Random witch

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Everything posted by Random witch

  1. Splitting might be an essential thing to our development, I agree, and at the same time it's one of the dominant players in our current chaotic situation. What I understood from his talk about worshiping death is that we only worshiping the death materialism and put it above life. It creates such a situation when there is no balance between the material and the spiritual as it should be. When he talked about the occult and magical thinking he means to all the shallow, nonsensical stupitish new age stuff like astrology and wishful thinking. I didn't agree when he implied that it's a bad thing we all are too focused on the now rather than the past and future. It's not accurate. I don't think that he fully understands what it means to live in the now. It's true that we live in an era of instant gratification and we expect everything to be fast and instant, but at the same time most people aren't live in the now but in past and future, identified with their egos, false selves which is also accountable for many current problems. What is happening now is that we are too worshiping the death and ignoring life, avoiding life, escaping life, finding our lifes meaningless, empty, seek external fulfilments, too obbssed with materilism and "stability" that we forget to live the now, take risks, accept the dynamic and mysterious nature of life. We should balance between the two.
  2. "Women have two choices: Either she's a feminist or a masochist." Gloria steinem
  3. I can relate to everything that you've said, it's as if I'm the one who wrote this (I actually did). I feel the frustration, I feel the alienation, I feel all those negative emotions that you've mentioned. Fortunately it won't last and it's collapsing gradually, the current economical system is dying. It's at the dead end. I'm so exited thinking about it. Stage orange is an important part of our development, but we exhausted it. Thank you stage orange for all the goods but it's the time to say bye-bye because now you're ruining our lives. Now our survival is depending on moving into green. Create your green business and focus on marketing it to green people, write about it on green online communities (on Reddit or Facebook). It doesn't have to be big, you can start a little green local business, as I plan to do. Many small green businesses might be the beginning of the end of big orange corporations. Green small businesses are giving the value that no big orange business will ever be able to give.
  4. Stage red isn't bad, it is a part of our development and it still has value. 1. You can create a show that involves stage red with higher stages, for example, add some wisdom of higher stages (like green, yellow, tourqise) which will make your cartoon more round, deep and meaningful. 2. You can create a show that puts emphasize on the good and healthy aspects of stage red. (Like creativity, rebellion against "evil" authority, courage, adventurousness)
  5. I don't see myself as more creative than the average person, I also don't do artistic stuff. But I've met people who are highly creative and I've noticed their struggles which made me to empathize with them. I enjoy philosophy as an hobby and passion but it's not practical, so I can relate to artists from this perspective. Unfortunately I don't have a solution. I think it depends on the individuals. Thank you! I've just received the coolest compliment ever?
  6. Lol, I don't watch porn and I have erotic dreams pretty often. I think it has something to do with the idea that porn abuses your imagination?
  7. Psychiatry is limited, culture related and there are many things that are in question mark in this field. But we can't ignore the fact that there are some people who born with antisocial traits in various levels, as much as some people born with high sensitivity, male of female, gay or straight.
  8. The western culture is at the stage orange peak. There's no real appreciation to art at this stage. Only to profits. They don't want you to be an artist, a philosopher, a sage, a mystic (or whatever you are) but an employee, giving all your beautiful years, numbing your creativity, emotions, spirit, talent, joy for ridiculous price only to make them richer than they already are. If you're rebelling against it, you're completely "useless" as a human being, because you aren't useful to them. No wonder why so many artists (and non artists) suffer from mental illness. There are people that art is a necessity for them, more than to others. Their sanity depends on creation. For them, If they aren't able to create safely, gracefully, without finishing as homelesses, then they see no point in living a life. Life of suppression, life of depression, life that you're aren't allowed to be who your are is a complete hell. But there is a hope for change, one day it will be different. If I could send a message to all depressed artists in the world, I would say: Never give up, believe in your value, do what fulfils you because this is exactly what you supposed to do.
  9. Ambition, power and sucsses are narrow feminist ideals and are also relative. (Stage orange) At the core, as I see feminism is having the right be the woman, the human that you are. Even if you're not ambitious or you're powerless in society. Our biggest power is not in being the CEO of a great masculine company but in being authentic, living authentic life, do what we love to do. Therefore there is no contradiction between being feminine and following feminist ideas. "Being feminine" is a concept, there are many archetypes and sub archetypes of femininity in our collective subconscious. Bella Swan from Twilight has a different feminine archetype than Katniss Everdeen from hunger games. Angelina Julie and bjork have different female archetypes as well. They all are feminine, but in slightly different ways. Who's better? Who's more appealing? It's a matter of taste and preferences. You are already embodying a certain female archetype, you're already have a dominant female archetype and a secondary one. You're already attract certain men that are attracted to your particular feminine archetype. Female Jungian female archetypes: Queen Lover Mystic Huntress Maiden Wise Woman Mother Jungian male archetypes: King Warrior Wild man Sage The fool Inventor Prophet
  10. This provides the biggest value for me ? Artist: "Unknown", AKA "God"
  11. I meant to anyone in life who might be not reliable, misleading, even canny including what you described. I can relate to your fear and unfortunately I also saw and heard some sad stories regarding this.
