effectively bring it to us, how open minded he is and how patience he has to explain people stuff that you rarely can find elsewhere.... It's really amazing and mind blowing. But it's important to balance his teachings with other teachings, complementary ones that aren't that rigorous. Totally agree ♥ -
I love metal and all the kinds of stage red music because it helped me so much to cope with my feelings! It was like a cure for me. I'm happy you found it, it's very exciting, I want to get back to the first time I was exposed to this kind of music, it was like bomb in my body and soul❤️
Random witch replied to Derek White's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
If time is not required for enlightenment, why are we not all enlightened at this very instant? It's not like a gotcha question or something, I'm genuinely curious. 1. Because most of us can't stand boredom. 2. Because most of us are still struggling to financially survive. 3. Because there's the illusion that there's so many options out there, so we get confused and we don't know what way or spiritual practice and method to choose, also we have the fear of missing out (FOMO). 4. Because we are slaves to our desires and everything in the capitalistic modern world push us towards this direction. 5. Because we are grew up to be too rational and logic and "know all" oriented, but we lack of playfulness, wonder, openess and real curiousity. 6. Because we used to the idea that things have to happen immediately, we have no patient to worship something vague that requires time and persistence. -
@zazen We hardly know something about our "true" nature. We are this kind of animal who can adopt to any form of behaviour. Science is very limited and its conclusions relative to the culture it studies. Also it's a very biased territory. The only things you can be sure about are those: 1. Those who have a vagina, womb and breast (females) are able to get pregnant while those who don't have vagina, womb and breast (males) aren't able to get pregnant. 2. Those who have dick and balls (males) are physically stronger than those who don't have dick and balls (females). The other differences are on question mark.