Random witch

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Everything posted by Random witch

  1. Sometimes, this forum have cult-like patterns and people here try to align their unique personality with Leo's personal preferences and biases. They forget that they don't have to be Leo in order to reach God. At any time during the history, people look to follow a paved road that fits 1 person out of billons rather than be brave enough and walk in unpaved road, because it's scary.
  2. Just of the head: 1. Work on healing your trauma 2. Study your emotions: What makes you happy? What makes you angry? What makes you anxious? How do you react to different situations? 3. Learn how to label your emotions and realize them when they occur, notice how they affect your body (When you're angry what you feel in your body? where at the body?) without judgment. 4. Meet your needs (physical and emotional) realize what are your needs and meet them. 5. Be compassionate with yourself
  3. Your experience with your ex boyfriend is something that I see very frequently. I know the common phrase that says "Woman love assholes" but people rarely talk about the opposite about how much some men attracted to bitches. Some men may see you much more hotter if you're a bitch. Of course this kind of man doesn't worth you, no matter how much he kiss your ass, the fact that your bitchy attitude is what attracts him, shows how fucked up he is in a sense of his unhealthy perception of people. Yes, unfortunately, our society full of narcissists and people who are able to be attracted to narcissists only.
  4. Yeah, I gave extreme examples, ideally people should be both. Be respectful and kind but with healthy boundaries. I'm not talking about faking being nice, I talk about actually having a basic respect to humans, being genuine, humble, caring person. Many people love this kind of behavior and are appreciate those people but there are many other people who see this as boring or as a weakness, usually it's the same kind of people who prefer people who show no genuine interest in them and are unavailable and detached.
  5. From my experience the same goes with men. I realized that being a bitch attracts men from various unexpected corners, as if they see you in unique glorified light, aura, as if you someone very important like Jesus or Buddha, they lick your ass and acting so sweet. You wonder what your parents did in order to create such a wonderful creation like you, and then you realized "Eh, yeah, I'm just a bitch, that's why" But when I'm kind, humble, friendly, caring, genuine, this exactly type of men see this as a weakness or unworthiness, as if only someone who act as a bitch is a worthy woman. It's a common type of people, who are capable of loving only people who are detached from them. Their parents haven't met their needs when they were children, so maybe they learned that this is how love should be or something. People who don't aware to the impact of their childhood on themselves and don't do work on themselves are usually attracted to the people who remind them of their relationship with their parents.
  6. I think she meant to non-identification with the ego which relates to our physical existence in a physical body, some of our earthy aspects that play a huge role as obstacles to our spiritual growth. She brought examples that explain what she means in "Identifying with the body". Anyway, it seems to me that your question came from arrogance rather than a real intent to help. I whish I'm wrong.
  7. Lol, she wrote it very clear and descriptive. Read again?
  8. I think that all those can be solved by working on your self image, self esteem and past traumas, it's a long process but fortunately there is so much information in books/web/spiritual and psychological techniques to heal those issues. I'm reading now a book that called "How to heal your emotional self", it's a nice book with practical exercises that involve working with physical mirror. I can relate to this as well, I think that many of us have those beliefs about ourselves, not just in relation to spirituality but also to achieve anything in life. It's our struggle as women to appreciate ourselves. Men often overestimated themselves while we often underestimated ourselves. Some people say that we as women have even more spiritual potential than men because various of reasons but the best answer that I can give you is that no matter what our physical body is, we all a consciousness with a growth potential. Your will and intention is enough and there is no limitation to your growth potential. Focus on this and don't compare yourself to men who bragging about their spiritual achievements, take in account that many of them are exaggerating, the same they do with sex, their appearance, skills, and everything in life. Men are mostly exaggerating in order to impress other men. Everything that men brag about subtract in 50%, it would give you more realistic picture.
  9. Not for me. It's a very distractive medium and even interferes my real life. I'm afraid to be too focused on this forum and to neglect real work on myself. Therefore I limit my usage here. This is just another social bubble, I don't see a huge difference between actualized.org forum and other reddit forums for example. Yes. People talk here about spiritualty and 'higher' stuff but I see here the same cult or group mentality, ego arguments, Ignorance, sexism, bullying, gaslighting (people literally use spiritual concepts in order to gaslight each other) & dogmas that I see everywhere on the internet. From a higher perspective it's neither good or bad but from my own perspective as a human being who seeks a sense of connection and belonging with myself, people, life, God- it's awful. I end up easily overwhelmed by negativity here. I see here good things as well, people do help each other and empower each other, but too often the bad (that I listed above) overshadows the good and it's very disappointing.