  12. I'm afraid of loosing my interest in spiritual work, fall into ego traps, wasting my time on a false work. I'm afraid to develop a mental illness, not having enough income to sustain myself, to be dependent on the wrong people. I'm afraid to lose a common ground with my family and loved ones because I do the work and they don't, it's already painful and it's a suffer for me to be a new person that they can't relate to anymore. I'm at a grief of the old me and the old relationship I had with my family and people in my life, it never be the same anymore, I'm afraid that it will be even harder in future.
  13. When people say "Be an adult" they mean taking responsibility for your life, being mature. But it's a vague definition. I don't say it's absolutely right or wrong though. What is an adult in the first place? When do you become an adult? Who decides? And what is the problem with not being an adult? why being a child is worse? What does it mean to be a child in the first place?
  14. There is no optimal way to treat everybody. Sometimes, what you call "fawning" is necessary, other times it's harmful and you must challenge stuff. You can't handle all the interactions and situations the same way, this is why it's important to develop your intuition along with your self-expression and compassion. Your intuition tells you how to deal with different scenarios, sometime you need to express exactly what you feel, in other times it might be dangerous so you need to act more strategically, sometimes you need to be compassionate and show empathy, being vulnerable, other times you have to be cold and detached. People who are highly intuitive, who are connected to their inner wisdom, which doesn't come from the logical and rational mind are more flexible in their behavior because again, there is no ultimate approach to all situations. Our inner self knows how to deal with everything, but most of us have limited awareness or access to it due to the socialization each of us went through. "Fawning" seems for me like a survival coping mechanism that people soaked in order to deal with life, I think that it is worth compassion, and bringing people's awareness to it without judging is the key. After all, if not by "fawning", we all screwed up in a certain way.
  15. Perhaps, or perhaps not
  16. Just want to share: I'm 29 years old and for the first time in my life I took the decision not to shave my public hair/armpit hair anymore. I've got to the conclusion that it's not really necessary for me. I've realised that I don't really care having full bush of public hair or armpit hair. I looked at myself in the mirror, having this body hair and I just fell in love with the image of myself. I felt like a women who got sober after being drunk. I felt like a wild animal who went back into the nature after long period of domestication. I saw the roughest, most pure and beautiful feminine version of me. Seriously, I came to the stage in my life where I don't care what other people might say or think about my body hair. I realised that this another way to free myself, to be who I really am. I don't want to spend any more money and time ever in my life on shaving. Or doing something to my body only because of the fear of judgement. I also find it a good way to filter men. I don't want men in my life who will sleep with women only if she's hairless. I think it's stupid, seriously. I'm not a porn actor, nor a child, I'm a woman, an adult, and it's fine to have body hair.
  17. Given the amount of psychopaths there are in society, their attraction to power positions and the difficulty to spot them due to their good pretnse. Would it be possible in future to have relatively more healthy and integrated society despite psychopaths existence? Would early education of people to spot psychopathic behaviour in order not deal or trust them would be effective or it just would make psychopaths more sofisticated and harmful?
  18. What are the reasons that you lose your money quickly and in a huge debt in the first place? Spot the reasons you lose money so quickly. Are you an impolsive buyer? Are you addicted to some substance that make you spend a lot of money? Are you attached to a certain expensive lifestyle? Are you deep into changeable trends? Do you have expensive hobbies? Since you have a huge debt, focus on closing the debt. Find some job that you can handle until you close your debt, save at least 10K$ before you quit the temporary job and move on. Educate yourself about how to manage your money smartly, it's a skill that you can learn and practice. Learn how to limit your monthly expenses, create a plan and stick to it, write every expense in an excel chart. Learn how to distinguish between what is essential (like food, housing, medications, bills) and what is a luxury.
  19. I think that's a good idea, to check the empathy level by technology I don't think either that it would be useful to use violence. I didn't implied to that. But there might be some solution... Or not? I didn't refer to psychopaths as a offensive name to people who I hate or disagree with but to people with some fixed personality traits who are antisocial, not empathetic, manipulative, indifferent to others' suffer, extremely opportunists with superficial chram.
