Random witch

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Everything posted by Random witch

  1. Prostitution is defenetly red, very strong red, low conscious practice. Exactly like slavery. Some complain about the modern slavery, the rat race, being the boss' slave at some 9-5 job but talk about how wonderful prostitution is, are blind and deluded. If not deluded then hypocrites. Prostitution is a very non-holistic solution for the problem of the crack between women and men. It looks like men look for the short term solution to get their needs for intimacy and sex by hiring a prostitute instead of integrate within themselves the healthy femininity and find a healthy way to connect with women.
  2. I think that people should do as they like. The problem is that getting married is a social norm that planted in our culture so deeply, many people think that this is what they want because they brainwashed into it. I don't have an opinion about marriage, I don't know if I want it or need it, I can't imagine myself being a 'wife' of someone.
  3. I'm amazed by the thought that I'm alive, it's such a radical thing to even exist. My body do most of the work for me, this work of keeping me alive, all the process which I even not conscious to. I'm a self-propelled machine without being aware to most of the things I do to keep myself alive. That's insane.
  4. I don't like Facebook/Twitter and all this crap and I think they do crimes against the humanity. I don't know if the new Metaverse technology would make it worse because it's already sucks. I like the idea of the alternative world, I think it can be useful for many people and I see value in it, the main con is that they will be able to collect more information about people which means less privacy and more unhealthy use of our information against us.
  5. If you're so carefree and go with the flow, why do you care so much about the number? Men who are really carefree don't really care about woman's past sexsual experiences. Be that man. You wrote that your GF is immature, she might be, but you're either.
  6. I personally don't mind to pay 50/50, I actually did it a lot. But, I struggle with miser man mentality because it says so much more about him. Yes, we don't like when men use money to buy us but we also don't like when men are too afraid too take care of us. Many women see money as a tool of care, love, courtship, expression of a genuine interest in us. We do like to feel that he doesn't mind to spend money on us as a genuine kind gesture and that we don't own him sex in return. It's beautiful in man because it signals us that he cares about us but at the same time doesn't expect something in return. My advice is to date those who you're really interested in so it will be easier for you to be less miser (hopefully).
  7. Go masturbate. It's the best solution, forget about prostitutes, they already have a miserable life and your dick won't make it better. This is what I do, as a woman, I don't have the option of sexy hot male prostitutes who good at bed, as you have. Even if I had I wouldn't go for it because I'm aware to the emotional, mental and spiritual price of such a work. when I have no opportunity for a good sex with a man who knows where the clitoris is and I don't have to explain him everything, I have only my fingers and my imagination. It's free, it's simple, it cause no harm to no one.
  8. 1. First of all we need to feel safe. Most of us don't feel safe in public places around stranger men because it's risky to our life/safety. 2. A woman who approaches man looks like she's desparete, or may feel like she desperate if she do so because the social norm is that men should approach women and not women men. No healthy and self respected woman would like to feel like she's desperate or that she has to chase men. Women more likely to approach men that they have some information about or they already talked before. 3. I also don't see any rational reason for a woman to approach man on the street, even if he is attractive, she can admire him from distant but from her own perspective, being the one who approaches a man makes him less attractive in her eyes. Even if he is the God of beauty, because part of man's sex appeal is the enterprise of a man.
  9. I get you, I also feel that way sometimes. I see the world around me and it looks so cold, full of narcissists, haters, gaslighters. But, remember, you're always loved unconditionally by God, by the creator, nature, universe whatever it is. The fact that God expressing himself through you says how important you are. You are enough as you are now, and what you're feeling now is totally OK. ♥
  10. I do have thoughts of course but I'm aware that it's not me. Same with my name, with my past, with my identity. I feel it's like a character in the game that I constructed. It doesn't belong to me but it has a function in the survival world.
  11. As I see this (I'm a feminist) is the idea that both men and women have the right for self actualization. The right to be who they want to be. The system, for a very long time, decided for men and women what they are and what they are not. What they should be and what they're shouldn't. What is woman and what is man. Which is very toxic for the individual. Because people are more than stereotypes and limited gender rules. Which means, if a woman wants to serve the house, and be a traditional, stereotypical woman in any sense, she can if this what makes her happy, But, if it's not the case, and it's not what makes her happy, and she wants to live her life differently, she has the right to do so. Even if she does things that considered "masculine". Feminism is the realization that there's no such a thing inherent gender rules and things are very fluid. And the dichotomy between the genders is just a mind game that serve the interests of privileged group through the entire history which are men. Feminism for me is a liberation, it's a rebellion against the depressing system, authenticity, passion for life, passion to do things better for everyone and everything. It's standing on my own, being independent financially, love myself, live my life the way I want. The problem is that society makes it harder for us. When you standing on your own you're more likely to be gaslighted and attacked by those who feel uncomfortable with it (most likely men and women with sexist worldview). Those who believe that women are inherently inferior to men. You're more likely to be taken less seriously at workplaces, to be ignored, even if you're talented and brilliant, you need to work harder than any man in order to get the same reward. You want to love yourself. To feel good with yourself but society in every corner reminds you that you worth something only if you're beautiful and attractive for men. If you're not, you have no worth. Society tells you in any way that you're not enough. Which makes it's very hard to love yourself. My personal fight against the system is to love myself no matter what society think about me, is to love myself beyond my appearance. Is to love my body because it's healthy and functioning and not because it's attractive or not attractive for men. Is to educate myself, do gain knowledge, to explore my full potential, is to confront social norms that hurt me, is to tell a guy that he is an asshole if he is an asshole, is to do or not to do sex as I like and not as men expect me to do or society expect me to do, is to own my body that belongs to me only, not to my father/brother/lover/husband/public/government. Is to do with my body whatever I want, do dress as I like, to look as I like, to think as I like.