  10. Maybe it won't be that boring, we might be so in peace with the 'being', so joyful, everything appears beautiful and interesting, we might feel like we are on constant good trip
  11. @BipolarGrowth This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
  12. Crazy is the opposite of normal. There's no such a thing "crazy" and there's no such a thing "normal" ultimately. You are crazy as long as society consider you crazy and you are normal as long as society consider you normal. Craziness isn't necessary enlightenment but enlightenment might appear as craziness in the eyes of some normies and the psychiatric world. Some people who get enlightenment don't have the tools or the knowledge to understand it and they might feel that they got crazy and appear in that way which can lead them to psychiatric hospitals.
  13. The golden age for humanity, everyone is completely awaken, which means, billions of Jesus and Buddha
  14. It all depends on how you take it. Most of us didn't get any spiritual education, no one told us from childhood: "Live in the present" or "Just go for a walk and enjoy life" Many people struggle to even do this without feeling ashamed, in our fast society that ridicule the 'being'. We learned that we have to follow the rules, think about the future instead of the present, that we need to achieve stuff to be happy and it's all about money and status. We live in a society that constantly in 'doing' mode rather than 'being' mode so it's not surprising that some people apply the 'doing' on the spiritual aspect of their life and treat this as something that they must achieve in order to be happy. Many people are misuse or misunderstand those teachings and apply them in a very toxic or dogmatic way. It doesn't mean that those teachings aren't useful or helpful, they can change people's life drastically, it all depends on the way you consume it. Many people jump between subjects without fully understand one subject, many people treat spirituality as a status symbol or as a way to feel superior to other people, many people use it in order to avoid their life, there are many ways that people distort the teachings to serve their ego or to sabotage themselves. If you consume it in a healthy way, slowly and enjoy it, without being too rigid with yourself, you will only benefit from it.
  15. I think that it doesn't matter how they're raised or where they're raised, most if not all of the farm animals are pretty intelligent and sensitive so they're aware to the coming slaughter or feel in some way that something bad is going to happen. They might hear voices of their family or peers slaughtered and to understand that something dangerous is happening and their lives are in danger. As a result, their body secreting stress hormones. I don't think that eating an animal who was in so stressful mode before its death has spiritual benefits. Grass fed, not grass fed, they all die the same. Maybe eating an animal who lived a good life and died naturally is more OK from the spiritual perspective, I don't know.
  16. Yeah I love your approach! Virgin isn't equal to loser. It's all social shit and it means nothing. I think that your approach is healthy, you're not defining your self esteem by having or not having sex, and I think that this approach makes you even closer to have sex because of your healthy relationship with yourself.
  17. I don't see this as a high conscious food, it's something that used to live and died with emotional and physical suffer. The pain of the animal is stamped in it's meat, I don't think that eating this kind of pain would do good for the one who eats it. Especially if he aims to develop his conscious. Lions, sharks and other wild animals can eat meat without spiritual consequences because their survival depends on meat, they are not conscious and they can't be more conscious. We are different in a sense that we can develop our conscious if we choose it, or we can stay in a low conscious mode.
  18. It's scary because it's... well.... threatening for your ego. It's scary to take an action because you might fail, you are biased toward failure like most of us. you want to avoid it because it's unpleasant feeling. The solution is to accept the fact that you're going to fail, no matter how much your theory is good, you're going to fail somehow when you take an action, no one guarantee us 100% success, it's a trial an error process. This is how we are truly learn and this is how we are truly develop ourselves, by action, theory is very important but it can't be complete without the practice, only by practice you can grow. You can't avoid failure, never, as long as you're living human, you should find a way to be more easy on yourself and more forgiving when you fail, when things go not as you expected them to be.
  19. Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl
  20. Any needs you have, emotional or physical needs, you should be aware to them and find ways to meet them in order to survive happily. We are never going to be needles, as long as we exist in our physical form, no matter how mushroom we are going to take and how many God realizations we might have. I love Teal Swan's video about it:
  21. I think that it makes our narcissistic traits more visible, you know, shit floats on the water and all this kind of stuff
  22. No, you don't have to compare yourself to others. You just realize what you have. you have food, you have water, you have shelter, there's nothing wrong in being grateful for what you already have. It doesn't make you a bad person to be grateful for what you already have. Ignoring the good things in life is already a coping mechanism, your post and anti is a coping mechanism. Many people afraid and think that if they will be grateful for something they have, it will disappear abruptly. It's an illusion.
  23. Lots of smoothies with fats like nuts, peanut butter, almond butter, flax seeds, chia seeds, avocado, coconut cream, fatty yogurts.
  24. This is very deep, when you talk about food I think about all the other aspects in life that I wish my family change for the sake of better, happier, healthier life. I talk with my family about various important things. They listen, they nod in agreement and they continue to live their unhealthy life.