  20. But there are real people around us who have no real empathy for other people, who gain pleasure from others' suffering or are very indifferent to it, and at the same time, they make people around them believe that they have good intentions. It is dangerous to have a real psychopath neighbor but it is much more dangerous to have undercovered psychopaths in power positins. This is probably the case, just by observing our world. I'm glad for them that they are highly intelligent (although I read somewhere that they aren't more intelligent than the average person and even less intelligent), and that they are highly functional or even complex. But society can exist without them. I'm glad that they have the ability to be so cool while making decisions during wars, but why do we need wars at all? And aren't they the types that create those wars in the first place? I don't know much about the Turquoise stage, but I assume this stage wouldn't be destroyed within minutes, since it would integrate stage Red, Blue, Orange, and Yellow very well, so it should be a very powerful country of intelligent, strong and flexible people. Sages who are also warriors and strategy wizards. It does make sense that it's easier to beat the enemy that resembles you, but when you are a whole person who was integrated what we call the 'evil' and the 'good', you have the flexibility to be good with good people, and bad with bad people. I'm sure we are all capable of it in various degrees, depending on the circumstances. It might be useful in emergency cases. For empaths, it's very difficult to cause someone else harms because they literally feel the pain of others. Empaths also have very developed emotions like guilt, shame, and regret, and if they do wrong, their conscientiousness might torture them and prevent them from causing harm in the future. Psychopaths are the complete opposite. They can do harm forever, without feeling any regret and they won't stop until someone stops them. It is more dangerous to have psychopaths in power positions that are responsible for millions of people rather than have empaths with the same responsibility. So you say that humans are doomed to be bullied by other psychopaths humans forever? That there is no hope that it would change? There are assumptions about that, that psychopaths were on check for millions of years. I know it sounds odd, but think about it. For most of our existence as a species, we were at the purple stage, we lived in tribes. What you've described on the cruelty of societies thousands of years ago, is relatively new to our species, although is a natural stage of our evolutionary development. I don't want to idealize stage purple and say that there was no cruelty at all because there probably was. But the conditions of this stage and its characteristics weren't encouraging psychopathic behavior as much as in later stages. In the essence of the structure of a tribe, everyone has to contribute what he or she can, and you must share what you have. You can't hide it because there is no privacy at this stage and also you're dependent on the tribe. If you are too greedy, arrogant, or heartless to your tribe, the tribe simply will abandon you because you're a burden. Psychopaths often tend to be arrogant, greedy, heartless, so that makes sense. I believe that psychopaths began to thrive only when tribes started to fight and trade with each other, (Due to limited territory food and resources) their personality type became essential for the survival of the tribe. I don't argue and it may be the case, 1 psychopath to 200 people sounds a little, but don't forget that they are attracted to power positions and you might find in power positions a higher percentage of them.
  21. Hold your horses people. Those who found it very necessary to mention that they aren't attracted to that (in my lovely empowerment post), fine good for you. We are like 2 parallel lines and luckily we will never meet anyway.
  22. It's sad that many men aren't aware enough of women's struggles. Some of them think that just because women can get laid easily and are more communicative than men, it means women's life is perfect. They are unaware that even those "benefits" create other problems that they as men have no clue about and might never have because they are so stuck in their paradigm of victimhood. They are also unaware and in denial of their own benefits and privileges in society, that women are lack.
  23. Society shouldn't expect women to look young forever, that's so toxic and even humiliating. We all deserve the right to age with grace and to look appropriate to our age without any shame or embarrassment. Thank you for the podcast recommendation, I'll check it. I read the book "Lolita", it wasn't an easy book for me to read, I said to myself that I would read it for the art's sake but it was very difficult for me to even finish it, even masochistic.
  24. Thank you! It is a real turn-off in a man. Women were always hairy, it's a new thing that we started to shave those sensitive places. Thank you for your encouragement and I'm also glad for you! Thanks. It would be enough to take a daily shower and trim the bush from time to time. It is possible to have clean public hair as much as it's possible to have unclean shaved genitals. It all depends on a person's hygienic discipline. This response is unneseccary, come on
  25. Thank you for the encouragement. Definity we shouldn't be "slaves" to a certain thing. I was a slave for shaving for about 15 years and now I want to be a slave for not shaving at all for another 15 years. I'm joking, but seriously, I feel like I'm so sick of shaving. I barely see any advantages from my point of view today. I would use scissors and trim my hair from time to time, but shaving? Not anytime soon.