  12. I'm not sure if this time is "The shittiest of times", But I can't ignore the fact that this time is shitty. Especially for young people. It's like society deliberately against us, focused on bullying us. We are the new lost generation.
  13. I felt weird, I felt like I have no place anywhere, I felt like something between man and woman, like a weird creature that you can't categorize and I hated this feeling. I had a lot of rage inside me, I wanted to destroy anything. I was a bag of intense emotions. How about you?
  14. I love your intent, I think it's very important to talk about it. I wrote few words in other tread, it might be helpful: Love women from the heart, (Love the femininity within yourself and others) try to think about what you can provide her rather than be too focused on what you want to receive from her, be less rigid and judgmental about her physical appearance, fight for women rights when you have the opportunity so you will take a part in creating a better place for everyone, accept women as an individuals, as equal human beings to you, realize that you also could be born as a woman (And also, you were a women for some short period of time), Realize that a certain woman in your life held you for 9 month in her womb (paused her whole life and put her life at risk for you) be aware to women's issues in history and society.
  15. 1: What exactly does a man provide for you? Why are men so " Awesome"? ( for women) They are object of desire, inspiration, object of investigation, intellectual interest, entertainment, feel sexy and desired, feel protected and loved, feel valuable, beautiful and admired. 2: What does make a man a creep/ scary? ( what invokes fear in woman) Being too conformist (I'm terribly afraid of men who are too conformist because they tend to be judgmental toward me), attempts to control, manipulate, gaslighting, attempts to suppress me, ignore my needs, being arrogate, being aggressive and possessive toward me, not being clear enough, envy me, being needy, act like pervert, being sneaky, hypocrite, to gossip a lot, being extremely judgmental, of course misogyny/sexism, too many insecurities, being passive aggressive. too close. 3: What is the most important thing a man can do to not make women feel afraid but safe? ( if you have to go down to one word, to the essence). Love women from the heart, trying to think about what you can provide her rather than be too focused on what you want to receive from her, being less rigid and judgmental about her physical appearance, fight for women rights when you have the opportunity, accept women as an individuals, as equal human beings to you, realize that you also could be born as a woman (And also, you were a women for short period of time), Realize that a certain woman in your life held you for 9 month in her womb (paused her whole life and put her life at risk for you) be aware to women's issues in history and society.
  16. Wow, That's so beautiful and inspiring
  17. I hope your mental state is better now. I don't know if someone already asked you these question but I will: What was your childhood dream? How do you think the ideal world should be like?
  18. Even if it's sadness and misery it's still Ok, it also bulids intimacy and connection. Aa long as people don't use crying as a tool to manipulate their partners, it's totally ok to show vulnerability, we need more of this.
  19. Are you an Italian by any chance? Your situation is very annoying, when your own father looking at you like you are the biggest criminal if you do any little mistake, when there's an asshole who do many bad things and rarely get punished. I see this a lot in workplaces when the person who do his job get punished more harshly than the person who don't. I think that your father is toxic towards you, also, your father ignores his behaviour because he afraid to confront him. Maybe try to ask your father why he rarely confront this asshole?
  20. Emotionally intense, Easily get affected by stress, Too many ideas in my head, passions, goals that I get too confused, Traumas Perfectionism And yeah, morning routines?
  21. @Spiral You've been very toxic in my tread, this is funny how you try to be so right and spiritual while toxicity fluids from you like a water. Don't try to spend your time on educating the whole forum, look into yourself.
  22. If there's too much teasing it can be annoying, but again, this is only me, you can try this with your partner and see?
  23. I'd say that she isn't a mature person. Usually, immature people have issues with crying of others. I see this a lot in red-blue-orange stage people in SD. I understand it because society taught us that crying man is a weak man. While actually the truth is that people who feel comfortable to cry are usually more mentally strong. I don't care if a man cry in front of me, I'm a "crying baby" myself. If a "strong" man feels comfortable enough to cry in front of me I see this as a victory of mine. Life isn't complete without crying, this is a crucial part of human life. This is so healthy to cry, I think that the main reason women live longer it's because they feel more comfortable to cry. Crying can prevent so many diseases. I'd say, keep crying, and move on, find a new GF, more mature and open than her she is. I love when people question gender norms and act as they believe it should be, this is the change that we need in society, we are the change. In fact, I question women norms, and through this questioning I reveal some hidden authentic parts in myself. This is so fun, scary and interesting, so satisfying to find new treasures in myself.
  24. I agree, you can't sweep things under the rug and expect everything to be fine. If you really want to heal you have to flood things up. If this forum was too sweet without "wars", that would be a real problem.
  25. Chemistry with two people it's not something you can put into formula. Rather than looking for sleeping with any decent girl, maybe you should look for girls that you are really want? Really really passionate about? You can't expect from the girl to put you in the 1st place when you see her just as a practice or option for sex, just a number. No matter how good your formulas are or how high quality you think you are.